Interface SystemSetting

    • Method Detail

      • property

        String property()
        The system property of the setting (or null if there is no property for this setting).
      • environmentVariable

        String environmentVariable()
        The environment variable of the setting (or null if there is no environment variable for this setting).
      • defaultValue

        String defaultValue()
        The default value of the setting (or empty if there is no default). This value will be applied if the customer did not specify a setting.
      • getStringValueFromEnvironmentVariable

        static Optional<String> getStringValueFromEnvironmentVariable​(String key)
        Attempt to load a system setting from System.getenv(String). This should NOT BE USED, so checkstyle will complain about using it. The only reason this is made available is for when we ABSOLUTELY CANNOT support a system property for a specific setting. That should be the exception, NOT the rule. We should almost always provide a system property alternative for all environment variables.
        The requested setting, or Optional.empty() if the values were not set, or the security manager did not allow reading the setting.
      • getStringValueOrThrow

        default String getStringValueOrThrow()
        Load the requested system setting as per the documentation in getStringValue(), throwing an exception if the value was not set and had no default.
        The requested setting.
      • getIntegerValueOrThrow

        default Integer getIntegerValueOrThrow()
        Load the requested system setting as per the documentation in getIntegerValue(), throwing an exception if the value was not set and had no default.
        The requested setting.
      • getBooleanValueOrThrow

        default Boolean getBooleanValueOrThrow()
        Load the requested system setting as per the documentation in getBooleanValue(), throwing an exception if the value was not set and had no default.
        The requested setting.