Class JWKGenerator<T extends JWK>

    • Field Detail

      • use

        protected KeyUse use
        The key use, optional.
      • alg

        protected Algorithm alg
        The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, optional.
      • kid

        protected String kid
        The key ID, optional.
      • x5tKid

        protected boolean x5tKid
        If true sets the ID of the JWK to the SHA-256 thumbprint of the JWK.
      • exp

        protected Date exp
        The key expiration time, optional.
      • nbf

        protected Date nbf
        The key not-before time, optional.
      • iat

        protected Date iat
        The key issued-at time, optional.
      • keyStore

        protected KeyStore keyStore
        Reference to the underlying key store, null if none.
      • provider

        protected Provider provider
        The JCA provider, null to use the default one.
    • Method Detail

      • keyUse

        public JWKGenerator<TkeyUse​(KeyUse use)
        Sets the use (use) of the JWK.
        use - The key use, null if not specified or if the key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
        This generator.
      • keyOperations

        public JWKGenerator<TkeyOperations​(Set<KeyOperation> ops)
        Sets the operations (key_ops) of the JWK.
        ops - The key operations, null if not specified.
        This generator.
      • algorithm

        public JWKGenerator<Talgorithm​(Algorithm alg)
        Sets the intended JOSE algorithm (alg) for the JWK.
        alg - The intended JOSE algorithm, null if not specified.
        This generator.
      • keyID

        public JWKGenerator<TkeyID​(String kid)
        Sets the ID (kid) of the JWK. The key ID can be used to match a specific key. This can be used, for instance, to choose a key within a JWKSet during key rollover. The key ID may also correspond to a JWS/JWE kid header parameter value.
        kid - The key ID, null if not specified.
        This generator.
      • keyIDFromThumbprint

        public JWKGenerator<TkeyIDFromThumbprint​(boolean x5tKid)
        Sets the ID (kid) of the JWK to its SHA-256 JWK thumbprint (RFC 7638). The key ID can be used to match a specific key. This can be used, for instance, to choose a key within a JWKSet during key rollover. The key ID may also correspond to a JWS/JWE kid header parameter value.
        x5tKid - If true sets the ID of the JWK to the SHA-256 JWK thumbprint.
        This generator.
      • expirationTime

        public JWKGenerator<TexpirationTime​(Date exp)
        Sets the expiration time (exp) of the JWK.
        exp - The expiration time, null if not specified.
        This generator.
      • notBeforeTime

        public JWKGenerator<TnotBeforeTime​(Date nbf)
        Sets the not-before time (nbf) of the JWK.
        nbf - The not-before time, null if not specified.
        This generator.
      • issueTime

        public JWKGenerator<TissueTime​(Date iat)
        Sets the issued-at time (iat) of the JWK.
        iat - The issued-at time, null if not specified.
        This generator.
      • keyStore

        public JWKGenerator<TkeyStore​(KeyStore keyStore)
        Sets the underlying key store. Overrides the JCA provider is set. Note, some JWK generators may not use the JCA key store API.
        keyStore - Reference to the underlying key store, null if none.
        This generator.
      • provider

        public JWKGenerator<Tprovider​(Provider provider)
        Sets the JCA provider for the key generation. Note, some JWK generators may not use the JCA provider API.
        provider - The JCA provider, null to use the default one.
        This generator.
      • secureRandom

        public JWKGenerator<TsecureRandom​(SecureRandom secureRandom)
        Sets the secure random generator to use. Note, some JWK generators may not use the JCA secure random API.
        secureRandom - The secure random generator to use, null to use the default one.
        This generator.
      • generate

        public abstract T generate()
                            throws JOSEException
        Generates the JWK according to the set parameters.
        The generated JWK.
        JOSEException - If the key generation failed.