
package net

Provides support for doing network I/O -- TCP, UDP, and TLS.

Linear Supertypes
netplatform, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. net
  2. netplatform
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package tls
  2. package unixsocket

Type Members

  1. final case class Datagram(remote: SocketAddress[IpAddress], bytes: Chunk[Byte]) extends Product with Serializable

    A single datagram to send to the specified remote address or received from the specified address.

    A single datagram to send to the specified remote address or received from the specified address.


    remote party to send/receive datagram to/from


    data to send/receive

  2. trait DatagramSocket[F[_]] extends DatagramSocketPlatform[F]

    Provides the ability to read/write from a UDP socket in the effect F.

  3. trait DatagramSocketGroup[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  4. sealed trait DatagramSocketOption extends AnyRef

    Specifies a socket option on a TCP/UDP socket.

    Specifies a socket option on a TCP/UDP socket.

    The companion provides methods for creating a socket option from each of the JDK as well as the ability to construct arbitrary additional options. See the docs on StandardSocketOptions for details on each.

  5. sealed trait Network[F[_]] extends NetworkPlatform[F] with SocketGroup[F] with DatagramSocketGroup[F]

    Provides the ability to work with TCP, UDP, and TLS.

    Provides the ability to work with TCP, UDP, and TLS.

    1. import fs2.Stream
      import{Datagram, Network}
      def send[F[_]: Network](datagram: Datagram): F[Unit] =
        Network[F].openDatagramSocket().use { socket =>

      In this example, the F[_] parameter to send requires the Network constraint instead of requiring the much more powerful Async constraint. The Network instance has a set of global resources used for managing sockets. Alternatively, use the socketGroup and datagramSocketGroup operations to manage the lifecycle of underlying resources. An instance of Network is available for any effect F which has an Async[F] instance.

  6. trait Socket[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Provides the ability to read/write from a TCP socket in the effect F.

  7. trait SocketGroup[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Supports creation of client and server TCP sockets that all share an underlying non-blocking channel group.

  8. sealed trait SocketOption extends AnyRef

    Specifies a socket option on a TCP/UDP socket.

    Specifies a socket option on a TCP/UDP socket.

    The companion provides methods for creating a socket option from each of the JDK as well as the ability to construct arbitrary additional options. See the docs on StandardSocketOptions for details on each.

Value Members

  1. object DatagramSocket extends DatagramSocketCompanionPlatform
  2. object DatagramSocketOption
  3. object Network extends NetworkCompanionPlatform
  4. object Socket extends SocketCompanionPlatform
  5. object SocketOption extends SocketOptionCompanionPlatform

Inherited from netplatform

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
