AddPermissionRequest |
AddPermissionResponse |
BatchResultErrorEntry |
Gives a detailed description of failed messages in the batch.
CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest |
The input for the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut action.
CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse |
The response from the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut action.
ConfirmSubscriptionRequest |
Input for ConfirmSubscription action.
ConfirmSubscriptionResponse |
Response for ConfirmSubscriptions action.
CreatePlatformApplicationRequest |
Input for CreatePlatformApplication action.
CreatePlatformApplicationResponse |
Response from CreatePlatformApplication action.
CreatePlatformEndpointRequest |
Input for CreatePlatformEndpoint action.
CreatePlatformEndpointResponse |
Response from CreateEndpoint action.
CreateSmsSandboxPhoneNumberRequest |
CreateSmsSandboxPhoneNumberResponse |
CreateTopicRequest |
Input for CreateTopic action.
CreateTopicResponse |
Response from CreateTopic action.
DeleteEndpointRequest |
Input for DeleteEndpoint action.
DeleteEndpointResponse |
DeletePlatformApplicationRequest |
Input for DeletePlatformApplication action.
DeletePlatformApplicationResponse |
DeleteSmsSandboxPhoneNumberRequest |
DeleteSmsSandboxPhoneNumberResponse |
DeleteTopicRequest |
DeleteTopicResponse |
Endpoint |
The endpoint for mobile app and device.
GetDataProtectionPolicyRequest |
GetDataProtectionPolicyResponse |
GetEndpointAttributesRequest |
Input for GetEndpointAttributes action.
GetEndpointAttributesResponse |
Response from GetEndpointAttributes of the EndpointArn .
GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest |
Input for GetPlatformApplicationAttributes action.
GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse |
Response for GetPlatformApplicationAttributes action.
GetSmsAttributesRequest |
The input for the GetSMSAttributes request.
GetSmsAttributesResponse |
The response from the GetSMSAttributes request.
GetSmsSandboxAccountStatusRequest |
GetSmsSandboxAccountStatusResponse |
GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest |
Input for GetSubscriptionAttributes.
GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse |
Response for GetSubscriptionAttributes action.
GetTopicAttributesRequest |
Input for GetTopicAttributes action.
GetTopicAttributesResponse |
Response for GetTopicAttributes action.
ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest |
Input for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action.
ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse |
Response for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action.
ListOriginationNumbersRequest |
ListOriginationNumbersResponse |
ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest |
The input for the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut action.
ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse |
The response from the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut action.
ListPlatformApplicationsRequest |
Input for ListPlatformApplications action.
ListPlatformApplicationsResponse |
Response for ListPlatformApplications action.
ListSmsSandboxPhoneNumbersRequest |
ListSmsSandboxPhoneNumbersResponse |
ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest |
Input for ListSubscriptionsByTopic action.
ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse |
Response for ListSubscriptionsByTopic action.
ListSubscriptionsRequest |
Input for ListSubscriptions action.
ListSubscriptionsResponse |
Response for ListSubscriptions action
ListTagsForResourceRequest |
ListTagsForResourceResponse |
ListTopicsRequest |
ListTopicsResponse |
Response for ListTopics action.
MessageAttributeValue |
The user-specified message attribute value.
OptInPhoneNumberRequest |
Input for the OptInPhoneNumber action.
OptInPhoneNumberResponse |
The response for the OptInPhoneNumber action.
PhoneNumberInformation |
A list of phone numbers and their metadata.
PlatformApplication |
Platform application object.
PublishBatchRequest |
PublishBatchRequestEntry |
Contains the details of a single Amazon SNS message along with an Id that identifies a message within
the batch.
PublishBatchResponse |
PublishBatchResultEntry |
Encloses data related to a successful message in a batch request for topic.
PublishRequest |
Input for Publish action.
PublishResponse |
Response for Publish action.
PutDataProtectionPolicyRequest |
PutDataProtectionPolicyResponse |
RemovePermissionRequest |
Input for RemovePermission action.
RemovePermissionResponse |
SetEndpointAttributesRequest |
Input for SetEndpointAttributes action.
SetEndpointAttributesResponse |
SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest |
Input for SetPlatformApplicationAttributes action.
SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse |
SetSmsAttributesRequest |
The input for the SetSMSAttributes action.
SetSmsAttributesResponse |
The response for the SetSMSAttributes action.
SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest |
Input for SetSubscriptionAttributes action.
SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse |
SetTopicAttributesRequest |
Input for SetTopicAttributes action.
SetTopicAttributesResponse |
SMSSandboxPhoneNumber |
A verified or pending destination phone number in the SMS sandbox.
SnsException.BuilderImpl |
SnsRequest |
SnsRequest.BuilderImpl |
SnsResponse |
SnsResponse.BuilderImpl |
SnsResponseMetadata |
SubscribeRequest |
Input for Subscribe action.
SubscribeResponse |
Response for Subscribe action.
Subscription |
A wrapper type for the attributes of an Amazon SNS subscription.
Tag |
The list of tags to be added to the specified topic.
TagResourceRequest |
TagResourceResponse |
Topic |
A wrapper type for the topic's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
UnsubscribeRequest |
Input for Unsubscribe action.
UnsubscribeResponse |
UntagResourceRequest |
UntagResourceResponse |
VerifySmsSandboxPhoneNumberRequest |
VerifySmsSandboxPhoneNumberResponse |
The destination phone number's verification status.