Class SdkInputStream

    • Constructor Detail

      • SdkInputStream

        public SdkInputStream()
    • Method Detail

      • getWrappedInputStream

        protected abstract InputStream getWrappedInputStream()
        Returns the underlying input stream, if any, from the subclass; or null if there is no underlying input stream.
      • abortIfNeeded

        protected final void abortIfNeeded()
        Aborts with subclass specific abortion logic executed if needed. Note the interrupted status of the thread is cleared by this method.
        AbortedException - if found necessary.
      • abort

        protected void abort()
                      throws IOException
        Can be used to provide abortion logic prior to throwing the AbortedException. No-op by default.
      • release

        public void release()
        WARNING: Subclass that overrides this method must NOT call super.release() or else it would lead to infinite loop.

        Releases the allocated resource. This method should not be called except by the caller who allocated the resource at the very top of the call stack. This allows, typically, a Closeable resource to be not unintentionally released owing to the calling of the Closeable.close() methods by implementation deep down in the call stack.

        For example, the creation of a ResettableInputStream would entail physically opening a file. If the opened file is meant to be closed only (in a finally block) by the very same code block that created it, then it is necessary that the release method must not be called while the execution is made in other stack frames. In such case, as other stack frames may inadvertently or indirectly call the close method of the stream, the creator of the stream would need to explicitly disable the accidental closing via ResettableInputStream#disableClose(), so that the release method becomes the only way to truly close the opened file.

        Specified by:
        release in interface Releasable