Class ClockSkewAdjuster

  • @ThreadSafe
    public final class ClockSkewAdjuster
    extends Object
    Suggests a clock skew adjustment that should be applied to future requests.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClockSkewAdjuster

        public ClockSkewAdjuster()
    • Method Detail

      • shouldAdjust

        public boolean shouldAdjust​(SdkException exception)
        Returns true if the clock should be adjusted for future requests.
      • getAdjustmentInSeconds

        public Integer getAdjustmentInSeconds​(SdkHttpResponse response)
        Returns the recommended clock adjustment that should be used for future requests (in seconds). The result has the same semantics of HttpClientDependencies.timeOffset(). Positive values imply the client clock is "fast" and negative values imply the client clock is "slow".