Annotation Type Step

  • @Target(METHOD)
    public @interface Step
    Defines a method as a step. Steps are executed sequentially. Each Step annotated method depends on its predecessor. Using this annotation it's possible to force the methods to be executed in the order they are defined in the class.

    The annotation can only be used on methods of classes annotated with TestClass.

    The ordering of methods is not part of Java's bytecode. Therefore it's not possible to determine the order of methods at runtime by using the reflection API. tapir cirvumvents this limitation by annotating the method with DependsOn which links to it's predecessor method.

    Usage example:
     class MyTest {
       def void step1() {
       def void step2() {
    Leads to:
     public class MyTest {
       public void step1() {
       @DependsOn(value = "step1")
       public void step2() {
    Oliver Libutzki <[email protected]>