Class HttpChecksumUtils

  • public final class HttpChecksumUtils
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • httpChecksumHeader

        public static String httpChecksumHeader​(String algorithmName)
        algorithmName - Checksum Algorithm Name
        Http Checksum header for a given Algorithm.
      • isStreamingUnsignedPayload

        public static boolean isStreamingUnsignedPayload​(SdkHttpRequest sdkHttpRequest,
                                                         ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes,
                                                         ChecksumSpecs headerChecksumSpecs,
                                                         boolean isContentStreaming)
        The header based Checksum is computed only if following criteria is met - Flexible checksum is not already computed. - - HeaderChecksumSpecs are defined. - Unsigned Payload request.
      • isHeaderBasedSigningAuth

        public static boolean isHeaderBasedSigningAuth​(SigningMethod signingMethodUsed,
                                                       String protocol)
      • isUnsignedPayload

        public static boolean isUnsignedPayload​(SigningMethod signingMethod,
                                                String protocol,
                                                boolean isContentStreaming)
        signingMethod - Signing Method.
        protocol - The http/https protocol.
        true if Payload signing is resolved to Unsigned payload.
      • computeChecksum

        public static byte[] computeChecksum​(InputStream is,
                                             Algorithm algorithm)
                                      throws IOException
        Computes the Checksum of the data in the given input stream and returns it as an array of bytes.
        is - InputStream for which checksum needs to be calculated.
        algorithm - algorithm that will be used to compute the checksum of input stream.
        Calculated checksum in bytes.
        IOException - I/O errors while reading.
      • checksumSpecWithRequestAlgorithm

        public static Optional<ChecksumSpecs> checksumSpecWithRequestAlgorithm​(ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes)
        executionAttributes - Execution attributes defined for the request.
        Optional ChecksumSpec if checksum Algorithm exist for the checksumSpec
      • isHttpChecksumPresent

        public static boolean isHttpChecksumPresent​(SdkHttpRequest sdkHttpRequest,
                                                    ChecksumSpecs checksumSpec)
        Checks if the request header is already updated with Calculated checksum.
        sdkHttpRequest - SdkHttpRequest
        True if the flexible checksum header was already updated.
      • isMd5ChecksumRequired

        public static boolean isMd5ChecksumRequired​(ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes)
      • isTrailerBasedFlexibleChecksumComputed

        public static boolean isTrailerBasedFlexibleChecksumComputed​(SdkHttpRequest sdkHttpRequest,
                                                                     ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes,
                                                                     ChecksumSpecs checksumSpecs,
                                                                     boolean hasRequestBody,
                                                                     boolean isContentStreaming)
        The trailer based Checksum is computed only if following criteria is met - Flexible checksum is not already computed. - Streaming Unsigned Payload defined. - Unsigned Payload request.
      • isTrailerBasedChecksumForClientType

        public static boolean isTrailerBasedChecksumForClientType​(ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes,
                                                                  SdkHttpRequest httpRequest,
                                                                  ClientType clientType,
                                                                  ChecksumSpecs checksumSpecs,
                                                                  boolean hasRequestBody,
                                                                  boolean isContentSteaming)
        executionAttributes - Execution attributes for the request.
        httpRequest - Http Request.
        clientType - Client Type for which the Trailer checksum is appended.
        checksumSpecs - Checksum specs for the request.
        hasRequestBody - Request body.
        True if Trailer checksum needs to be calculated and appended.
      • getAlgorithmChecksumValuePair

        public static Pair<Algorithm,​String> getAlgorithmChecksumValuePair​(SdkHttpResponse sdkHttpResponse,
                                                                                 ChecksumSpecs resolvedChecksumSpecs)
        Loops through the Supported list of checksum for the operation, and gets the Header value for the checksum header.
        sdkHttpResponse - response from service.
        resolvedChecksumSpecs - Resolved checksum specification for the operation.
        Algorithm and its corresponding checksum value as sent by the service.
      • isHttpChecksumValidationEnabled

        public static boolean isHttpChecksumValidationEnabled​(ChecksumSpecs resolvedChecksumSpecs)
        resolvedChecksumSpecs - Resolved checksum specification for the operation.
        True is Response is to be validated for checksum checks.
      • longToByte

        public static byte[] longToByte​(Long input)