Class ClasspathInterceptorChainFactory

  • public final class ClasspathInterceptorChainFactory
    extends Object
    Factory for creating request/response handler chains from the classpath.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClasspathInterceptorChainFactory

        public ClasspathInterceptorChainFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getInterceptors

        public List<ExecutionInterceptor> getInterceptors​(String resource)
        Constructs a new request handler chain by analyzing the specified classpath resource.
        resource - The resource to load from the classpath containing the list of request handlers to instantiate.
        A list of request handlers based on the handlers referenced in the specified resource.
      • getGlobalInterceptors

        public List<ExecutionInterceptor> getGlobalInterceptors()
        Load the global handlers by reading the global execution interceptors resource.