



package reporter

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ClassicFormat extends DefaultReporterFormat
  2. trait ConfigurableReporter extends AnyRef

    Interface for a reporter that has a configuration.

    Interface for a reporter that has a configuration. This is the API visible from a ReporterFormat.

  3. class DefaultReporterFormat extends ReporterFormat

    Default format for reporter.

  4. final case class Problem extends xsbti.Problem with Product with Serializable

    Describes a problem (error, warning, message, etc.) given to the reporter.

  5. final class Reporter extends xsbti.Reporter with ConfigurableReporter

    A flexible reporter whose configuration is provided by a ReporterConfig.

    A flexible reporter whose configuration is provided by a ReporterConfig. This configuration indicated whether to use colors, how to format messages, etc.

  6. final case class ReporterConfig(colors: Boolean, shortenPaths: Boolean, columnNumbers: Boolean, reverseOrder: Boolean, showLegend: Boolean, errorColor: String, warningColor: String, infoColor: String, debugColor: String, sourcePathColor: String, errorIdColor: String, format: (ConfigurableReporter) ⇒ ReporterFormat) extends Product with Serializable

    General configuration for the formats.

    General configuration for the formats. Formats are supposed to be opinionated, and they are free to ignore any of those settings.

  7. abstract class ReporterFormat extends AnyRef

    Describes how messages should be formatted by a ConfigurableReporter.

  8. class ScalacFormat extends ReporterFormat

    A format that mimics that of scalac.

    A format that mimics that of scalac. Adapted from sbt.LoggerReporter Copyright 2002-2009 LAMP/EPFL see LICENSE_Scala Original author: Martin Odersky

Value Members

  1. object ClassicFormat extends (ConfigurableReporter) ⇒ ReporterFormat
  2. object DefaultReporterFormat extends (ConfigurableReporter) ⇒ ReporterFormat

    Helper object for easy configuration.

  3. object ReporterConfig extends Serializable
  4. object ScalacFormat extends (ConfigurableReporter) ⇒ ReporterFormat
