
sealed trait Network[F[_]] extends SocketGroup[F] with DatagramSocketGroup[F]

Provides the ability to work with TCP, UDP, and TLS.

import fs2.Stream
import{Datagram, Network}
def send[F[_]: Network](datagram: Datagram): F[Unit] =
 Network[F].openDatagramSocket().use { socket =>

In this example, the F[_] parameter to send requires the Network constraint instead of requiring the much more powerful Async constraint. The Network instance has a set of global resources used for managing sockets. Alternatively, use the socketGroup and datagramSocketGroup operations to manage the lifecycle of underlying resources. An instance of Network is available for any effect F which has an Async[F] instance.

trait SocketGroup[F]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

Returns a builder for TLSContext[F] values.

Returns a builder for TLSContext[F] values.

For example, Network[IO].tlsContext.system returns a F[TLSContext[F]].

Inherited methods

Opens a TCP connection to the specified server.

Opens a TCP connection to the specified server.

The connection is closed when the resource is released.

Value parameters:

socket options to apply to the underlying socket


address of remote server

Inherited from:
def openDatagramSocket(address: Option[Host], port: Option[Port], options: List[DatagramSocketOption], protocolFamily: Option[ProtocolFamily]): Resource[F, DatagramSocket[F]]

Creates a UDP socket bound to the specified address.

Creates a UDP socket bound to the specified address.

Value parameters:

address to bind to; defaults to all interfaces


socket options to apply to the underlying socket


port to bind to; defaults to an ephemeral port


protocol family to use when opening the supporting DatagramChannel

Inherited from:
def server(address: Option[Host], port: Option[Port], options: List[SocketOption]): Stream[F, Socket[F]]

Creates a TCP server bound to specified address/port and returns a stream of client sockets -- one per client that connects to the bound address/port.

Creates a TCP server bound to specified address/port and returns a stream of client sockets -- one per client that connects to the bound address/port.

When the stream terminates, all open connections will terminate as well. Because of this, make sure to handle errors in the client socket Streams.

Value parameters:

address to accept connections from; none for all interfaces


socket options to apply to the underlying socket


port to bind

Inherited from:

Like server but provides the SocketAddress of the bound server socket before providing accepted sockets.

Like server but provides the SocketAddress of the bound server socket before providing accepted sockets.

Make sure to handle errors in the client socket Streams.

Inherited from: