

package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ApiSupport extends AnyRef

    This traits enables providers to be used by the LoginApi controller.

  2. case class AuthenticationException() extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    An exception thrown when there is an error in the authentication flow

  3. case class AuthenticationMethod(method: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A class representing an authentication method

  4. sealed trait AuthenticationResult extends AnyRef

    An object that represents the different results of the authentication flow

  5. trait Authorization[U] extends AnyRef

    A trait to define Authorization objects that let you hook an authorization implementation in SecuredActions

  6. case class BasicProfile(providerId: String, userId: String, firstName: Option[String], lastName: Option[String], fullName: Option[String], email: Option[String], avatarUrl: Option[String], authMethod: AuthenticationMethod, oAuth1Info: Option[OAuth1Info] = scala.None, oAuth2Info: Option[OAuth2Info] = scala.None, passwordInfo: Option[PasswordInfo] = scala.None) extends GenericProfile with Product with Serializable

    An implementation of the GenericProfile

  7. abstract class Event[U] extends AnyRef

    A trait to model SecureSocial events

  8. abstract class EventListener extends Controller

    The event listener interface

  9. trait GenericProfile extends UserProfile

    A generic profile

  10. abstract class IdentityProvider extends AnyRef

    Base class for all Identity Providers.

  11. case class LoginEvent[U](user: U) extends Event[U] with Product with Serializable

    The event fired when a users logs in

  12. case class LogoutEvent[U](user: U) extends Event[U] with Product with Serializable

    The event fired when a user logs out

  13. trait OAuth1Client extends AnyRef

    A trait that allows mocking the OAuth 1 client

  14. case class OAuth1Info(token: String, secret: String) extends Product with Serializable

    The OAuth 1 details

  15. abstract class OAuth1Provider extends IdentityProvider

    Base class for all OAuth1 providers

  16. trait OAuth2Client extends AnyRef

  17. case class OAuth2Info(accessToken: String, tokenType: Option[String] = scala.None, expiresIn: Option[Int] = scala.None, refreshToken: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    The Oauth2 details

  18. abstract class OAuth2Provider extends IdentityProvider with ApiSupport

    Base class for all OAuth2 providers

  19. case class OAuth2Settings(authorizationUrl: String, accessTokenUrl: String, clientId: String, clientSecret: String, scope: Option[String], authorizationUrlParams: Map[String, String], accessTokenUrlParams: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    The settings for OAuth2 providers.

  20. case class PasswordChangeEvent[U](user: U) extends Event[U] with Product with Serializable

    The event fired when a user changes his password

  21. case class PasswordInfo(hasher: String, password: String, salt: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    The password details

  22. case class PasswordResetEvent[U](user: U) extends Event[U] with Product with Serializable

    The event fired when a user completes a password reset

  23. trait RuntimeEnvironment extends AnyRef

    A runtime environment where the services needed are available

  24. trait SecureSocial extends Controller

    Provides the actions that can be used to protect controllers and retrieve the current user if available.

  25. case class SignUpEvent[U](user: U) extends Event[U] with Product with Serializable

    The event fired when a user sings up with the Username and Password Provider

  26. trait UserProfile extends AnyRef

    A minimal user profile

Value Members

  1. object AuthenticationMethod extends Serializable

    Authentication methods used by the identity providers

  2. object AuthenticationResult

  3. object Event

  4. object Events

    Helper object to fire events

  5. object IdentityProvider

  6. object OAuth1Client

  7. object OAuth1Provider

  8. object OAuth2Client

  9. object OAuth2Constants

  10. object OAuth2Settings extends Serializable

  11. object RuntimeEnvironment

  12. object SecureSocial

  13. object ServiceInfoHelper

  14. package authenticator

  15. package java

  16. package providers

  17. package services

  18. object utils

    Utility methods
