Class HttpChecksumValidationInterceptor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class HttpChecksumValidationInterceptor
    extends Object
    implements ExecutionInterceptor
    Interceptor to intercepts Sync and Async responses. The Http Checksum is computed and validated with the one that is passed in the header of the response.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpChecksumValidationInterceptor

        public HttpChecksumValidationInterceptor()
    • Method Detail

      • modifyHttpResponseContent

        public Optional<InputStream> modifyHttpResponseContent​(Context.ModifyHttpResponse context,
                                                               ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes)
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionInterceptor
        Modify the SdkHttpFullRequest before it is unmarshalled into an SdkResponse.

        Note: Unlike many other lifecycle methods, this one may be invoked multiple times. If the RetryPolicy determines the error code returned by the service is retriable, this will be invoked for each response returned by the service.

        Specified by:
        modifyHttpResponseContent in interface ExecutionInterceptor
        context - The current state of the execution, including the SDK and HTTP requests and the current HTTP response.
        executionAttributes - A mutable set of attributes scoped to one specific request/response cycle that can be used to give data to future lifecycle methods.
        The potentially-modified HTTP response that should be given to the unmarshaller. Must not be null.
      • modifyAsyncHttpResponseContent

        public Optional<org.reactivestreams.Publisher<ByteBuffer>> modifyAsyncHttpResponseContent​(Context.ModifyHttpResponse context,
                                                                                                  ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes)
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionInterceptor
        Modify the SdkHttpFullRequest before it is unmarshalled into an SdkResponse.

        Note: Unlike many other lifecycle methods, this one may be invoked multiple times. If the RetryPolicy determines the error code returned by the service is retriable, this will be invoked for each response returned by the service.

        Specified by:
        modifyAsyncHttpResponseContent in interface ExecutionInterceptor
        context - The current state of the execution, including the SDK and HTTP requests and the current HTTP response.
        executionAttributes - A mutable set of attributes scoped to one specific request/response cycle that can be used to give data to future lifecycle methods.
        The potentially-modified HTTP response that should be given to the unmarshaller. Must not be null.