Annotation Type TestClass

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface TestClass
    A test class is a collection of test steps that are intended to be used to test a software program. A test class contains one or multiple test steps (annotated by Step). These children are executed sequentially in the order of their declaration.

    The execution of the upcoming steps is cancelled if the execution of one step fails.

    In conjunction with a field which is annotated by IteratedParameter it's possible to use Parallel and ProceedOnFailure as test classes. For a further explanation consult the Javadoc of TestSuite.

    Caution: ProceedOnFailure only refers to multiple executions of the whole test class (caused by a IteratedParameter field). It has no impact on processing upcoming steps if one steps fails. If a step fails, all upcoming steps are always skipped. Classes annotated with TestClass are marked as Spring component and get new fields of the type TapirAssertions and CoreAssertions. The fields are autowired by Spring and marked as Xtend extension.
    Oliver Libutzki <[email protected]>
    See Also:
    ProceedOnFailure, Parallel, TestSuite, Step