Class AwsChunkedEncodingInputStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, Releasable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AwsChunkedEncodingInputStream
    extends AwsChunkedInputStream
    A wrapper of InputStream that implements pseudo-chunked-encoding. Each chunk will be buffered for the calculation of the chunk signature which is added at the head of each chunk.
    The default chunk size cannot be customized, since we need to calculate the expected encoded stream length before reading the wrapped stream.
    This class will use the mark() & reset() of the wrapped InputStream if they are supported, otherwise it will create a buffer for bytes read from the wrapped stream.
    • Field Detail


        protected static final byte[] FINAL_CHUNK
      • calculatedChecksum

        protected byte[] calculatedChecksum
      • checksumHeaderForTrailer

        protected final String checksumHeaderForTrailer
      • isTrailingTerminated

        protected boolean isTrailingTerminated
    • Constructor Detail

      • AwsChunkedEncodingInputStream

        protected AwsChunkedEncodingInputStream​(InputStream in,
                                                SdkChecksum sdkChecksum,
                                                String checksumHeaderForTrailer,
                                                AwsChunkedEncodingConfig config)
        Creates a chunked encoding input stream initialized with the originating stream. The configuration allows specification of the size of each chunk, as well as the buffer size. Use the same values as when calculating total length of the stream.
        in - The original InputStream.
        config - The configuration allows the user to customize chunk size and buffer size. See AwsChunkedEncodingConfig for default values.
    • Method Detail

      • mark

        public void mark​(int readlimit)
        The readlimit parameter is ignored.
        mark in class InputStream
      • reset

        public void reset()
                   throws IOException
        Reset the stream, either by resetting the wrapped stream or using the buffer created by this class.
        reset in class InputStream
      • createFinalChunk

        protected abstract byte[] createFinalChunk​(byte[] finalChunk)
        The final chunk.
        finalChunk - The last byte which will be often 0 byte.
        Final chunk that will be appended with CRLF or any required signatures.
      • createChunk

        protected abstract byte[] createChunk​(byte[] chunkData)
        Creates chunk for the given buffer. The chucks could be appended with Signatures or any additional bytes by Concrete classes.
        chunkData - The chunk of original data.
        Chunked data which will have signature if signed or just data if unsigned.
      • createChecksumChunkHeader

        protected abstract byte[] createChecksumChunkHeader()
        ChecksumChunkHeader in bytes based on the Header name field.