
See thePersonalizationClient companion object
class PersonalizationClient(appId: String, apiKey: String, region: String, clientOptions: ClientOptions) extends ApiClient


class ApiClient
trait AutoCloseable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def customDelete[T : Manifest](path: String, parameters: Option[Map[String, Any]], requestOptions: Option[RequestOptions])(implicit evidence$1: Manifest[T], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T]

This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.

This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.

Value parameters


Query parameters to apply to the current query.


Path of the endpoint, anything after "/1" must be specified.


def customGet[T : Manifest](path: String, parameters: Option[Map[String, Any]], requestOptions: Option[RequestOptions])(implicit evidence$2: Manifest[T], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T]

This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.

This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.

Value parameters


Query parameters to apply to the current query.


Path of the endpoint, anything after "/1" must be specified.


def customPost[T : Manifest](path: String, parameters: Option[Map[String, Any]], body: Option[Any], requestOptions: Option[RequestOptions])(implicit evidence$3: Manifest[T], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T]

This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.

This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.

Value parameters


Parameters to send with the custom request.


Query parameters to apply to the current query.


Path of the endpoint, anything after "/1" must be specified.


def customPut[T : Manifest](path: String, parameters: Option[Map[String, Any]], body: Option[Any], requestOptions: Option[RequestOptions])(implicit evidence$4: Manifest[T], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T]

This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.

This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.

Value parameters


Parameters to send with the custom request.


Query parameters to apply to the current query.


Path of the endpoint, anything after "/1" must be specified.


def deleteUserProfile(userToken: String, requestOptions: Option[RequestOptions])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[DeleteUserProfileResponse]

Delete the user profile and all its associated data. Returns, as part of the response, a date until which the data can safely be considered as deleted for the given user. This means if you send events for the given user before this date, they will be ignored. Any data received after the deletedUntil date will start building a new user profile. It might take a couple hours for the deletion request to be fully processed.

Delete the user profile and all its associated data. Returns, as part of the response, a date until which the data can safely be considered as deleted for the given user. This means if you send events for the given user before this date, they will be ignored. Any data received after the deletedUntil date will start building a new user profile. It might take a couple hours for the deletion request to be fully processed.

Value parameters


userToken representing the user for which to fetch the Personalization profile.


def getPersonalizationStrategy(requestOptions: Option[RequestOptions])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[PersonalizationStrategyParams]

The strategy contains information on the events and facets that impact user profiles and personalized search results.

The strategy contains information on the events and facets that impact user profiles and personalized search results.


def getUserTokenProfile(userToken: String, requestOptions: Option[RequestOptions])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[GetUserTokenResponse]

Get the user profile built from Personalization strategy. The profile is structured by facet name used in the strategy. Each facet value is mapped to its score. Each score represents the user affinity for a specific facet value given the userToken past events and the Personalization strategy defined. Scores are bounded to 20. The last processed event timestamp is provided using the ISO 8601 format for debugging purposes.

Get the user profile built from Personalization strategy. The profile is structured by facet name used in the strategy. Each facet value is mapped to its score. Each score represents the user affinity for a specific facet value given the userToken past events and the Personalization strategy defined. Scores are bounded to 20. The last processed event timestamp is provided using the ISO 8601 format for debugging purposes.

Value parameters


userToken representing the user for which to fetch the Personalization profile.


def setPersonalizationStrategy(personalizationStrategyParams: PersonalizationStrategyParams, requestOptions: Option[RequestOptions])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SetPersonalizationStrategyResponse]

A strategy defines the events and facets that impact user profiles and personalized search results.

A strategy defines the events and facets that impact user profiles and personalized search results.


Inherited methods

override def close(): Unit


Definition Classes
ApiClient -> AutoCloseable
Inherited from: