
package v0

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. v0
  2. Api
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. implicit class XtensionOptionPatch extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  2. implicit class XtensionScalafixProductInspect extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  3. implicit class XtensionSeqPatch extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  4. type CustomMessage[T] = config.CustomMessage[T]
    Definition Classes
  5. final case class Database(documents: Seq[Document]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. final case class Denotation(flags: Long, name: String, signature: String, names: List[ResolvedName]) extends HasFlags with Product with Serializable
  7. type Diagnostic = lint.Diagnostic
    Definition Classes
  8. final case class Document(input: Input, language: String, names: List[ResolvedName], messages: List[Message], symbols: List[ResolvedSymbol], synthetics: List[Synthetic]) extends Product with Serializable
  9. trait Flags extends AnyRef
  10. trait HasFlags extends AnyRef
  11. final case class LintCategory(id: String, explanation: String, severity: LintSeverity) extends Product with Serializable

    A unique identifier for one kind of a linter message.

    A unique identifier for one kind of a linter message.


    a string ID for this message, typically the name of the assigned variable. If id is empty, then the name of the rewrite reporting this LintCategory is used as id.


    An optional explanation for this kind of message.


    The default category this message should get reported to. Note that users can configure/override the default category.

  12. final case class LintMessage(message: String, position: scala.meta.Position, category: LintCategory) extends Diagnostic with Product with Serializable

    An observation of a LintCategory at a particular position

    An observation of a LintCategory at a particular position


    The message to display to the user. If empty, LintID.explanation is used instead.


    Optionally place a caret under a location in a source file. For an empty position use Position.None.


    the LintCategory associated with this message.

  13. final case class Message(position: Position, severity: Severity, text: String) extends Product with Serializable
  14. type Patch = patch.Patch
    Definition Classes
  15. final case class ResolvedName(position: Position, symbol: Symbol, isDefinition: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  16. final case class ResolvedSymbol(symbol: Symbol, denotation: Denotation) extends Product with Serializable
  17. abstract class Rule extends AnyRef

    A Scalafix Rule.

    A Scalafix Rule.

    To provide automatic fixes for this rule, override the fix method. Example:

    object ReverseNames extends Rule("ReverseNames") {
      override def fix(ctx: RuleCtx) =
        ctx.tree.collect {
          case name @ Name(value) => ctx.replaceTree(name, value.reverse)

    To report violations of this rule (without automatic fix), override the check method. Example:

    // example syntactic linter
    object NoNulls extends Rule("NoNulls") {
      val error = LintCategory.error("Nulls are not allowed.")
      override def check(ctx: RuleCtx): List[Diagnostic] = ctx.tree.collect {
        case nil @ q"null" =>
  18. trait RuleCtx extends PatchOps
  19. type RuleName = rule.RuleName
    Definition Classes
  20. abstract class SemanticRule extends Rule
  21. trait SemanticdbIndex extends SemanticContext

    An index for looking up data in a scala.meta.Database.

  22. sealed trait Severity extends Product
  23. sealed trait Signature extends AnyRef
  24. sealed trait Symbol extends Product
  25. final class SymbolMatcher extends AnyRef

    Utility to match against a particular symbol.

    Utility to match against a particular symbol.

    Can be used both in pattern matching and regular condition testing.

    val myMethod = SymbolMatcher(Symbol("_root_.myMethod"))
    Tree match {
      case myMethod(_) => // act on tree
  26. final case class Synthetic(position: Position, text: String, names: List[ResolvedName]) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. val CustomMessage: config.CustomMessage.type
    Definition Classes
  2. val Diagnostic: lint.Diagnostic.type
    Definition Classes
  3. val Patch: patch.Patch.type
    Definition Classes
  4. val RuleName: rule.RuleName.type
    Definition Classes
  5. object Flags extends Flags
  6. object LintCategory extends Serializable
  7. object ResolvedName extends Serializable
  8. object Rule
  9. object RuleCtx
  10. object SemanticdbIndex
  11. object Severity
  12. object Signature
  13. object Symbol
  14. object SymbolMatcher

Inherited from Api

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
