Class BlockingInputStreamAsyncRequestBody

    • Method Detail

      • writeInputStream

        public long writeInputStream​(InputStream inputStream)
        Block the calling thread and write the provided input stream to the downstream service.

        This method will block the calling thread immediately. This means that this request body should usually be passed to the SDK before this method is called.

        This method will return the amount of data written when the entire input stream has been written. This will throw an exception if writing the input stream has failed.

        You can invoke cancel() to cancel any blocked write calls to the downstream service (and mark the stream as failed).

      • cancel

        public void cancel()
        Cancel any running write (and mark the stream as failed).
      • subscribe

        public void subscribe​(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<? super ByteBuffer> s)
        Specified by:
        subscribe in interface org.reactivestreams.Publisher<ByteBuffer>