
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package scalismo
    Definition Classes
  • package color
  • package common
  • package geometry
  • package image

    Contains classes for representing discrete and continuous images as well as filters for filtering both types of images.

    Contains classes for representing discrete and continuous images as well as filters for filtering both types of images.

    In this library, the standard type of images are just functions, defined on some domain. There is also the more traditional discrete image type, which represents image data on a regular pixel/voxel grid.

    DiscreteImages are mainly used for reading/writing and simple manipulation of image values. The continuous representation of images is much more flexible and most method for manipulating images are defined only on this image type. A discrete image can be converted to a continuous image by using an interpolation procedure:

    val domain = DiscreteImageDomain(Point(0,0), Vector(1,1), Index(255,255))
    val di = DiscreteScalarImage(domain)(0)
    val discreteImage =  DiscreteScalarImage(domain, (_ : Point[_2D]) => 1.0f)
    val continuousImage = discreteImage.interpolate(3)

    To get back the discrete representation, we can sample the image values on a regular grid:

    val newDomain = DiscreteImageDomain(Point(0,0), Vector(1,1), Index(128,128))
    val resampledDiscreteImage = continuousImage.sample(domain, 0)
  • package io
  • package kernels
  • package mesh
  • package numerics
  • package registration
  • package sampling
  • package statisticalmodel
  • package utils
  • BuildInfo


package scalismo

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. scalismo
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. def initialize(ignoreErrors: Boolean = false, gcInterval: Long = 60 * 1000): Unit

    Initialize and load the required native libraries

    Initialize and load the required native libraries


    ignore failures when trying to load libraries. Only set this if you know what you are doing!


    time interval (in milliseconds) for running the vtk garbage collection. A value <= 0 means that garbage collection is not run automatically.

  2. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
