


package config

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ConfTyped extends AnyRef


    Trait that provides a DSL for creating a typed hierarchical configuration object.

    Trait that provides a DSL for creating a typed hierarchical configuration object.

    It provides access to two main abstractions: Conf and Prop


    object MyAppConfig extends ConfTyped {
    val confSource: java.util.Properties = ???
    override val rootPrefix = "com.example"
    object Foo extends Conf("foo") {
    object Bar extends Conf("bar") {
    val baz: String = confSource getProperty Prop("baz")
    val qux: String = confSource getProperty Prop("qux")
    // somewhere in your application
    import MyAppConfig._
    val baz = Foo.Bar.baz // mapped to the key "" in the confSource
    val baz = Foo.Bar.qux // mapped to the key "" in the confSource

    Note that ConfTyped doesn't impose or depend on the way how the configuration values are loaded. It only provides a convenient way to implicitly construct the configuration key names from the nested object structure.

    The key names are obtained by calling Prop("...") method. It returns a full property key name that reflects the nesting structure of the Conf instances' names, concatenated with dot (.) and prefixed with the rootPrefix if one is provided.

    Another example of usage ConfTyped:

    val props = new java.util.Properties with ConfTyped {
    val foo = new Conf("foo") {
    val bar = new Conf("bar") {
    lazy val baz = getProperty(Prop("baz"))
        props.put("", "42")
    println( // prints 42

Value Members

  1. object ConfigurationImplicits


    The object contains extension methods for the Configuration interface.
