
trait Socket[F[_]]

Provides the ability to read/write from a TCP socket in the effect F.

Provides the ability to read/write from a TCP socket in the effect F.

To construct a Socket, use the methods in the package object.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait TLSSocket[F]

Value members

Abstract methods

def close: F[Unit]

Closes the connection corresponding to this Socket.

Closes the connection corresponding to this Socket.

def endOfInput: F[Unit]

Indicates that this channel will not read more data. Causes End-Of-Stream be signalled to available.

Indicates that this channel will not read more data. Causes End-Of-Stream be signalled to available.

def endOfOutput: F[Unit]

Indicates to peer, we are done writing. *

Indicates to peer, we are done writing. *

def isOpen: F[Boolean]
def localAddress: F[SocketAddress]

Asks for the local address of the socket.

Asks for the local address of the socket.

def read(maxBytes: Int, timeout: Option[FiniteDuration]): F[Option[Chunk[Byte]]]

Reads up to maxBytes from the peer.

Reads up to maxBytes from the peer.

Evaluates to None, if there are no more bytes to be read in future, due stream reached End-Of-Stream state before returning even single byte. Otherwise returns Some(bytes) with bytes that were ready to be read.

If timeout is specified, then resulting F will evaluate to failure with java.nio.channels.InterruptedByTimeoutException if read was not satisfied in given timeout. Read is satisfied, when at least single Byte was received before timeout expires.

This may return None, as well when end of stream has been reached before timeout expired and no data has been received.

def readN(numBytes: Int, timeout: Option[FiniteDuration]): F[Option[Chunk[Byte]]]

Reads exactly numBytes from the peer in a single chunk. If timeout is provided and no data arrives within the specified duration, then this results in failure with java.nio.channels.InterruptedByTimeoutException.

Reads exactly numBytes from the peer in a single chunk. If timeout is provided and no data arrives within the specified duration, then this results in failure with java.nio.channels.InterruptedByTimeoutException.

When returned size of bytes is < numBytes that indicates end-of-stream has been reached.

def reads(maxBytes: Int, timeout: Option[FiniteDuration]): Stream[F, Byte]

Reads stream of bytes from this socket with read semantics. Terminates when eof is received. On timeout, this fails with java.nio.channels.InterruptedByTimeoutException.

Reads stream of bytes from this socket with read semantics. Terminates when eof is received. On timeout, this fails with java.nio.channels.InterruptedByTimeoutException.

def remoteAddress: F[SocketAddress]

Asks for the remote address of the peer.

Asks for the remote address of the peer.

def write(bytes: Chunk[Byte], timeout: Option[FiniteDuration]): F[Unit]

Writes bytes to the peer. If timeout is provided and the operation does not complete in the specified duration, the returned Process fails with a java.nio.channels.InterruptedByTimeoutException.

Writes bytes to the peer. If timeout is provided and the operation does not complete in the specified duration, the returned Process fails with a java.nio.channels.InterruptedByTimeoutException.

Completes when bytes are written to the socket.

def writes(timeout: Option[FiniteDuration]): (F, Byte) => Unit

Writes the supplied stream of bytes to this socket via write semantics.

Writes the supplied stream of bytes to this socket via write semantics.