Interface Transformer<N extends Transformer>

Type Parameters:
N - the Transformer implementation.
All Known Subinterfaces:
BeanTransformer, MapTransformer
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTransformer, MapTransformerImpl, TransformerImpl

public interface Transformer<N extends Transformer>
Utility methods for all objects transformation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void removeFieldMapping​(java.lang.String destFieldName)
    Removes the field mapping for the given field.
    void removeFieldTransformer​(java.lang.String destFieldName)
    Removes the field transformer for the given field.
    void reset()
    Removes all the configured settings.
    void resetFieldsMapping()
    Removes all the configured fields mapping.
    void resetFieldsTransformer()
    Removes all the configured fields transformer.
    N withFieldMapping​(FieldMapping... fieldMapping)
    Initializes the mapping between fields in the source object and the destination one.
    N withFieldTransformer​(FieldTransformer... fieldTransformer)
    Initializes the field transformer functions.
  • Method Details

    • withFieldMapping

      N withFieldMapping​(FieldMapping... fieldMapping)
      Initializes the mapping between fields in the source object and the destination one.
      fieldMapping - the field mapping
      the Transformer instance
    • removeFieldMapping

      void removeFieldMapping​(java.lang.String destFieldName)
      Removes the field mapping for the given field.
      destFieldName - the field name in the destination object
    • resetFieldsMapping

      void resetFieldsMapping()
      Removes all the configured fields mapping.
    • withFieldTransformer

      N withFieldTransformer​(FieldTransformer... fieldTransformer)
      Initializes the field transformer functions. The transformer function returns directly the field value.
      fieldTransformer - the fields transformer function
      the Transformer instance
    • removeFieldTransformer

      void removeFieldTransformer​(java.lang.String destFieldName)
      Removes the field transformer for the given field.
      destFieldName - the field name in the destination object
    • resetFieldsTransformer

      void resetFieldsTransformer()
      Removes all the configured fields transformer.
    • reset

      void reset()
      Removes all the configured settings.