Class ResourceHandlerRegistry


public class ResourceHandlerRegistry extends Object
Stores registrations of resource handlers for serving static resources such as images, css files and others through Spring MVC including setting cache headers optimized for efficient loading in a web browser. Resources can be served out of locations under web application root, from the classpath, and others.

To create a resource handler, use addResourceHandler(String...) providing the URL path patterns for which the handler should be invoked to serve static resources (e.g. "/resources/**").

Then use additional methods on the returned ResourceHandlerRegistration to add one or more locations from which to serve static content from (e.g. {"/", "classpath:/META-INF/public-web-resources/"}) or to specify a cache period for served resources.

Rossen Stoyanchev
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceHandlerRegistry

      public ResourceHandlerRegistry(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext, ServletContext servletContext)
      Create a new resource handler registry for the given application context.
      applicationContext - the Spring application context
      servletContext - the corresponding Servlet context
    • ResourceHandlerRegistry

      public ResourceHandlerRegistry(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext, ServletContext servletContext, @Nullable org.springframework.web.accept.ContentNegotiationManager contentNegotiationManager)
      Create a new resource handler registry for the given application context.
      applicationContext - the Spring application context
      servletContext - the corresponding Servlet context
      contentNegotiationManager - the content negotiation manager to use
    • ResourceHandlerRegistry

      public ResourceHandlerRegistry(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext, ServletContext servletContext, @Nullable org.springframework.web.accept.ContentNegotiationManager contentNegotiationManager, @Nullable org.springframework.web.util.UrlPathHelper pathHelper)
      A variant of ResourceHandlerRegistry(ApplicationContext, ServletContext, ContentNegotiationManager) that also accepts the UrlPathHelper used for mapping requests to static resources.
  • Method Details

    • addResourceHandler

      public ResourceHandlerRegistration addResourceHandler(String... pathPatterns)
      Add a resource handler to serve static resources. The handler is invoked for requests that match one of the specified URL path patterns.

      Patterns such as "/static/**" or "/css/{filename:\\w+\\.css}" are supported.

      For pattern syntax see PathPattern when parsed patterns are enabled or AntPathMatcher otherwise. The syntax is largely the same with PathPattern more tailored for web usage and more efficient.

    • hasMappingForPattern

      public boolean hasMappingForPattern(String pathPattern)
      Whether a resource handler has already been registered for the given path pattern.
    • setOrder

      public ResourceHandlerRegistry setOrder(int order)
      Specify the order to use for resource handling relative to other HandlerMappings configured in the Spring MVC application context.

      The default value used is Integer.MAX_VALUE-1.

    • getHandlerMapping

      @Nullable protected AbstractHandlerMapping getHandlerMapping()
      Return a handler mapping with the mapped resource handlers; or null in case of no registrations.