Class CompletableFutureUtils

    • Method Detail

      • failedFuture

        public static <U> CompletableFuture<U> failedFuture​(Throwable t)
        Convenience method for creating a future that is immediately completed exceptionally with the given Throwable.

        Similar to CompletableFuture#failedFuture which was added in Java 9.

        Type Parameters:
        U - The type of the element.
        t - The failure.
        The failed future.
      • forwardExceptionTo

        public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> forwardExceptionTo​(CompletableFuture<T> src,
                                                                  CompletableFuture<?> dst)
        Forward the Throwable from src to dst.
        src - The source of the Throwable.
        dst - The destination where the Throwable will be forwarded to.
      • forwardTransformedExceptionTo

        public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> forwardTransformedExceptionTo​(CompletableFuture<T> src,
                                                                             CompletableFuture<?> dst,
                                                                             Function<Throwable,​Throwable> transformationFunction)
        Forward the Throwable that can be transformed as per the transformationFunction from src to dst.
        src - The source of the Throwable.
        dst - The destination where the Throwable will be forwarded to
        transformationFunction - Transformation function taht will be applied on to the forwarded exception.
      • forwardResultTo

        public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> forwardResultTo​(CompletableFuture<T> src,
                                                               CompletableFuture<T> dst)
        Completes the dst future based on the result of the src future asynchronously on the provided Executor and return the src future.
        src - The source CompletableFuture
        dst - The destination where the Throwable or response will be forwarded to.
        the src future.
      • forwardResultTo

        public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> forwardResultTo​(CompletableFuture<T> src,
                                                               CompletableFuture<T> dst,
                                                               Executor executor)
        Completes the dst future based on the result of the src future asynchronously on the provided Executor and return the src future.
        src - The source CompletableFuture
        dst - The destination where the Throwable or response will be forwarded to.
        executor - the executor to complete the des future
        the src future.
      • forwardTransformedResultTo

        public static <SourceT,​DestT> CompletableFuture<SourceT> forwardTransformedResultTo​(CompletableFuture<SourceT> src,
                                                                                                  CompletableFuture<DestT> dst,
                                                                                                  Function<SourceT,​DestT> function)
        Completes the dst future based on the result of the src future, synchronously, after applying the provided transformation Function if successful.
        src - The source CompletableFuture
        dst - The destination where the Throwable or transformed result will be forwarded to.
        the src future.
      • joinInterruptibly

        public static <T> T joinInterruptibly​(CompletableFuture<T> future)
      • joinInterruptiblyIgnoringFailures

        public static void joinInterruptiblyIgnoringFailures​(CompletableFuture<?> future)
      • joinLikeSync

        public static <T> T joinLikeSync​(CompletableFuture<T> future)
        Joins (interruptibly) on the future, and re-throws any RuntimeExceptions or Errors just like the async task would have thrown if it was executed synchronously.