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add(PageEntry<?>) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
Adds a single page entry
add(List<PageEntry<?>>) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
Adds a list of entries
add(Section) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
Adds a whole section to the page
add(PageEntry<?>) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Section.ModifiableHeaderSection
Adds an page entry to this section
add(List<PageEntry<?>>) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Section.ModifiableHeaderSection
Adds a list of page entries to this section
add(Section) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Section.ModifiableHeaderSection
Adds the content (as retrieved with Section.asEntryList()) to this section
addAction(Page, ButtonDefinition) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PageUtil
addAction(Page, ButtonDefinition, ButtonDefinition) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PageUtil
addHeader(Page, CharSequence) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PageUtil
addNewPage() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
Adds a new page to the internal list with default title
addNewPage(String) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
Adds a new page to the internal list with given title
addProperty(Page, CharSequence, DynamicValue<String>) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PageUtil
addProperty(Page, CharSequence, String) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PageUtil
addViewPagerChangeListener(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
ArbitraryTapListener - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util
This an listener which can be used to require more than x taps before the View.OnClickListener will be triggered
ArbitraryTapListener(int, View.OnClickListener) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.ArbitraryTapListener
Creates a new tap listener, wraps an View.OnClickListener
ArbitraryTapListener() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.ArbitraryTapListener
Creates an listener that will never consume the event
asEntryList() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Section
at.favre.lib.hood - package at.favre.lib.hood
at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces - package at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions - package at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions
at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values - package at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values
at.favre.lib.hood.util - package at.favre.lib.hood.util
at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults - package at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults
at.favre.lib.hood.view - package at.favre.lib.hood.view
autoLog - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config
autoRefresh - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config
autoRefreshIntervalMs - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config


Backend - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util
Default implementation for a Backend - can be used with DefaultConfigActions as backend spinner element.
Backend(int, String, int) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.Backend
BLOCKED - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PermissionTranslator
BoolConfigAction - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions
The abstraction of the switch containing a label (as shown in ui) and a changeable value representing the boolean switch value.
BoolConfigAction(String, ChangeableValue<Boolean, Boolean>) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.BoolConfigAction
build() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config.Builder
ButtonDefinition - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions
An action containing a name (button text) and a click-listener used for the button
ButtonDefinition(String, OnClickAction) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.ButtonDefinition
byteToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.HoodUtil


changeableValue - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.BoolConfigAction
changeableValue - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.SingleSelectListConfigAction
ChangeableValue<T,E> - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values
As en enhancement to DynamicValue a value that can also be changed (e.g. like a value in SharedPreferences.
Config - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
Config.Builder - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
constructView(ViewGroup, LayoutInflater) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTemplate
Construct the view that represents the entry from scratch.
createActionEntry(ButtonDefinition) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Single column action
createActionEntry(ButtonDefinition, ButtonDefinition) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Two columns with 2 different actions in a row
createApkStateInfo(PackageInfo) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Includes info about when and where the apk was installed
createArbitraryTapListener(int, View.OnClickListener) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
A click listener for arbitrary sequences of taps (ie. for double-tap).
createDetailedDeviceInfo(Activity) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Additional device info
createFromMap(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Converts an arbitrary map to page-entries.
createFullLabel(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
createHeaderEntry(CharSequence) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates a header entry
createHeaderEntry(CharSequence, boolean) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates a header entry
createHoodApi() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Factory
createHoodApiExtension() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Factory
createInternalProcessDebugInfo(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Very technical memory & classloader process states - this data is usually very volatile
createMessageEntry(CharSequence) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates a simple, non-interactive text message
createOnClickActionAskPermission(String, Activity) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
createOnClickActionDialog() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
createOnClickActionStartIntent(Intent) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
createOnClickActionToast() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
createPages(Config) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates a new Pages object that can be used to fill with Page
createPmActivitiesInfo(PackageInfo) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Lists all defined activities with additional meta-data
createPmApkVersionInfo(PackageInfo) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Includes info about when and where the apk was installed
createPmBroadcastReceiversInfo(PackageInfo) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Lists all defined broadcast receivers with additional meta-data
createPmDeclaredSystemFeatureInfo(Context, PackageInfo) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Creates entries for all declared system features (see Manifest <uses-feature> tags) Uses DefaultProperties.createSystemFeatureInfo(Context, Map) call.
createPmPermissionInfo(Context, PackageInfo, boolean) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Returns page-entry for each defined permission in the app (the passed activity belongs to).
createPmProviderInfo(PackageInfo) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Lists all defined providers with additional meta-data
createPmServiceInfo(PackageInfo) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Lists all defined services with additional meta-data
createPmSignatureHashInfo(PackageInfo) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Creates page-entries for all the apks signatures and shows sh256 hash of it
createPropertiesEntries(Properties) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Converts a Properties object to page-entries
createPropertyEntry(CharSequence, DynamicValue<String>, OnClickAction, boolean) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates Key-Value style page entry.
createPropertyEntry(CharSequence, DynamicValue<String>, boolean) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates Key-Value style page entry.
createPropertyEntry(CharSequence, DynamicValue<String>) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates Key-Value style page entry.
createPropertyEntry(CharSequence, String, OnClickAction, boolean) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates Key-Value style page entry with a static value.
createPropertyEntry(CharSequence, String, boolean) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates Key-Value style page entry with a static value.
createPropertyEntry(CharSequence, String) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates Key-Value style page entry with a static value.
createSection(String) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
Creates an empty Section with given header element
createSection(String, List<PageEntry<?>>) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
Creates an section with given header an page entry elements
createSection(Context) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Same as PackageInfoAssembler.createSection(Context, boolean) but will include all sub headers
createSection(Context, boolean) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Creates a section containing all requested types with or without sub headers for each type.
createSectionAndroidDebugSettings(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
createSectionAppVersionInfoFromBuildConfig(Class<?>) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Traverses the static fields of given class (which must be of Type BuildConfig) and parses the main fields that is create by the android gradle plugin (ie. version, app_id, etc.)
createSectionBasicDeviceInfo() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Returns entries of some basic device data like model number and sdk version.
createSectionBatteryInfo(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Creates a section with current battery status and health
createSectionConnectivityStatusInfo(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Get current state of various connectivity adapters (network, wifi, bt, nfc,...).
createSectionConnectivityStatusInfo(Context, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
createSectionRuntimePermissions(Activity, List<String>) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Returns for each provided permission a page-entry containing the current dynamic state (granted, denied, etc.) including click actions to request the permission.
createSectionSourceControlAndCI(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Convenience to create a CI and source control section.
createSectionStrictMode() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Adds info for current StrictMode config.
createSectionTelephonyManger(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Returns a list of the most important TelephonyManager states and ids.
createSpinnerEntry(SingleSelectListConfigAction) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates a single-select from list entry (ie. spinner or drop-down list)
createStaticFieldsInfo(Class<?>) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Traverses the static fields of given arbitrary class.
createSwitchEntry(BoolConfigAction) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI
Creates an interactive switch like entry
createSystemFeatureInfo(Context, Map<CharSequence, String>) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
Convince feature to add state of multiple system features.
createUnmodifiablePages(Pages) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
Wraps given pages in an unmodifiable wrapper
createViewTemplate() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.PageEntry
Creates a new ViewTemplate object
CustomDialog(Context, CharSequence, String, String) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.view.KeyValueDetailDialogs.CustomDialog


DebugCrashException - Exception in at.favre.lib.hood.util
Simple synthetic exception used to crash the app for debugging proposes
DebugCrashException() - Constructor for exception at.favre.lib.hood.util.DebugCrashException
decorateViewWithZebra(View, int, boolean) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTemplate
Given a non-null view of the same view-type, update the view's background to facilitate a "zebra" effect (even-odd coloring)
Default(String, String) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.SpinnerElement.Default
DefaultButtonDefinitions - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults
A couple of default action implementations used with HoodAPI.createActionEntry(ButtonDefinition)
DefaultButtonDefinitions() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
DefaultConfigActions - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults
Default implementations for Config* type entries
DefaultConfigActions() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultConfigActions
DefaultMiscActions - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults
Some default actions (also used in other Default* classes)
DefaultMiscActions() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultMiscActions
DefaultProperties - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults
A set of methods that returns default HoodAPI.createPropertyEntry(CharSequence, DynamicValue) type page entries.
DefaultProperties() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultProperties
DefaultStaticValue(T) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.DynamicValue.DefaultStaticValue
DENIED - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PermissionTranslator
DeviceStatusUtil - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util
Reads and abstracts Android OS device states (wifi, bt, etc.)
DeviceStatusUtil() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.DeviceStatusUtil
DeviceStatusUtil.ConnectionState - Enum in at.favre.lib.hood.util
DeviceStatusUtil.Status - Enum in at.favre.lib.hood.util
DialogFragmentWrapper() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.view.KeyValueDetailDialogs.DialogFragmentWrapper
DynamicValue<T> - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values
Used for a value that might change (e.g. connectivity status).
DynamicValue.Async<T> - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values
Marker interface that tells the logic to fetch the value async in the background
DynamicValue.DefaultStaticValue<T> - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values
Used for static values in APIs where dynamic and static values are supported


equals(Object) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.SpinnerElement.Default
ext() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.Hood
Gets the extension API.


get() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.Hood
Gets the main API.
getAirplaneModeSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getAll() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
Returns the actual reference, not a copy.
getAllPossibleValues() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.ValueSet
getAppInfoAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
Will open the app's OS info screen
getAppInfoIntent(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultMiscActions
Raw intent to open app's info menu
getAppUninstallIntent(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultMiscActions
Raw intent to open app's uninstall prompt
getBatterySaverSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getBatterySummarySettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getBluetoothStatus(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.DeviceStatusUtil
Current BT hardware state.
getBoolSharedPreferencesConfigAction(SharedPreferences, String, boolean) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultConfigActions
getBoolSharedPreferencesConfigAction(SharedPreferences, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultConfigActions
getClearAppDataAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
Will open a prompt to ask the user if he/she wants to clear the whole app data or null if SDK < 19
getConditionally(T, boolean) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.HoodUtil
getConfig() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
The config should be passed to this class
getConfig() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
The config should be passed to this class
getCrashAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
Will through a runtime exception (to test crash recovery of the app)
getCurrentLocale(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.HoodUtil
getCurrentPagesFromThisView() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodController
The default implementation would be to return HoodDebugPageView.getPages()
getDateSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getDefaultSharedPrefBackedSpinnerAction(String, SharedPreferences, String, String, List<SpinnerElement>) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultConfigActions
getDeviceInfoSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getDevSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getDisplaySettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getEntries() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Section.ModifiableHeaderSection
getFirstPage() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
Same as Pages.getPage(int) with parameter 0, but throws exception, ie. making it null safe.
getGenericAndroidSettingsAction(String, String, Integer) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
Will open an Android setting
getGlobalSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getId() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.SpinnerElement.Default
getId() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.SpinnerElement
Stable id used for identifying this element
getInputModeSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getInstalledAppSettings() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getKillProcessAction(Activity) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
Will kill all associated processes (similar behavior as force-stop in the app's info menu) and therefor forcefully ends the app
getName() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.SpinnerElement.Default
getName() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.SpinnerElement
Human readable label used in UI
getNetworkConnectivityState(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.DeviceStatusUtil
The current network (ie. internet) connectivity state.
getNfcPaymentSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getNfcSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getNfcState(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.DeviceStatusUtil
Current NFC hardware state.
getPage(int) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
Retrieves a page for the specific index
getPages() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
+ Gets an immutable copy of the pages object provided by HoodDebugPageView.setPageData(Pages)
getPermissionStatus(Activity, String) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PermissionTranslator
Gets the current status.
getPort() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.Backend
getSecuritySettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getSetLockScreenAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
Will open the "Set lock screen" wizard of the OS
getStorageSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getSyncSettingsAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
getTabs() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
The tabs view.
getTemplateForViewType(int) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
Gets the view-template for the ViewTemplate.getViewType().
getTitle() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
A title for a page can be set.
getTouchInterceptorListener() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
getUninstallAction() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultButtonDefinitions
Will start the OS' uninstall activity for this app
getUrl() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.Backend
getValue() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.PageEntry
getValue() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.DynamicValue.DefaultStaticValue
getValue() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.DynamicValue
getViewPager() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
The internal viewpager for full control over the view.
getViewType() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTemplate
Similar to RecyclerView.Adapter#getItemViewType return a view-type to be able to recognize which views can be recycled.
getWifiStatus(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.DeviceStatusUtil
Current Wifi hardware state.
GRANTED - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PermissionTranslator
GRANTED_ON_INSTALL - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PermissionTranslator


hashCode() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.SpinnerElement.Default
Hood - Class in at.favre.lib.hood
This is the main API.
HoodAPI - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
The main API for the lib.
HoodAPI.Extension - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
Extension of the API to allow creation of Section and OnClickAction for PageEntry
HoodAPI.Factory - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
HoodController - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.view
Used by some classes to call methods on the view's current Pages instanced.
HoodDebugPageView - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.view
The view encapsulating the rendering logic of a Page.
HoodDebugPageView(Context) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
HoodDebugPageView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
HoodDebugPageView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
HoodUtil - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util
HoodUtil() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.HoodUtil
humanReadableByteCount(long, boolean) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.HoodUtil


isLibEnabled() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.Hood
This will return false if the no-op flavour is used.
isSupported() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.ManagerControl


KeyValueDetailDialogs - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.view
Dialogs used as detail view in at.favre.lib.hood.internal.entries.KeyValueEntry.
KeyValueDetailDialogs() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.view.KeyValueDetailDialogs
KeyValueDetailDialogs.CustomDialog - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.view
Custom view dialog
KeyValueDetailDialogs.DialogFragmentWrapper - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.view
DialogFragment Wrapper for the dialog
KeyValueDetailDialogs.LogRunnable - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.view
KeyValueDetailDialogs.NativeDialog - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.view
Basic, native styled dialog
killProcessesAround(Activity) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultMiscActions
Kills all associated processes


label - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.BoolConfigAction
label - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.ButtonDefinition
label - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.SingleSelectListConfigAction
log(String) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
The default implementation of what should happen when a component wants to log something.
logImpl(String) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.view.KeyValueDetailDialogs.LogRunnable
logPage() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
Logs the whole page data
logPages() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
Logs the whole page data
logTag - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config


ManagerControl - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions
Used for listener or similar to stop
millisToDaysHoursMinString(long) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.HoodUtil
Convert a millisecond duration to a string format


NativeDialog(Context, CharSequence, String, String) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.view.KeyValueDetailDialogs.NativeDialog
newBuilder() - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config
newInstance(CharSequence, String) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.KeyValueDetailDialogs.DialogFragmentWrapper


omitErrorMessage() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Section.HeaderSection
Suppresses a possible shown error message in UI
onAttach(Context) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.KeyValueDetailDialogs.DialogFragmentWrapper
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
onChange(E) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.ChangeableValue
Given a value change the internal status.
onClick(View, Map.Entry<CharSequence, String>) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.OnClickAction
Clicked on an View type element
onClickAction - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.ButtonDefinition
OnClickAction - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions
Used to define what should happen on click
onCreateDialog(Bundle) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.KeyValueDetailDialogs.DialogFragmentWrapper
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
onTouch(View, MotionEvent) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.ArbitraryTapListener


PackageInfoAssembler - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util
Helper class to assemble packageManager packageInfo data for different configurations;
PackageInfoAssembler(PackageInfoAssembler.Type, PackageInfoAssembler.Type...) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Same as PackageInfoAssembler constructor, but will use the current's packageName
PackageInfoAssembler(String, PackageInfoAssembler.Type, PackageInfoAssembler.Type...) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler
Creates and configures a new assembler which uses given types as request for the info to return in PackageInfoAssembler.createSection(Context, boolean).
PackageInfoAssembler.Type - Enum in at.favre.lib.hood.util
Page - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
Represents the model of a full page containing all entries.
PageEntry<T> - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
One entry in a Page containing a generic value.
Pages - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
PageUtil - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util
Convenience methods for modifying pages.
PageUtil() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PageUtil
PermissionTranslator - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util
Gets current runtime permission status
PermissionTranslator() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.PermissionTranslator
PermissionTranslator.PermissionState - Annotation Type in at.favre.lib.hood.util
promptUserToClearData(Context) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.defaults.DefaultMiscActions
Starts an AlertDialog prompt and if accepted will clear the app's data or just opens the app's info menu if SDK < 19


refresh() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.PageEntry
This should refresh the UI content.
refresh() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
Refreshes all dynamic values
refreshData() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
Calls PageEntry.refresh() on every entry.
refreshData() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
Calls PageEntry.refresh() on every entry.
registerShakeToOpenDebugActivity(Context, Intent) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.HoodAPI.Extension
Creates a shake listener that will start the activity for given intent.
removeEntries() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Page
Clears all the entries
removeHeader() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Section.HeaderSection


Section - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
A section is a bunch of PageEntry with some additional business logic (e.g. adding/removing header) for convenience and to easily handle groups of page entries.
Section.HeaderSection - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
Simple extension permitting builder-like remove of header and error messages
Section.ModifiableHeaderSection - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
Extension of Section.HeaderSection adding mutators
setAutoLog(boolean) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config.Builder
If true will automatically log the whole page content to console when the view is instantiated.
setAutoRefresh(boolean) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config.Builder
If true will auto refresh the view
setAutoRefresh(boolean, long) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config.Builder
If true will auto refresh the view.
setContent(T, View) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTemplate
Given a non-null view of the same view-type, update the view with the given value.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Section.ModifiableHeaderSection
Sets an error message that will be shown in UI
setHeader(String) - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Section.ModifiableHeaderSection
Sets an header element to this section, overwritting an possible existing one
setLogImpl(KeyValueDetailDialogs.LogRunnable) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.KeyValueDetailDialogs.CustomDialog
setLogTag(String) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config.Builder
Sets the tag which is used to log debug data to console (see Log.w(String, String)
setPageData(Pages) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
Sets the page data (required to for the ui to show anything)
setProgressBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
Sets a progressbar visible/invisible depending on param and blocks UI interactions if is visible
setShowHighlightContent(boolean) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config.Builder
UI highlighting content area with zebra color
setShowPagesIndicatorOnMultiplePages(boolean) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config.Builder
Enables or disables the viewpager page indicator (only visible if more than one page)
setShowZebra(boolean) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config.Builder
UI showing zebra pattern (highlighting every other row)
setTabsElevation(int) - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
Sets the elevation (aka shadow) to the viewpager's tabs (if it is shown).
setZebraToView(View, int, boolean) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.view.HoodDebugPageView
showHighlightContent - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config
showPagesIndicator - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config
showZebra - Variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Config
SingleSelectListConfigAction - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions
Defines the ui label and list elements (as well as how changing it will be handled
SingleSelectListConfigAction(String, SpinnerValue<List<SpinnerElement>, SpinnerElement>) - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.SingleSelectListConfigAction
size() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.Pages
The count of contained pages
SpinnerElement - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values
Wrapper of a spinner element containing a name used in UI and an id
SpinnerElement.Default - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values
SpinnerValue<T extends java.util.Collection,E> - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values
A spinner (dropdown list) value, which has the list of all values and a changeable-value
start() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.ManagerControl
Start the current listener or continuous action
stop() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.actions.ManagerControl
Stops the current listener or continuous action


toLogString() - Method in interface at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.PageEntry
If this entry does not need to log its content (e.g. if it just represents a "spacer") may return null.
toSimpleDateTimeFormat(long) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.HoodUtil
toString() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values.SpinnerElement.Default
toString() - Method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.Backend
translateBatteryHealth(int) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.TypeTranslators
translateBatteryPlugged(int) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.TypeTranslators
translateBatteryStatus(int) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.TypeTranslators
translatePermissionState(int) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.TypeTranslators
translatePMInstallLocation(int) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.TypeTranslators
translateSimState(int) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.TypeTranslators
translateTelephonyNetworkType(int) - Static method in class at.favre.lib.hood.util.TypeTranslators
TypeTranslators - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.util
Translates Android int states to human-readable Strings
TypeTranslators() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.util.TypeTranslators


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum at.favre.lib.hood.util.DeviceStatusUtil.ConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum at.favre.lib.hood.util.DeviceStatusUtil.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum at.favre.lib.hood.util.DeviceStatusUtil.ConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum at.favre.lib.hood.util.DeviceStatusUtil.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum at.favre.lib.hood.util.PackageInfoAssembler.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueSet<T extends java.util.Collection> - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.values
A set of values
ViewTemplate<T> - Interface in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
Used by the internal adapter as abstraction to a RecyclerView.ViewHolder
VIEWTYPE_ACTION - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTypes
VIEWTYPE_ACTION_DOUBLE - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTypes
VIEWTYPE_CONFIG_BOOL - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTypes
VIEWTYPE_CONFIG_SPINNER - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTypes
VIEWTYPE_HEADER - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTypes
VIEWTYPE_KEYVALUE - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTypes
VIEWTYPE_KEYVALUE_MULTILINE - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTypes
VIEWTYPE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTypes
ViewTypes - Class in at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces
All pre-defined view-types used for ViewTemplate.getViewType() in at.favre.lib.hood.internal
ViewTypes() - Constructor for class at.favre.lib.hood.interfaces.ViewTypes
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