Package com.aparapi

Class Kernel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class Kernel extends Object implements Cloneable
A kernel encapsulates a data parallel algorithm that will execute either on a GPU (through conversion to OpenCL) or on a CPU via a Java Thread Pool.

To write a new kernel, a developer extends the Kernel class and overrides the method. To execute this kernel, the developer creates a new instance of it and calls Kernel.execute(int globalSize) with a suitable 'global size'. At runtime Aparapi will attempt to convert the method (and any method called directly or indirectly by into OpenCL for execution on GPU devices made available via the OpenCL platform.

Note that is not called directly. Instead, the Kernel.execute(int globalSize) method will cause the overridden method to be invoked once for each value in the range 0...globalSize.

On the first call to Kernel.execute(int _globalSize), Aparapi will determine the EXECUTION_MODE of the kernel. This decision is made dynamically based on two factors:

  1. Whether OpenCL is available (appropriate drivers are installed and the OpenCL and Aparapi dynamic libraries are included on the system path).
  2. Whether the bytecode of the run() method (and every method that can be called directly or indirectly from the run() method) can be converted into OpenCL.

Below is an example Kernel that calculates the square of a set of input values.

     class SquareKernel extends Kernel{
         private int values[];
         private int squares[];
         public SquareKernel(int values[]){
            this.values = values;
            squares = new int[values.length];
         public void run() {
             int gid = getGlobalID();
             squares[gid] = values[gid]*values[gid];
         public int[] getSquares(){

To execute this kernel, first create a new instance of it and then call execute(Range _range).

     int[] values = new int[1024];
     // fill values array
     Range range = Range.create(values.length); // create a range 0..1024
     SquareKernel kernel = new SquareKernel(values);

When execute(Range) returns, all the executions of have completed and the results are available in the squares array.

     int[] squares = kernel.getSquares();
     for (int i=0; iinvalid input: '<' values.length; i++){
        System.out.printf("%4d %4d %8d\n", i, values[i], squares[i]);

A different approach to creating kernels that avoids extending Kernel is to write an anonymous inner class:

     final int[] values = new int[1024];
     // fill the values array
     final int[] squares = new int[values.length];
     final Range range = Range.create(values.length);

     Kernel kernel = new Kernel(){
         public void run() {
             int gid = getGlobalID();
             squares[gid] = values[gid]*values[gid];
     for (int i=0; iinvalid input: '<' values.length; i++){
        System.out.printf("%4d %4d %8d\n", i, values[i], squares[i]);


Alpha, 21/09/2010
gfrost AMD Javalabs
  • Field Details


      public static final String LOCAL_SUFFIX
      We can use this suffix to 'tag' intended local buffers. So either name the buffer
        int[] buffer_$local$ = new int[1024];
      Or use the Annotation form
        invalid input: '&#64'Local int[] buffer = new int[1024];
      See Also:

      public static final String CONSTANT_SUFFIX
      We can use this suffix to 'tag' intended constant buffers. So either name the buffer
        int[] buffer_$constant$ = new int[1024];
      Or use the Annotation form
        invalid input: '&#64'Constant int[] buffer = new int[1024];
      See Also:

      public static final String PRIVATE_SUFFIX
      We can use this suffix to 'tag' __private buffers.

      So either name the buffer

        int[] buffer_$private$32 = new int[32];
      Or use the Annotation form
        invalid input: '&#64'PrivateMemorySpace(32) int[] buffer = new int[32];
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Kernel

      public Kernel()
  • Method Details

    • run

      public abstract void run()
      The entry point of a kernel.

      Every kernel must override this method.

    • hasFallbackAlgorithm

      public boolean hasFallbackAlgorithm()
      False by default. In the event that all preferred devices fail to execute a kernel, it is possible to supply an alternate (possibly non-parallel) execution algorithm by overriding this method to return true, and overriding executeFallbackAlgorithm(Range, int) with the alternate algorithm.
    • executeFallbackAlgorithm

      public void executeFallbackAlgorithm(Range _range, int _passId)
      If hasFallbackAlgorithm() has been overriden to return true, this method should be overriden so as to apply a single pass of the kernel's logic to the entire _range.

      This is not normally required, as fallback to JavaDevice.THREAD_POOL will implement the algorithm in parallel. However in the event that thread pool execution may be prohibitively slow, this method might implement a "quick and dirty" approximation to the desired result (for example, a simple box-blur as opposed to a gaussian blur in an image processing application).

    • cancelMultiPass

      public void cancelMultiPass()
      Invoking this method flags that once the current pass is complete execution should be abandoned. Due to the complexity of intercommunication between java (or C) and executing OpenCL, this is the best we can do for general cancellation of execution at present. OpenCL 2.0 should introduce pipe mechanisms which will support mid-pass cancellation easily.

      Note that in the case of thread-pool/pure java execution we could do better already, using Thread.interrupt() (and/or other means) to abandon execution mid-pass. However at present this is not attempted.

      See Also:
    • getCancelState

      public int getCancelState()
    • getCurrentPass

      public int getCurrentPass()
      See Also:
    • isExecuting

      public boolean isExecuting()
      See Also:
    • clone

      public Kernel clone()
      When using a Java Thread Pool Aparapi uses clone to copy the initial instance to each thread.

      If you choose to override clone() you are responsible for delegating to super.clone();

    • getKernelState

      public Kernel.KernelState getKernelState()
    • registerProfileReportObserver

      public void registerProfileReportObserver(IProfileReportObserver observer)
      Registers a new profile report observer to receive profile reports as they're produced. This is the method recommended when the client application desires to receive all the execution profiles for the current kernel instance on all devices over all client threads running such kernel with a single observer
      Note1: A report will be generated by a thread that finishes executing a kernel. In multithreaded execution environments it is up to the observer implementation to handle thread safety.
      Note2: To cancel the report subscription just set observer to null value.
      observer - the observer instance that will receive the profile reports
    • getProfileReportLastThread

      public WeakReference<ProfileReport> getProfileReportLastThread(Device device)
      Retrieves a profile report for the last thread that executed this kernel on the given device. A report will only be available if at least one thread executed the kernel on the device.
      Note1: If the profile report is intended to be kept in memory, the object should be cloned with ProfileReport.clone()
      device - the relevant device where the kernel executed
      • the profiling report for the current most recent execution
      • null, if no profiling report is available for such thread
      See Also:
    • getProfileReportCurrentThread

      public WeakReference<ProfileReport> getProfileReportCurrentThread(Device device)
      Retrieves the most recent complete report available for the current thread calling this method for the current kernel instance and executed on the given device.
      Note1: If the profile report is intended to be kept in memory, the object should be cloned with ProfileReport.clone()
      Note2: If the thread didn't execute this kernel on the specified device, it will return null.
      device - the relevant device where the kernel executed
      • the profiling report for the current most recent execution
      • null, if no profiling report is available for such thread
      See Also:
    • getExecutionTime

      public double getExecutionTime()
      Determine the execution time of the previous Kernel.execute(range) called from the last thread that ran and executed on the most recently used device.
      Note1: This is kept for backwards compatibility only, usage of either getProfileReportLastThread(Device) or registerProfileReportObserver(IProfileReportObserver) is encouraged instead.
      Note2: Calling this method is not recommended when using more than a single thread to execute the same kernel, or when running kernels on more than one device concurrently.

      Note that for the first call this will include the conversion time.

      • The time spent executing the kernel (ms)
      • NaN, if no profile report is available
      See Also:
    • getConversionTime

      public double getConversionTime()
      Determine the time taken to convert bytecode to OpenCL for first Kernel.execute(range) call.
      Note1: This is kept for backwards compatibility only, usage of either getProfileReportLastThread(Device) or registerProfileReportObserver(IProfileReportObserver) is encouraged instead.
      Note2: Calling this method is not recommended when using more than a single thread to execute the same kernel, or when running kernels on more than one device concurrently.

      Note that for the first call this will include the conversion time.

      • The time spent preparing the kernel for execution using GPU
      • NaN, if no profile report is available
      See Also:
    • getAccumulatedExecutionTimeCurrentThread

      public double getAccumulatedExecutionTimeCurrentThread(Device device)
      Determine the total execution time of all previous kernel executions called from the current thread, calling this method, that executed the current kernel on the specified device.
      Note1: This is the recommended method to retrieve the accumulated execution time for a single current thread, even when doing multithreading for the same kernel and device.
      Note that this will include the initial conversion time.
      the - device of interest where the kernel executed
      • The total time spent executing the kernel (ms)
      • NaN, if no profiling information is available
      See Also:
    • getAccumulatedExecutionTimeAllThreads

      public double getAccumulatedExecutionTimeAllThreads(Device device)
      Determine the total execution time of all produced profile reports from all threads that executed the current kernel on the specified device.
      Note1: This is the recommended method to retrieve the accumulated execution time, even when doing multithreading for the same kernel and device.
      Note that this will include the initial conversion time.
      the - device of interest where the kernel executed
      • The total time spent executing the kernel (ms)
      • NaN, if no profiling information is available
      See Also:
    • getAccumulatedExecutionTime

      public double getAccumulatedExecutionTime()
      Determine the total execution time of all previous Kernel.execute(range) calls for all threads that ran this kernel for the device used in the last kernel execution.
      Note1: This is kept for backwards compatibility only, usage of getAccumulatedExecutionTimeAllThreads(Device) is encouraged instead.
      Note2: Calling this method is not recommended when using more than a single thread to execute the same kernel on multiple devices concurrently.

      Note that this will include the initial conversion time.
      • The total time spent executing the kernel (ms)
      • NaN, if no profiling information is available
      See Also:
    • execute

      public Kernel execute(Range _range)
      Start execution of _range kernels.

      When kernel.execute(globalSize) is invoked, Aparapi will schedule the execution of globalSize kernels. If the execution mode is GPU then the kernels will execute as OpenCL code on the GPU device. Otherwise, if the mode is JTP, the kernels will execute as a pool of Java threads on the CPU.

      _range - The number of Kernels that we would like to initiate.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • execute

      public Kernel execute(int _range)
      Start execution of _range kernels.

      When kernel.execute(_range) is 1invoked, Aparapi will schedule the execution of _range kernels. If the execution mode is GPU then the kernels will execute as OpenCL code on the GPU device. Otherwise, if the mode is JTP, the kernels will execute as a pool of Java threads on the CPU.

      Since adding the new Range class this method offers backward compatibility and merely defers to return (execute(Range.create(_range), 1));.

      _range - The number of Kernels that we would like to initiate.
    • execute

      public Kernel execute(Range _range, int _passes)
      Start execution of _passes iterations of _range kernels.

      When kernel.execute(_range, _passes) is invoked, Aparapi will schedule the execution of _reange kernels. If the execution mode is GPU then the kernels will execute as OpenCL code on the GPU device. Otherwise, if the mode is JTP, the kernels will execute as a pool of Java threads on the CPU.

      _passes - The number of passes to make
      The Kernel instance (this) so we can chain calls to put(arr).execute(range).get(arr)
    • execute

      public Kernel execute(int _range, int _passes)
      Start execution of _passes iterations over the _range of kernels.

      When kernel.execute(_range) is invoked, Aparapi will schedule the execution of _range kernels. If the execution mode is GPU then the kernels will execute as OpenCL code on the GPU device. Otherwise, if the mode is JTP, the kernels will execute as a pool of Java threads on the CPU.

      Since adding the new Range class this method offers backward compatibility and merely defers to return (execute(Range.create(_range), 1));.

      _range - The number of Kernels that we would like to initiate.
    • execute

      public Kernel execute(String _entrypoint, Range _range)
      Start execution of globalSize kernels for the given entrypoint.

      When kernel.execute("entrypoint", globalSize) is invoked, Aparapi will schedule the execution of globalSize kernels. If the execution mode is GPU then the kernels will execute as OpenCL code on the GPU device. Otherwise, if the mode is JTP, the kernels will execute as a pool of Java threads on the CPU.

      _entrypoint - is the name of the method we wish to use as the entrypoint to the kernel
      The Kernel instance (this) so we can chain calls to put(arr).execute(range).get(arr)
    • execute

      public Kernel execute(String _entrypoint, Range _range, int _passes)
      Start execution of globalSize kernels for the given entrypoint.

      When kernel.execute("entrypoint", globalSize) is invoked, Aparapi will schedule the execution of globalSize kernels. If the execution mode is GPU then the kernels will execute as OpenCL code on the GPU device. Otherwise, if the mode is JTP, the kernels will execute as a pool of Java threads on the CPU.

      _entrypoint - is the name of the method we wish to use as the entrypoint to the kernel
      The Kernel instance (this) so we can chain calls to put(arr).execute(range).get(arr)
    • compile

      public Kernel compile(Device _device) throws CompileFailedException
      Force pre-compilation of the kernel for a given device, without executing it.
      _device - the device for which the kernel is to be compiled
      the Kernel instance (this) so we can chain calls
      CompileFailedException - if compilation failed for some reason
    • compile

      public Kernel compile(String _entrypoint, Device _device) throws CompileFailedException
      Force pre-compilation of the kernel for a given device, without executing it.
      _entrypoint - is the name of the method we wish to use as the entrypoint to the kernel
      _device - the device for which the kernel is to be compiled
      the Kernel instance (this) so we can chain calls
      CompileFailedException - if compilation failed for some reason
    • getKernelMinimumPrivateMemSizeInUsePerWorkItem

      public long getKernelMinimumPrivateMemSizeInUsePerWorkItem(Device device) throws QueryFailedException
      Retrieves that minimum private memory in use per work item for this kernel instance and the specified device.
      device - the device where the kernel is intended to run
      the number of bytes used per work item
      QueryFailedException - if the query couldn't complete
    • getKernelLocalMemSizeInUse

      public long getKernelLocalMemSizeInUse(Device device) throws QueryFailedException
      Retrieves the amount of local memory used in the specified device by this kernel instance.
      device - the device where the kernel is intended to run
      the number of bytes of local memory in use for the specified device and current kernel
      QueryFailedException - if the query couldn't complete
    • getKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple

      public int getKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple(Device device) throws QueryFailedException
      Retrieves the preferred work-group multiple in the specified device for this kernel instance.
      device - the device where the kernel is intended to run
      the preferred work group multiple
      QueryFailedException - if the query couldn't complete
    • getKernelMaxWorkGroupSize

      public int getKernelMaxWorkGroupSize(Device device) throws QueryFailedException
      Retrieves the maximum work-group size allowed for this kernel when running on the specified device.
      device - the device where the kernel is intended to run
      the preferred work group multiple
      QueryFailedException - if the query couldn't complete
    • getKernelCompileWorkGroupSize

      public int[] getKernelCompileWorkGroupSize(Device device) throws QueryFailedException
      Retrieves the specified work-group size in the compiled kernel for the specified device or intermediate language for the device.
      device - the device where the kernel is intended to run
      the preferred work group multiple
      QueryFailedException - if the query couldn't complete
    • isAutoCleanUpArrays

      public boolean isAutoCleanUpArrays()
    • setAutoCleanUpArrays

      public void setAutoCleanUpArrays(boolean autoCleanUpArrays)
      Property which if true enables automatic calling of cleanUpArrays() following each execution.
    • cleanUpArrays

      public void cleanUpArrays()
      Frees the bulk of the resources used by this kernel, by setting array sizes in non-primitive KernelArgs to 1 (0 size is prohibited) and invoking kernel execution on a zero size range. Unlike dispose(), this does not prohibit further invocations of this kernel, as sundry resources such as OpenCL queues are not freed by this method.

      This allows a "dormant" Kernel to remain in existence without undue strain on GPU resources, which may be strongly preferable to disposing a Kernel and recreating another one later, as creation/use of a new Kernel (specifically creation of its associated OpenCL context) is expensive.

      Note that where the underlying array field is declared final, for obvious reasons it is not resized to zero.

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Release any resources associated with this Kernel.

      When the execution mode is CPU or GPU, Aparapi stores some OpenCL resources in a data structure associated with the kernel instance. The dispose() method must be called to release these resources.

      If execute(int _globalSize) is called after dispose() is called the results are undefined.

    • isRunningCL

      public boolean isRunningCL()
    • getTargetDevice

      public final Device getTargetDevice()
    • isAllowDevice

      public boolean isAllowDevice(Device _device)
      true by default, may be overriden to allow vetoing of a device or devices by a given Kernel instance.
    • getExecutionMode

      @Deprecated public Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE getExecutionMode()
      See Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE

      Return the current execution mode. Before a Kernel executes, this return value will be the execution mode as determined by the setting of the EXECUTION_MODE enumeration. By default, this setting is either GPU if OpenCL is available on the target system, or JTP otherwise. This default setting can be changed by calling setExecutionMode().

      After a Kernel executes, the return value will be the mode in which the Kernel actually executed.

      The current execution mode.
      See Also:
    • setExecutionMode

      @Deprecated public void setExecutionMode(Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE _executionMode)
      See Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE

      Set the execution mode.

      This should be regarded as a request. The real mode will be determined at runtime based on the availability of OpenCL and the characteristics of the workload.

      _executionMode - the requested execution mode.
      See Also:
    • setExecutionModeWithoutFallback

      public void setExecutionModeWithoutFallback(Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE _executionMode)
    • setFallbackExecutionMode

      @Deprecated public void setFallbackExecutionMode()
    • getMappedMethodName

      public static String getMappedMethodName(ClassModel.ConstantPool.MethodReferenceEntry _methodReferenceEntry)
    • isMappedMethod

      public static boolean isMappedMethod(ClassModel.ConstantPool.MethodReferenceEntry methodReferenceEntry)
    • isOpenCLDelegateMethod

      public static boolean isOpenCLDelegateMethod(ClassModel.ConstantPool.MethodReferenceEntry methodReferenceEntry)
    • usesAtomic32

      public static boolean usesAtomic32(ClassModel.ConstantPool.MethodReferenceEntry methodReferenceEntry)
    • usesAtomic64

      public static boolean usesAtomic64(ClassModel.ConstantPool.MethodReferenceEntry methodReferenceEntry)
    • setExplicit

      public void setExplicit(boolean _explicit)
      For dev purposes (we should remove this for production) allow us to define that this Kernel uses explicit memory management
      _explicit - (true if we want explicit memory management)
    • isExplicit

      public boolean isExplicit()
      For dev purposes (we should remove this for production) determine whether this Kernel uses explicit memory management
      (true if we kernel is using explicit memory management)
    • put

      public Kernel put(long[] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(long[][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(long[][][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(double[] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(double[][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(double[][][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(float[] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(float[][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(float[][][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(int[] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(int[][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(int[][][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(byte[] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(byte[][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(byte[][][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(char[] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(char[][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(char[][][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(boolean[] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(boolean[][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • put

      public Kernel put(boolean[][][] array)
      Tag this array so that it is explicitly enqueued before the kernel is executed
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(long[] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(long[][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(long[][][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(double[] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(double[][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(double[][][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(float[] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(float[][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(float[][][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(int[] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(int[][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(int[][][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(byte[] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(byte[][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(byte[][][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(char[] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(char[][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(char[][][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(boolean[] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(boolean[][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • get

      public Kernel get(boolean[][][] array)
      Enqueue a request to return this buffer from the GPU. This method blocks until the array is available.
      array -
      This kernel so that we can use the 'fluent' style API
    • getProfileInfo

      public List<ProfileInfo> getProfileInfo()
      Get the profiling information from the last successful call to Kernel.execute().
      A list of ProfileInfo records
    • addExecutionModes

      @Deprecated public void addExecutionModes(Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE... platforms)
      See Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE.

      set possible fallback path for execution modes. for example setExecutionFallbackPath(GPU,CPU,JTP) will try to use the GPU if it fails it will fall back to OpenCL CPU and finally it will try JTP.

    • hasNextExecutionMode

      @Deprecated public boolean hasNextExecutionMode()
      is there another execution path we can try
    • tryNextExecutionMode

      @Deprecated public void tryNextExecutionMode()
      See Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE. try the next execution path in the list if there aren't any more than give up
    • invalidateCaches

      public static void invalidateCaches()