Class FunctionalUtils

  • public final class FunctionalUtils
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • noOpConsumer

        public static <T> Consumer<T> noOpConsumer()
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of object to be consumed.
        A Consumer that does nothing.
      • noOpRunnable

        public static Runnable noOpRunnable()
        A Runnable that does nothing.
      • safeConsumer

        public static <I> Consumer<I> safeConsumer​(FunctionalUtils.UnsafeConsumer<I> unsafeConsumer)
        A wrapper around a Consumer that throws a checked exception.
        unsafeConsumer - - something that acts like a consumer but throws an exception
        a consumer that is wrapped in a try-catch converting the checked exception into a runtime exception
      • safeFunction

        public static <T,​R> Function<T,​R> safeFunction​(FunctionalUtils.UnsafeFunction<T,​R> unsafeFunction)
        Takes a functional interface that throws an exception and returns a Function that deals with that exception by wrapping in a runtime exception. Useful for APIs that use the standard Java functional interfaces that don't throw checked exceptions.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Input
        R - Output
        unsafeFunction - Functional interface that throws checked exception.
        New Function that handles checked exception.
      • safeSupplier

        public static <T> Supplier<T> safeSupplier​(FunctionalUtils.UnsafeSupplier<T> unsafeSupplier)
        A wrapper around a BiConsumer that throws a checked exception.
        unsafeSupplier - - something that acts like a BiConsumer but throws an exception
        a consumer that is wrapped in a try-catch converting the checked exception into a runtime exception
      • safeRunnable

        public static Runnable safeRunnable​(FunctionalUtils.UnsafeRunnable unsafeRunnable)
        A wrapper around a Runnable that throws a checked exception.
        unsafeRunnable - Something that acts like a Runnable but throws an exception
        A Runnable that is wrapped in a try-catch converting the checked exception into a runtime exception
      • toFunction

        public static <I,​O> Function<I,​O> toFunction​(Supplier<O> supplier)