Class AuthorizationServerEndpointMetadata

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    AuthorizationServerMetadata, OIDCProviderEndpointMetadata

    public class AuthorizationServerEndpointMetadata
    extends Object
    OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Server (AS) metadata for the endpoints.

    Related specifications:

    • OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata (RFC 8414)
    • OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS Client Authentication and Certificate Bound Access Tokens (draft-ietf-oauth-mtls-15)
    • OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests (draft-lodderstedt-oauth-par-00)
    • OAuth 2.0 Device Flow for Browserless and Input Constrained Devices (draft-ietf-oauth-device-flow-14)
    • Method Detail

      • getRegisteredParameterNames

        public static Set<StringgetRegisteredParameterNames()
        Gets the registered provider metadata parameter names for endpoints.
        The registered provider metadata parameter names for endpoints, as an unmodifiable set.
      • getAuthorizationEndpointURI

        public URI getAuthorizationEndpointURI()
        Gets the authorisation endpoint URI. Corresponds the authorization_endpoint metadata field.
        The authorisation endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • setAuthorizationEndpointURI

        public void setAuthorizationEndpointURI​(URI authzEndpoint)
        Sets the authorisation endpoint URI. Corresponds the authorization_endpoint metadata field.
        authzEndpoint - The authorisation endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • getTokenEndpointURI

        public URI getTokenEndpointURI()
        Gets the token endpoint URI. Corresponds the token_endpoint metadata field.
        The token endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • setTokenEndpointURI

        public void setTokenEndpointURI​(URI tokenEndpoint)
        Sts the token endpoint URI. Corresponds the token_endpoint metadata field.
        tokenEndpoint - The token endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • getRegistrationEndpointURI

        public URI getRegistrationEndpointURI()
        Gets the client registration endpoint URI. Corresponds to the registration_endpoint metadata field.
        The client registration endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • setRegistrationEndpointURI

        public void setRegistrationEndpointURI​(URI regEndpoint)
        Sets the client registration endpoint URI. Corresponds to the registration_endpoint metadata field.
        regEndpoint - The client registration endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • getIntrospectionEndpointURI

        public URI getIntrospectionEndpointURI()
        Gets the token introspection endpoint URI. Corresponds to the introspection_endpoint metadata field.
        The token introspection endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • setIntrospectionEndpointURI

        public void setIntrospectionEndpointURI​(URI introspectionEndpoint)
        Sets the token introspection endpoint URI. Corresponds to the introspection_endpoint metadata field.
        introspectionEndpoint - The token introspection endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • getRevocationEndpointURI

        public URI getRevocationEndpointURI()
        Gets the token revocation endpoint URI. Corresponds to the revocation_endpoint metadata field.
        The token revocation endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • setRevocationEndpointURI

        public void setRevocationEndpointURI​(URI revocationEndpoint)
        Sets the token revocation endpoint URI. Corresponds to the revocation_endpoint metadata field.
        revocationEndpoint - The token revocation endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • getRequestObjectEndpoint

        public URI getRequestObjectEndpoint()
        Gets the request object endpoint. Corresponds to the request_object_endpoint metadata field.
        The request object endpoint, null if not specified.
      • setRequestObjectEndpoint

        public void setRequestObjectEndpoint​(URI requestObjectEndpoint)
        Sets the request object endpoint. Corresponds to the request_object_endpoint metadata field.
        requestObjectEndpoint - The request object endpoint, null if not specified.
      • getPushedAuthorizationRequestEndpoint

        public URI getPushedAuthorizationRequestEndpoint()
        Gets the pushed authorisation request endpoint. Corresponds to the pushed_authorization_request_endpoint metadata field.
        The pushed authorisation request endpoint, null if not specified.
      • setPushedAuthorizationRequestEndpoint

        public void setPushedAuthorizationRequestEndpoint​(URI parEndpoint)
        Gets the pushed authorisation request endpoint. Corresponds to the pushed_authorization_request_endpoint metadata field.
        parEndpoint - The pushed authorisation request endpoint, null if not specified.
      • getDeviceAuthorizationEndpointURI

        public URI getDeviceAuthorizationEndpointURI()
        Gets the device authorization endpoint URI. Corresponds the device_authorization_endpoint metadata field.
        The device authorization endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • setDeviceAuthorizationEndpointURI

        public void setDeviceAuthorizationEndpointURI​(URI deviceAuthzEndpoint)
        Sets the device authorization endpoint URI. Corresponds the device_authorization_endpoint metadata field.
        deviceAuthzEndpoint - The device authorization endpoint URI, null if not specified.
      • toJSONObject

        public net.minidev.json.JSONObject toJSONObject()
        Returns the JSON object representation of this OpenID Connect provider metadata.
        The JSON object representation.
      • parse

        public static AuthorizationServerEndpointMetadata parse​(net.minidev.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
                                                         throws ParseException
        Parses an OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Server endpoint metadata from the specified JSON object.
        jsonObject - The JSON object to parse. Must not be null.
        The OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Server endpoint metadata.
        ParseException - If the JSON object couldn't be parsed to an OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Server endpoint metadata.