Class BaseSyncClientHandler

    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public <InputT extends SdkRequest,​OutputT extends SdkResponse,​ReturnT> ReturnT execute​(ClientExecutionParams<InputT,​OutputT> executionParams,
                                                                                                           ResponseTransformer<OutputT,​ReturnT> responseTransformer)
        Description copied from interface: SyncClientHandler
        Execute's a streaming web service request. Handles marshalling and unmarshalling of data and making the underlying HTTP call(s).
        Specified by:
        execute in interface SyncClientHandler
        Type Parameters:
        InputT - Input POJO type
        OutputT - Output POJO type
        ReturnT - Transformed result returned by responseTransformer. Returned by this method.
        executionParams - Parameters specific to this invocation of an API.
        responseTransformer - Response handler for a streaming response. Receives unmarshalled POJO and input stream and returns a transformed result.
        Transformed result as returned by responseTransformer.
      • execute

        public <InputT extends SdkRequest,​OutputT extends SdkResponse> OutputT execute​(ClientExecutionParams<InputT,​OutputT> executionParams)
        Description copied from interface: SyncClientHandler
        Execute's a web service request. Handles marshalling and unmarshalling of data and making the underlying HTTP call(s).
        Specified by:
        execute in interface SyncClientHandler
        Type Parameters:
        InputT - Input POJO type
        OutputT - Output POJO type
        executionParams - Parameters specific to this invocation of an API.
        Unmarshalled output POJO type.