Interface ServerRequest

public interface ServerRequest
Represents a server-side HTTP request, as handled by a HandlerFunction. Access to headers and body is offered by ServerRequest.Headers and body(Class), respectively.
Arjen Poutsma
  • Method Details

    • method

      org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method()
      Get the HTTP method.
      the HTTP method as an HttpMethod enum value, or null if not resolvable (e.g. in case of a non-standard HTTP method)
    • methodName

      @Deprecated String methodName()
      in favor of method()
      Get the name of the HTTP method.
      the HTTP method as a String
    • uri

      URI uri()
      Get the request URI.
    • uriBuilder

      org.springframework.web.util.UriBuilder uriBuilder()
      Get a UriBuilderComponents from the URI associated with this ServerRequest.
      a URI builder
    • path

      default String path()
      Get the request path.
    • pathContainer

      @Deprecated default org.springframework.http.server.PathContainer pathContainer()
      as of 5.3, in favor on requestPath()
      Get the request path as a PathContainer.
    • requestPath

      default org.springframework.http.server.RequestPath requestPath()
      Get the request path as a PathContainer.
    • headers

      Get the headers of this request.
    • cookies

      org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<String,Cookie> cookies()
      Get the cookies of this request.
    • remoteAddress

      Optional<InetSocketAddress> remoteAddress()
      Get the remote address to which this request is connected, if available.
    • messageConverters

      List<org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters()
      Get the readers used to convert the body of this request.
    • body

      <T> T body(Class<T> bodyType) throws ServletException, IOException
      Extract the body as an object of the given type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the body type
      bodyType - the type of return value
      the body
    • body

      <T> T body(org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference<T> bodyType) throws ServletException, IOException
      Extract the body as an object of the given type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the body type
      bodyType - the type of return value
      the body
    • attribute

      default Optional<Object> attribute(String name)
      Get the request attribute value if present.
      name - the attribute name
      the attribute value
    • attributes

      Map<String,Object> attributes()
      Get a mutable map of request attributes.
      the request attributes
    • param

      default Optional<String> param(String name)
      Get the first parameter with the given name, if present. Servlet parameters are contained in the query string or posted form data.
      name - the parameter name
      the parameter value
      See Also:
    • params

      org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<String,String> params()
      Get all parameters for this request. Servlet parameters are contained in the query string or posted form data.
      See Also:
    • multipartData

      org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<String,Part> multipartData() throws IOException, ServletException
      Get the parts of a multipart request, provided the Content-Type is "multipart/form-data", or an exception otherwise.
      the multipart data, mapping from name to part(s)
      IOException - if an I/O error occurred during the retrieval
      ServletException - if this request is not of type "multipart/form-data"
      See Also:
    • pathVariable

      default String pathVariable(String name)
      Get the path variable with the given name, if present.
      name - the variable name
      the variable value
      IllegalArgumentException - if there is no path variable with the given name
    • pathVariables

      Map<String,String> pathVariables()
      Get all path variables for this request.
    • session

      HttpSession session()
      Get the web session for this request. Always guaranteed to return an instance either matching to the session id requested by the client, or with a new session id either because the client did not specify one or because the underlying session had expired. Use of this method does not automatically create a session.
    • principal

      Optional<Principal> principal()
      Get the authenticated user for the request, if any.
    • servletRequest

      HttpServletRequest servletRequest()
      Get the servlet request that this request is based on.
    • checkNotModified

      default Optional<ServerResponse> checkNotModified(Instant lastModified)
      Check whether the requested resource has been modified given the supplied last-modified timestamp (as determined by the application). If not modified, this method returns a response with corresponding status code and headers, otherwise an empty result.

      Typical usage:

       public ServerResponse myHandleMethod(ServerRequest request) {
         Instant lastModified = // application-specific calculation
               return request.checkNotModified(lastModified)
                 .orElseGet(() -> {
                   // further request processing, actually building content
                       return ServerResponse.ok().body(...);

      This method works with conditional GET/HEAD requests, but also with conditional POST/PUT/DELETE requests.

      Note: you can use either this #checkNotModified(Instant) method; or checkNotModified(String). If you want to enforce both a strong entity tag and a Last-Modified value, as recommended by the HTTP specification, then you should use checkNotModified(Instant, String).

      lastModified - the last-modified timestamp that the application determined for the underlying resource
      a corresponding response if the request qualifies as not modified, or an empty result otherwise.
    • checkNotModified

      default Optional<ServerResponse> checkNotModified(String etag)
      Check whether the requested resource has been modified given the supplied ETag (entity tag), as determined by the application. If not modified, this method returns a response with corresponding status code and headers, otherwise an empty result.

      Typical usage:

       public ServerResponse myHandleMethod(ServerRequest request) {
         String eTag = // application-specific calculation
               return request.checkNotModified(eTag)
                 .orElseGet(() -> {
                   // further request processing, actually building content
                       return ServerResponse.ok().body(...);

      This method works with conditional GET/HEAD requests, but also with conditional POST/PUT/DELETE requests.

      Note: you can use either this checkNotModified(Instant) method; or #checkNotModified(String). If you want to enforce both a strong entity tag and a Last-Modified value, as recommended by the HTTP specification, then you should use checkNotModified(Instant, String).

      etag - the entity tag that the application determined for the underlying resource. This parameter will be padded with quotes (") if necessary.
      a corresponding response if the request qualifies as not modified, or an empty result otherwise.
    • checkNotModified

      default Optional<ServerResponse> checkNotModified(Instant lastModified, String etag)
      Check whether the requested resource has been modified given the supplied ETag (entity tag) and last-modified timestamp, as determined by the application. If not modified, this method returns a response with corresponding status code and headers, otherwise an empty result.

      Typical usage:

       public ServerResponse myHandleMethod(ServerRequest request) {
         Instant lastModified = // application-specific calculation
         String eTag = // application-specific calculation
               return request.checkNotModified(lastModified, eTag)
                 .orElseGet(() -> {
                   // further request processing, actually building content
                       return ServerResponse.ok().body(...);

      This method works with conditional GET/HEAD requests, but also with conditional POST/PUT/DELETE requests.

      lastModified - the last-modified timestamp that the application determined for the underlying resource
      etag - the entity tag that the application determined for the underlying resource. This parameter will be padded with quotes (") if necessary.
      a corresponding response if the request qualifies as not modified, or an empty result otherwise.
    • create

      static ServerRequest create(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, List<org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageReaders)
      Create a new ServerRequest based on the given HttpServletRequest and message converters.
      servletRequest - the request
      messageReaders - the message readers
      the created ServerRequest
    • from

      static ServerRequest.Builder from(ServerRequest other)
      Create a builder with the status, headers, and cookies of the given request.
      other - the response to copy the status, headers, and cookies from
      the created builder