
package xitrum

Things that are usually used by application developers are put in this package for convenience, because when they want to use XXX, they can simply write:

import xitrum.XXX

To avoid polluting this namespace, things that are utilities should be put in package xitrum.util, not here.

Annotations and validators are put to package xitrum.annation and xitrum.validator because there are many of them. It's better for application developers to write:

import xitrum.annotation._
import xitrum.validator._
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. xitrum
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Action extends RequestEnv with SessionEnv with Log with Net with Filter with BasicAuth with Redirect with Url with Renderer with Responder with I18n

    When there's a request comes in, action extending Action will be run directly on the current Netty IO thread.

    When there's a request comes in, action extending Action will be run directly on the current Netty IO thread. This gives maximum speed when the action is simple and nonblocking.

    See also FutureAction and ActorAction.

  2. trait ActorAction extends Actor with Action

    An actor will be created when there's request.

    An actor will be created when there's request. It will be stopped when: - The connection is closed - The response has been sent by respondText, respondView etc.

    For chunked response, it is not stopped right away. It is stopped when the last chunk is sent.

    See also Action and FutureAction.

  3. class BasicAuthConfig extends AnyRef

  4. abstract class Cache extends AnyRef

    This is the interface for cache implementations of Xitrum.

    This is the interface for cache implementations of Xitrum. All methods do not take callbacks, because cache should be fast. The point of using cache is to become faster. There's no point in using a slow cache.

  5. trait Component extends Action

  6. trait FutureAction extends Action

    Actions extending FutureAction will be run asynchronously in a future.

    Actions extending FutureAction will be run asynchronously in a future. The execution context is xitrum.Config.actorSystem.dispatcher.

    See also Action and ActorAction.

  7. class HttpsConfig extends AnyRef

  8. trait I18n extends AnyRef

  9. trait Log extends AnyRef

    If you don't care about the class name where the log is made, without having to extend this trait, you can call like this directly: xitrum.Log.debug("msg"), xitrum.Log.info("msg") etc.

  10. class MetricsConfig extends AnyRef

  11. class PortConfig extends AnyRef

  12. class RequestConfig extends AnyRef

  13. class RequestVar[T] extends AnyRef

  14. class ResponseConfig extends AnyRef

  15. class ReverseProxyConfig extends AnyRef

  16. class SessionConfig extends AnyRef

  17. class SessionVar[T] extends AnyRef

  18. trait SkipCsrfCheck extends AnyRef

    By default all non-GET requests are checked for anti-CSRF token.

    By default all non-GET requests are checked for anti-CSRF token. Make your controller (normally APIs for machines, e.g. smartphones) extend this trait if you want to skip the check. Subclasses of the controller will also not be checked.

  19. trait SockJsAction extends Actor with Action

    An actor will be created when there's new SockJS session.

    An actor will be created when there's new SockJS session. It will be stopped when the session is closed.

  20. case class SockJsText(text: String) extends Product with Serializable

  21. class StaticFileConfig extends AnyRef

  22. class Version extends AnyRef

  23. trait WebSocketAction extends Actor with Action

    An actor will be created when there's request.

    An actor will be created when there's request. It will be stopped when: - The connection is closed - WebSocket close frame is received or sent

  24. case class WebSocketBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]) extends Product with Serializable

  25. case class WebSocketText(text: String) extends Product with Serializable

  26. class XitrumConfig extends AnyRef

    This represents things in xitrum.conf.

  27. class js extends FutureAction

    To innclude xitrum.js in your view, use: url[xitrum.js].

    To innclude xitrum.js in your view, use: url[xitrum.js].

    @First() @GET( paths = "xitrum/xitrum.js" )

Value Members

  1. object Action

  2. object Cache

  3. object Config

    See config/xitrum.properties

  4. object DualConfig

    Dual config means the config can be in either one of the 2 forms:

    Dual config means the config can be in either one of the 2 forms:

    config { key = a.b.c }


    config { key { "a.b.c" { option1 = value1 option2 = value2 } } }

  5. lazy val Log: Logger

    This is a convenient helper to let you call like this directly: xitrum.Log.debug("msg"), xitrum.Log.info("msg") etc.

    This is a convenient helper to let you call like this directly: xitrum.Log.debug("msg"), xitrum.Log.info("msg") etc.

    If you do care about the class name where the log is made, use trait xitrum.Log.

  6. lazy val Metrics: MetricBuilder

  7. object Server

  8. object WebSocketPing extends Product with Serializable

    Pong is automatically sent by Xitrum, don't send it yourself.

  9. object WebSocketPong extends Product with Serializable

  10. package action

  11. package annotation

  12. package etag

  13. package exception

  14. package handler

  15. package i18n

  16. object js

  17. package local

  18. package metrics

  19. lazy val root: String

    Path to the root directory of the current project.

    Path to the root directory of the current project. If you're familiar with Rails, this is the same as Rails.root.

  20. package routing

  21. package scope

  22. package util

  23. package validator

  24. lazy val version: Version

  25. package view

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
