Class ComparableUtils

  • public final class ComparableUtils
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • safeCompare

        public static <T> int safeCompare​(Comparable<T> d1,
                                          T d2)
        Does a safe comparison of two Comparable objects accounting for nulls
        d1 - First object
        d2 - Second object
        A positive number if the object double is larger, a negative number if the second object is larger, or 0 if they are equal. Null is considered less than any non-null value
      • minimum

        public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T minimum​(T... values)
        Get the minimum value from a list of comparable vales.
        values - The values from which the minimum should be extracted.
        The minimum value in the list.
      • maximum

        public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T maximum​(T... values)
        Get the maximum value from a list of comparable vales.
        values - The values from which the maximum should be extracted.
        The maximum value in the list.