Class GrantType

    • Field Detail


        public static final GrantType AUTHORIZATION_CODE
        Authorisation code. Client authentication required only for confidential clients.
      • IMPLICIT

        public static final GrantType IMPLICIT
        Implicit. Client authentication is not performed (except for signed OpenID Connect authentication requests).

        public static final GrantType REFRESH_TOKEN
        Refresh token. Client authentication required only for confidential clients.
      • PASSWORD

        public static final GrantType PASSWORD
        Password. Client authentication required only for confidential clients.
      • JWT_BEARER

        public static final GrantType JWT_BEARER
        JWT bearer, as defined in RFC 7523. Explicit client authentication is optional.
      • SAML2_BEARER

        public static final GrantType SAML2_BEARER
        SAML 2.0 bearer, as defined in RFC 7522. Explicit client authentication is optional.

        public static final GrantType DEVICE_CODE
        Device Code, as defined in OAuth 2.0 Device Flow for Browserless and Input Constrained Devices. Explicit client authentication is optional.
      • CIBA

        public static final GrantType CIBA
        Client Initiated Back-channel Authentication (CIBA), as defined in OpenID Connect Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow - Core 1.0. Explicit client authentication is optional.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GrantType

        public GrantType​(String value)
        Creates a new OAuth 2.0 authorisation grant type with the specified value. The client authentication requirement is set to false. So is the client identifier requirement.
        value - The authorisation grant type value. Must not be null or empty string.
    • Method Detail

      • requiresClientAuthentication

        public boolean requiresClientAuthentication()
        Gets the client authentication requirement.
        true if explicit client authentication is always required for this grant type, else false.
      • requiresClientID

        public boolean requiresClientID()
        Gets the client identifier requirement.
        true if a client identifier must always be communicated for this grant type (either as part of the client authentication, or as a parameter in the token request body), else false.
      • getRequestParameterNames

        public Set<StringgetRequestParameterNames()
        Gets the names of the token request parameters specific to this grant type.
        The parameter names, empty set if none.
      • parse

        public static GrantType parse​(String value)
                               throws ParseException
        Parses a grant type from the specified string.
        value - The string to parse.
        The grant type.
        ParseException - If string is null, blank or empty.