
object TLSContext
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def fromKeyStore[F[_]](keyStore: KeyStore, keyPassword: Array[Char], blocker: Blocker)(`evidence$19`: Sync[F], `evidence$20`: ContextShift[F]): F[TLSContext]

Creates a TLSContext from the specified key store.

Creates a TLSContext from the specified key store.

def fromKeyStoreFile[F[_]](file: Path, storePassword: Array[Char], keyPassword: Array[Char], blocker: Blocker)(`evidence$13`: Sync[F], `evidence$14`: ContextShift[F]): F[TLSContext]

Creates a TLSContext from the specified key store file.

Creates a TLSContext from the specified key store file.

def fromKeyStoreResource[F[_]](resource: String, storePassword: Array[Char], keyPassword: Array[Char], blocker: Blocker)(`evidence$15`: Sync[F], `evidence$16`: ContextShift[F]): F[TLSContext]

Creates a TLSContext from the specified class path resource.

Creates a TLSContext from the specified class path resource.

def fromSSLContext(ctx: SSLContext, blocker: Blocker): TLSContext

Creates a TLSContext from an SSLContext.

Creates a TLSContext from an SSLContext.

def insecure[F[_]](blocker: Blocker)(`evidence$9`: Sync[F], `evidence$10`: ContextShift[F]): F[TLSContext]

Creates a TLSContext which trusts all certificates.

Creates a TLSContext which trusts all certificates.

def system[F[_]](blocker: Blocker)(`evidence$11`: Sync[F], `evidence$12`: ContextShift[F]): F[TLSContext]

Creates a TLSContext from the system default SSLContext.

Creates a TLSContext from the system default SSLContext.