A C D E F G H I L M P R S T V W 


AlarmHistoryItem - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The AlarmHistoryItem data type contains descriptive information about the history of a specific alarm.
AlarmHistoryItem() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
AmazonCloudWatch - Interface in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch
Interface for accessing AmazonCloudWatch.
AmazonCloudWatchAsync - Interface in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch
Interface for accessing AmazonCloudWatch asynchronously.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch
Asynchronous client for accessing AmazonCloudWatch.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Constructs a new asynchronous client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient(ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Constructs a new asynchronous client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient(AWSCredentials) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Constructs a new asynchronous client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient(AWSCredentials, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Constructs a new asynchronous client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials and executor service.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient(AWSCredentials, ClientConfiguration, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Constructs a new asynchronous client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials, executor service, and client configuration options.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient(AWSCredentialsProvider) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Constructs a new asynchronous client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials provider.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient(AWSCredentialsProvider, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Constructs a new asynchronous client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials provider and executor service.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient(AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Constructs a new asynchronous client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials provider and client configuration options.
AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient(AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Constructs a new asynchronous client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials provider, executor service, and client configuration options.
AmazonCloudWatchClient - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch
Client for accessing AmazonCloudWatch.
AmazonCloudWatchClient() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch.
AmazonCloudWatchClient(ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch.
AmazonCloudWatchClient(AWSCredentials) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials.
AmazonCloudWatchClient(AWSCredentials, ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials and client configuration options.
AmazonCloudWatchClient(AWSCredentialsProvider) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials provider.
AmazonCloudWatchClient(AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials provider and client configuration options.
AmazonCloudWatchClient(AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration, RequestMetricCollector) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on AmazonCloudWatch using the specified AWS account credentials provider, client configuration options, and request metric collector.


clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DeleteAlarmsRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DisableAlarmActionsRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.EnableAlarmActionsRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
CloudWatchActions - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.actions
The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon CloudWatch.
com.amazonaws.auth.policy.actions - package com.amazonaws.auth.policy.actions
com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch - package com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch
Synchronous and asynchronous client classes for accessing AmazonCloudWatch.
com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model - package com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Classes modeling the various types represented by AmazonCloudWatch.
ComparisonOperator - Enum in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Comparison Operator


Datapoint - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The Datapoint data type encapsulates the statistical data that Amazon CloudWatch computes from metric data.
Datapoint() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
deleteAlarms(DeleteAlarmsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Deletes all specified alarms.
deleteAlarms(DeleteAlarmsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Deletes all specified alarms.
deleteAlarmsAsync(DeleteAlarmsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Deletes all specified alarms.
deleteAlarmsAsync(DeleteAlarmsRequest, AsyncHandler<DeleteAlarmsRequest, Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Deletes all specified alarms.
deleteAlarmsAsync(DeleteAlarmsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Deletes all specified alarms.
deleteAlarmsAsync(DeleteAlarmsRequest, AsyncHandler<DeleteAlarmsRequest, Void>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Deletes all specified alarms.
DeleteAlarmsRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the DeleteAlarms operation.
DeleteAlarmsRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DeleteAlarmsRequest
describeAlarmHistory(DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Retrieves history for the specified alarm.
describeAlarmHistory() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Retrieves history for the specified alarm.
describeAlarmHistory(DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Retrieves history for the specified alarm.
describeAlarmHistory() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Retrieves history for the specified alarm.
describeAlarmHistoryAsync(DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Retrieves history for the specified alarm.
describeAlarmHistoryAsync(DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest, AsyncHandler<DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest, DescribeAlarmHistoryResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Retrieves history for the specified alarm.
describeAlarmHistoryAsync(DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Retrieves history for the specified alarm.
describeAlarmHistoryAsync(DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest, AsyncHandler<DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest, DescribeAlarmHistoryResult>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Retrieves history for the specified alarm.
DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the DescribeAlarmHistory operation.
DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
DescribeAlarmHistoryResult - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The output for the DescribeAlarmHistory action.
DescribeAlarmHistoryResult() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
describeAlarms(DescribeAlarmsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Retrieves alarms with the specified names.
describeAlarms() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Retrieves alarms with the specified names.
describeAlarms(DescribeAlarmsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Retrieves alarms with the specified names.
describeAlarms() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Retrieves alarms with the specified names.
describeAlarmsAsync(DescribeAlarmsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Retrieves alarms with the specified names.
describeAlarmsAsync(DescribeAlarmsRequest, AsyncHandler<DescribeAlarmsRequest, DescribeAlarmsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Retrieves alarms with the specified names.
describeAlarmsAsync(DescribeAlarmsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Retrieves alarms with the specified names.
describeAlarmsAsync(DescribeAlarmsRequest, AsyncHandler<DescribeAlarmsRequest, DescribeAlarmsResult>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Retrieves alarms with the specified names.
describeAlarmsForMetric(DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Retrieves all alarms for a single metric.
describeAlarmsForMetric(DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Retrieves all alarms for a single metric.
describeAlarmsForMetricAsync(DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Retrieves all alarms for a single metric.
describeAlarmsForMetricAsync(DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest, AsyncHandler<DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest, DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Retrieves all alarms for a single metric.
describeAlarmsForMetricAsync(DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Retrieves all alarms for a single metric.
describeAlarmsForMetricAsync(DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest, AsyncHandler<DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest, DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Retrieves all alarms for a single metric.
DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the DescribeAlarmsForMetric operation.
DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The output for the DescribeAlarmsForMetric action.
DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult
DescribeAlarmsRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the DescribeAlarms operation.
DescribeAlarmsRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
DescribeAlarmsResult - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The output for the DescribeAlarms action.
DescribeAlarmsResult() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
Dimension - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The Dimension data type further expands on the identity of a metric using a Name, Value pair.
Dimension() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
DimensionFilter - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The DimensionFilter data type is used to filter ListMetrics results.
DimensionFilter() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
disableAlarmActions(DisableAlarmActionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Disables actions for the specified alarms.
disableAlarmActions(DisableAlarmActionsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Disables actions for the specified alarms.
disableAlarmActionsAsync(DisableAlarmActionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Disables actions for the specified alarms.
disableAlarmActionsAsync(DisableAlarmActionsRequest, AsyncHandler<DisableAlarmActionsRequest, Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Disables actions for the specified alarms.
disableAlarmActionsAsync(DisableAlarmActionsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Disables actions for the specified alarms.
disableAlarmActionsAsync(DisableAlarmActionsRequest, AsyncHandler<DisableAlarmActionsRequest, Void>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Disables actions for the specified alarms.
DisableAlarmActionsRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the DisableAlarmActions operation.
DisableAlarmActionsRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DisableAlarmActionsRequest


enableAlarmActions(EnableAlarmActionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Enables actions for the specified alarms.
enableAlarmActions(EnableAlarmActionsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Enables actions for the specified alarms.
enableAlarmActionsAsync(EnableAlarmActionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Enables actions for the specified alarms.
enableAlarmActionsAsync(EnableAlarmActionsRequest, AsyncHandler<EnableAlarmActionsRequest, Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Enables actions for the specified alarms.
enableAlarmActionsAsync(EnableAlarmActionsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Enables actions for the specified alarms.
enableAlarmActionsAsync(EnableAlarmActionsRequest, AsyncHandler<EnableAlarmActionsRequest, Void>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Enables actions for the specified alarms.
EnableAlarmActionsRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the EnableAlarmActions operation.
EnableAlarmActionsRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.EnableAlarmActionsRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DeleteAlarmsRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DisableAlarmActionsRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.EnableAlarmActionsRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
exceptionUnmarshallers - Variable in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
List of exception unmarshallers for all AmazonCloudWatch exceptions.


fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ComparisonOperator
Use this in place of valueOf.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.HistoryItemType
Use this in place of valueOf.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StandardUnit
Use this in place of valueOf.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StateValue
Use this in place of valueOf.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Statistic
Use this in place of valueOf.


getActionName() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.actions.CloudWatchActions
getActionPrefix() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The action name prefix.
getActionsEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm's state.
getActionsEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
Indicates whether or not actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm's state.
getAlarmActions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state.
getAlarmActions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state.
getAlarmArn() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the alarm.
getAlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm configuration.
getAlarmDescription() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The description for the alarm.
getAlarmDescription() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The description for the alarm.
getAlarmHistoryItems() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
A list of alarm histories in JSON format.
getAlarmName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The descriptive name for the alarm.
getAlarmName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The name of the alarm.
getAlarmName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The name of the alarm.
getAlarmName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The descriptive name for the alarm.
getAlarmName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The descriptive name for the alarm.
getAlarmNamePrefix() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The alarm name prefix.
getAlarmNames() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DeleteAlarmsRequest
A list of alarms to be deleted.
getAlarmNames() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
A list of alarm names to retrieve information for.
getAlarmNames() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DisableAlarmActionsRequest
The names of the alarms to disable actions for.
getAlarmNames() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.EnableAlarmActionsRequest
The names of the alarms to enable actions for.
getAverage() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The average of metric values that correspond to the datapoint.
getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Returns additional metadata for a previously executed successful request, typically used for debugging issues where a service isn't acting as expected.
getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Returns additional metadata for a previously executed successful, request, typically used for debugging issues where a service isn't acting as expected.
getComparisonOperator() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
getComparisonOperator() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
getDatapoints() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
The datapoints for the specified metric.
getDimensions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The list of dimensions associated with the metric.
getDimensions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
A list of dimensions describing qualities of the metric.
getDimensions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
A list of dimensions to filter against.
getDimensions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
A list of dimensions associated with the metric.
getDimensions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of dimensions associated with the alarm's associated metric.
getDimensions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
A list of dimensions associated with the metric.
getDimensions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The dimensions for the alarm's associated metric.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The ending date to retrieve alarm history.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The time stamp to use for determining the last datapoint to return.
getEvaluationPeriods() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
getEvaluationPeriods() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
getExecutorService() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Returns the executor service used by this async client to execute requests.
getHistoryData() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
Machine-readable data about the alarm in JSON format.
getHistoryItemType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The type of alarm history item.
getHistoryItemType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The type of alarm histories to retrieve.
getHistorySummary() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
A human-readable summary of the alarm history.
getInsufficientDataActions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state.
getInsufficientDataActions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state.
getLabel() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
A label describing the specified metric.
getMaximum() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The maximum of the metric value used for the datapoint.
getMaximum() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The maximum value of the sample set.
getMaxRecords() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The maximum number of alarm history records to retrieve.
getMaxRecords() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The maximum number of alarm descriptions to retrieve.
getMetricAlarms() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult
A list of information for each alarm with the specified metric.
getMetricAlarms() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
A list of information for the specified alarms.
getMetricData() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
A list of data describing the metric.
getMetricName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The name of the metric.
getMetricName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The name of the metric.
getMetricName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
The name of the metric to filter against.
getMetricName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
The name of the metric.
getMetricName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The name of the alarm's metric.
getMetricName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The name of the metric.
getMetricName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The name for the alarm's associated metric.
getMetrics() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
A list of metrics used to generate statistics for an AWS account.
getMetricStatistics(GetMetricStatisticsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Gets statistics for the specified metric.
getMetricStatistics(GetMetricStatisticsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Gets statistics for the specified metric.
getMetricStatisticsAsync(GetMetricStatisticsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Gets statistics for the specified metric.
getMetricStatisticsAsync(GetMetricStatisticsRequest, AsyncHandler<GetMetricStatisticsRequest, GetMetricStatisticsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Gets statistics for the specified metric.
getMetricStatisticsAsync(GetMetricStatisticsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Gets statistics for the specified metric.
getMetricStatisticsAsync(GetMetricStatisticsRequest, AsyncHandler<GetMetricStatisticsRequest, GetMetricStatisticsResult>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Gets statistics for the specified metric.
GetMetricStatisticsRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the GetMetricStatistics operation.
GetMetricStatisticsRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
GetMetricStatisticsResult - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The output for the GetMetricStatistics action.
GetMetricStatisticsResult() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
getMinimum() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The minimum metric value used for the datapoint.
getMinimum() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The minimum value of the sample set.
getName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
The name of the dimension.
getName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
The dimension name to be matched.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The namespace of the metric.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The namespace of the metric.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
The namespace to filter against.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
The namespace of the metric.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The namespace of alarm's associated metric.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The namespace for the alarm's associated metric.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
The namespace for the metric data.
getNextToken() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
getNextToken() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
getNextToken() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
getNextToken() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
getNextToken() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
getNextToken() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
getOKActions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK state from any other state.
getOKActions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK state from any other state.
getPeriod() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The period in seconds over which the statistic is applied.
getPeriod() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The granularity, in seconds, of the returned datapoints.
getPeriod() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The period in seconds over which the statistic is applied.
getPeriod() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The period in seconds over which the specified statistic is applied.
getSampleCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The number of metric values that contributed to the aggregate value of this datapoint.
getSampleCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The number of samples used for the statistic set.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The starting date to retrieve alarm history.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The time stamp to use for determining the first datapoint to return.
getStateReason() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
A human-readable explanation for the alarm's state.
getStateReason() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state (in human-readable text format)
getStateReasonData() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
An explanation for the alarm's state in machine-readable JSON format
getStateReasonData() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state (in machine-readable JSON format)
getStateUpdatedTimestamp() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm's state.
getStateValue() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The state value to be used in matching alarms.
getStateValue() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The state value for the alarm.
getStateValue() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The value of the state.
getStatistic() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The statistic for the metric.
getStatistic() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
getStatistic() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
getStatistics() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The metric statistics to return.
getStatisticValues() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
A set of statistical values describing the metric.
getSum() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The sum of metric values used for the datapoint.
getSum() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The sum of values for the sample set.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The time stamp for the alarm history item.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The time stamp used for the datapoint.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The time stamp used for the metric.
getUnit() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The standard unit used for the datapoint.
getUnit() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The unit for the metric.
getUnit() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The unit for the metric.
getUnit() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The unit of the alarm's associated metric.
getUnit() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The unit of the metric.
getUnit() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The unit for the alarm's associated metric.
getValue() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
The value representing the dimension measurement
getValue() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
The value of the dimension to be matched.
getValue() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The value for the metric.


hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DeleteAlarmsRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DisableAlarmActionsRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.EnableAlarmActionsRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
HistoryItemType - Enum in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
History Item Type


InternalServiceException - Exception in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Indicates that the request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception, or failure.
InternalServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.InternalServiceException
Constructs a new InternalServiceException with the specified error message.
InvalidFormatException - Exception in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Data was not syntactically valid JSON.
InvalidFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.InvalidFormatException
Constructs a new InvalidFormatException with the specified error message.
InvalidNextTokenException - Exception in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The next token specified is invalid.
InvalidNextTokenException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.InvalidNextTokenException
Constructs a new InvalidNextTokenException with the specified error message.
InvalidParameterCombinationException - Exception in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Parameters that must not be used together were used together.
InvalidParameterCombinationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.InvalidParameterCombinationException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterCombinationException with the specified error message.
InvalidParameterValueException - Exception in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Bad or out-of-range value was supplied for the input parameter.
InvalidParameterValueException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.InvalidParameterValueException
Constructs a new InvalidParameterValueException with the specified error message.
isActionsEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm's state.
isActionsEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
Indicates whether or not actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm's state.


LimitExceededException - Exception in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The quota for alarms for this customer has already been reached.
LimitExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.LimitExceededException
Constructs a new LimitExceededException with the specified error message.
listMetrics(ListMetricsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
listMetrics() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
listMetrics(ListMetricsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
listMetrics() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
listMetricsAsync(ListMetricsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
listMetricsAsync(ListMetricsRequest, AsyncHandler<ListMetricsRequest, ListMetricsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
listMetricsAsync(ListMetricsRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
listMetricsAsync(ListMetricsRequest, AsyncHandler<ListMetricsRequest, ListMetricsResult>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
ListMetricsRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the ListMetrics operation.
ListMetricsRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
ListMetricsResult - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The output for the ListMetrics action.
ListMetricsResult() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult


Metric - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The Metric data type contains information about a specific metric.
Metric() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
MetricAlarm - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The MetricAlarm data type represents an alarm.
MetricAlarm() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
MetricDatum - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The MetricDatum data type encapsulates the information sent with PutMetricData to either create a new metric or add new values to be aggregated into an existing metric.
MetricDatum() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
MissingRequiredParameterException - Exception in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
An input parameter that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied.
MissingRequiredParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MissingRequiredParameterException
Constructs a new MissingRequiredParameterException with the specified error message.


putMetricAlarm(PutMetricAlarmRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Creates or updates an alarm and associates it with the specified Amazon CloudWatch metric.
putMetricAlarm(PutMetricAlarmRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Creates or updates an alarm and associates it with the specified Amazon CloudWatch metric.
putMetricAlarmAsync(PutMetricAlarmRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Creates or updates an alarm and associates it with the specified Amazon CloudWatch metric.
putMetricAlarmAsync(PutMetricAlarmRequest, AsyncHandler<PutMetricAlarmRequest, Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Creates or updates an alarm and associates it with the specified Amazon CloudWatch metric.
putMetricAlarmAsync(PutMetricAlarmRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Creates or updates an alarm and associates it with the specified Amazon CloudWatch metric.
putMetricAlarmAsync(PutMetricAlarmRequest, AsyncHandler<PutMetricAlarmRequest, Void>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Creates or updates an alarm and associates it with the specified Amazon CloudWatch metric.
PutMetricAlarmRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the PutMetricAlarm operation.
PutMetricAlarmRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
putMetricData(PutMetricDataRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch.
putMetricData(PutMetricDataRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch.
putMetricDataAsync(PutMetricDataRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch.
putMetricDataAsync(PutMetricDataRequest, AsyncHandler<PutMetricDataRequest, Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch.
putMetricDataAsync(PutMetricDataRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch.
putMetricDataAsync(PutMetricDataRequest, AsyncHandler<PutMetricDataRequest, Void>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch.
PutMetricDataRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the PutMetricData operation.
PutMetricDataRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest


ResourceNotFoundException - Exception in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The named resource does not exist.
ResourceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ResourceNotFoundException
Constructs a new ResourceNotFoundException with the specified error message.


setActionPrefix(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The action name prefix.
setActionsEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm's state.
setActionsEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
Indicates whether or not actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm's state.
setAlarmActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state.
setAlarmActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state.
setAlarmArn(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the alarm.
setAlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm configuration.
setAlarmDescription(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The description for the alarm.
setAlarmDescription(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The description for the alarm.
setAlarmHistoryItems(Collection<AlarmHistoryItem>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
A list of alarm histories in JSON format.
setAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The descriptive name for the alarm.
setAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The name of the alarm.
setAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The name of the alarm.
setAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The descriptive name for the alarm.
setAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The descriptive name for the alarm.
setAlarmNamePrefix(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The alarm name prefix.
setAlarmNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DeleteAlarmsRequest
A list of alarms to be deleted.
setAlarmNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
A list of alarm names to retrieve information for.
setAlarmNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DisableAlarmActionsRequest
The names of the alarms to disable actions for.
setAlarmNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.EnableAlarmActionsRequest
The names of the alarms to enable actions for.
setAlarmState(SetAlarmStateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.
setAlarmState(SetAlarmStateRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient
Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.
setAlarmStateAsync(SetAlarmStateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.
setAlarmStateAsync(SetAlarmStateRequest, AsyncHandler<SetAlarmStateRequest, Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsync
Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.
setAlarmStateAsync(SetAlarmStateRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.
setAlarmStateAsync(SetAlarmStateRequest, AsyncHandler<SetAlarmStateRequest, Void>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.
SetAlarmStateRequest - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Container for the parameters to the SetAlarmState operation.
SetAlarmStateRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
setAverage(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The average of metric values that correspond to the datapoint.
setComparisonOperator(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
setComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
setComparisonOperator(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
setComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
setDatapoints(Collection<Datapoint>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
The datapoints for the specified metric.
setDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The list of dimensions associated with the metric.
setDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
A list of dimensions describing qualities of the metric.
setDimensions(Collection<DimensionFilter>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
A list of dimensions to filter against.
setDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
A list of dimensions associated with the metric.
setDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of dimensions associated with the alarm's associated metric.
setDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
A list of dimensions associated with the metric.
setDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The dimensions for the alarm's associated metric.
setEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The ending date to retrieve alarm history.
setEndpoint(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Overrides the default endpoint for this client ("https://monitoring.us-east-1.amazonaws.com").
setEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The time stamp to use for determining the last datapoint to return.
setEvaluationPeriods(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
setEvaluationPeriods(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
setHistoryData(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
Machine-readable data about the alarm in JSON format.
setHistoryItemType(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The type of alarm history item.
setHistoryItemType(HistoryItemType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The type of alarm history item.
setHistoryItemType(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The type of alarm histories to retrieve.
setHistoryItemType(HistoryItemType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The type of alarm histories to retrieve.
setHistorySummary(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
A human-readable summary of the alarm history.
setInsufficientDataActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state.
setInsufficientDataActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state.
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
A label describing the specified metric.
setMaximum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The maximum of the metric value used for the datapoint.
setMaximum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The maximum value of the sample set.
setMaxRecords(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The maximum number of alarm history records to retrieve.
setMaxRecords(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The maximum number of alarm descriptions to retrieve.
setMetricAlarms(Collection<MetricAlarm>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult
A list of information for each alarm with the specified metric.
setMetricAlarms(Collection<MetricAlarm>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
A list of information for the specified alarms.
setMetricData(Collection<MetricDatum>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
A list of data describing the metric.
setMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The name of the metric.
setMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The name of the metric.
setMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
The name of the metric to filter against.
setMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
The name of the metric.
setMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The name of the alarm's metric.
setMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The name of the metric.
setMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The name for the alarm's associated metric.
setMetrics(Collection<Metric>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
A list of metrics used to generate statistics for an AWS account.
setMinimum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The minimum metric value used for the datapoint.
setMinimum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The minimum value of the sample set.
setName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
The name of the dimension.
setName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
The dimension name to be matched.
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The namespace of the metric.
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The namespace of the metric.
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
The namespace to filter against.
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
The namespace of the metric.
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The namespace of alarm's associated metric.
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The namespace for the alarm's associated metric.
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
The namespace for the metric data.
setNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
setNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
setNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
setNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
setNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
setNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
setOKActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK state from any other state.
setOKActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK state from any other state.
setPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The period in seconds over which the statistic is applied.
setPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The granularity, in seconds, of the returned datapoints.
setPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The period in seconds over which the statistic is applied.
setPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The period in seconds over which the specified statistic is applied.
setRegion(Region) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
An alternative to AmazonCloudWatch.setEndpoint(String), sets the regional endpoint for this client's service calls.
setSampleCount(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The number of metric values that contributed to the aggregate value of this datapoint.
setSampleCount(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The number of samples used for the statistic set.
setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The starting date to retrieve alarm history.
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The time stamp to use for determining the first datapoint to return.
setStateReason(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
A human-readable explanation for the alarm's state.
setStateReason(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state (in human-readable text format)
setStateReasonData(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
An explanation for the alarm's state in machine-readable JSON format
setStateReasonData(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state (in machine-readable JSON format)
setStateUpdatedTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm's state.
setStateValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The state value to be used in matching alarms.
setStateValue(StateValue) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The state value to be used in matching alarms.
setStateValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The state value for the alarm.
setStateValue(StateValue) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The state value for the alarm.
setStateValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The value of the state.
setStateValue(StateValue) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The value of the state.
setStatistic(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The statistic for the metric.
setStatistic(Statistic) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The statistic for the metric.
setStatistic(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
setStatistic(Statistic) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
setStatistic(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
setStatistic(Statistic) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
setStatistics(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The metric statistics to return.
setStatisticValues(StatisticSet) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
A set of statistical values describing the metric.
setSum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The sum of metric values used for the datapoint.
setSum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The sum of values for the sample set.
setThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
setThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The time stamp for the alarm history item.
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The time stamp used for the datapoint.
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The time stamp used for the metric.
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The standard unit used for the datapoint.
setUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The standard unit used for the datapoint.
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The unit for the metric.
setUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The unit for the metric.
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The unit for the metric.
setUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The unit for the metric.
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The unit of the alarm's associated metric.
setUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The unit of the alarm's associated metric.
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The unit of the metric.
setUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The unit of the metric.
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The unit for the alarm's associated metric.
setUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The unit for the alarm's associated metric.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
The value representing the dimension measurement
setValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
The value of the dimension to be matched.
setValue(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The value for the metric.
shutdown() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatch
Shuts down this client object, releasing any resources that might be held open.
shutdown() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchAsyncClient
Shuts down the client, releasing all managed resources.
StandardUnit - Enum in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
Standard Unit
StateValue - Enum in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
State Value
Statistic - Enum in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
StatisticSet - Class in com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model
The StatisticSet data type describes the StatisticValues component of MetricDatum, and represents a set of statistics that describes a specific metric.
StatisticSet() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet


toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ComparisonOperator
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DeleteAlarmsRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DisableAlarmActionsRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.EnableAlarmActionsRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.HistoryItemType
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.
toString() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StandardUnit
toString() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StateValue
toString() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Statistic
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
Returns a string representation of this object; useful for testing and debugging.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.actions.CloudWatchActions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ComparisonOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.HistoryItemType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StandardUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StateValue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Statistic
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.actions.CloudWatchActions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ComparisonOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.HistoryItemType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StandardUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StateValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Statistic
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withActionPrefix(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The action name prefix.
withActionsEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm's state.
withActionsEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
Indicates whether or not actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm's state.
withAlarmActions(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state.
withAlarmActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state.
withAlarmActions(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state.
withAlarmActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an ALARM state from any other state.
withAlarmArn(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the alarm.
withAlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm configuration.
withAlarmDescription(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The description for the alarm.
withAlarmDescription(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The description for the alarm.
withAlarmHistoryItems(AlarmHistoryItem...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
A list of alarm histories in JSON format.
withAlarmHistoryItems(Collection<AlarmHistoryItem>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
A list of alarm histories in JSON format.
withAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The descriptive name for the alarm.
withAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The name of the alarm.
withAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The name of the alarm.
withAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The descriptive name for the alarm.
withAlarmName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The descriptive name for the alarm.
withAlarmNamePrefix(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The alarm name prefix.
withAlarmNames(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DeleteAlarmsRequest
A list of alarms to be deleted.
withAlarmNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DeleteAlarmsRequest
A list of alarms to be deleted.
withAlarmNames(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
A list of alarm names to retrieve information for.
withAlarmNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
A list of alarm names to retrieve information for.
withAlarmNames(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DisableAlarmActionsRequest
The names of the alarms to disable actions for.
withAlarmNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DisableAlarmActionsRequest
The names of the alarms to disable actions for.
withAlarmNames(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.EnableAlarmActionsRequest
The names of the alarms to enable actions for.
withAlarmNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.EnableAlarmActionsRequest
The names of the alarms to enable actions for.
withAverage(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The average of metric values that correspond to the datapoint.
withComparisonOperator(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
withComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
withComparisonOperator(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
withComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold.
withDatapoints(Datapoint...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
The datapoints for the specified metric.
withDatapoints(Collection<Datapoint>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
The datapoints for the specified metric.
withDimensions(Dimension...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The list of dimensions associated with the metric.
withDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The list of dimensions associated with the metric.
withDimensions(Dimension...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
A list of dimensions describing qualities of the metric.
withDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
A list of dimensions describing qualities of the metric.
withDimensions(DimensionFilter...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
A list of dimensions to filter against.
withDimensions(Collection<DimensionFilter>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
A list of dimensions to filter against.
withDimensions(Dimension...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
A list of dimensions associated with the metric.
withDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
A list of dimensions associated with the metric.
withDimensions(Dimension...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of dimensions associated with the alarm's associated metric.
withDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of dimensions associated with the alarm's associated metric.
withDimensions(Dimension...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
A list of dimensions associated with the metric.
withDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
A list of dimensions associated with the metric.
withDimensions(Dimension...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The dimensions for the alarm's associated metric.
withDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The dimensions for the alarm's associated metric.
withEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The ending date to retrieve alarm history.
withEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The time stamp to use for determining the last datapoint to return.
withEvaluationPeriods(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
withEvaluationPeriods(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
withHistoryData(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
Machine-readable data about the alarm in JSON format.
withHistoryItemType(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The type of alarm history item.
withHistoryItemType(HistoryItemType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The type of alarm history item.
withHistoryItemType(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The type of alarm histories to retrieve.
withHistoryItemType(HistoryItemType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The type of alarm histories to retrieve.
withHistorySummary(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
A human-readable summary of the alarm history.
withInsufficientDataActions(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state.
withInsufficientDataActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state.
withInsufficientDataActions(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state.
withInsufficientDataActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state.
withLabel(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsResult
A label describing the specified metric.
withMaximum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The maximum of the metric value used for the datapoint.
withMaximum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The maximum value of the sample set.
withMaxRecords(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The maximum number of alarm history records to retrieve.
withMaxRecords(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The maximum number of alarm descriptions to retrieve.
withMetricAlarms(MetricAlarm...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult
A list of information for each alarm with the specified metric.
withMetricAlarms(Collection<MetricAlarm>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult
A list of information for each alarm with the specified metric.
withMetricAlarms(MetricAlarm...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
A list of information for the specified alarms.
withMetricAlarms(Collection<MetricAlarm>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
A list of information for the specified alarms.
withMetricData(MetricDatum...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
A list of data describing the metric.
withMetricData(Collection<MetricDatum>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
A list of data describing the metric.
withMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The name of the metric.
withMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The name of the metric.
withMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
The name of the metric to filter against.
withMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
The name of the metric.
withMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The name of the alarm's metric.
withMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The name of the metric.
withMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The name for the alarm's associated metric.
withMetrics(Metric...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
A list of metrics used to generate statistics for an AWS account.
withMetrics(Collection<Metric>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
A list of metrics used to generate statistics for an AWS account.
withMinimum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The minimum metric value used for the datapoint.
withMinimum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The minimum value of the sample set.
withName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
The name of the dimension.
withName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
The dimension name to be matched.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The namespace of the metric.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The namespace of the metric.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
The namespace to filter against.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Metric
The namespace of the metric.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The namespace of alarm's associated metric.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The namespace for the alarm's associated metric.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricDataRequest
The namespace for the metric data.
withNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
withNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryResult
A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
withNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
withNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsResult
A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
withNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsRequest
The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available.
withNextToken(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.ListMetricsResult
A string that marks the start of the next batch of returned results.
withOKActions(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK state from any other state.
withOKActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK state from any other state.
withOKActions(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK state from any other state.
withOKActions(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK state from any other state.
withPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The period in seconds over which the statistic is applied.
withPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The granularity, in seconds, of the returned datapoints.
withPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The period in seconds over which the statistic is applied.
withPeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The period in seconds over which the specified statistic is applied.
withSampleCount(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The number of metric values that contributed to the aggregate value of this datapoint.
withSampleCount(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The number of samples used for the statistic set.
withStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest
The starting date to retrieve alarm history.
withStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The time stamp to use for determining the first datapoint to return.
withStateReason(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
A human-readable explanation for the alarm's state.
withStateReason(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state (in human-readable text format)
withStateReasonData(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
An explanation for the alarm's state in machine-readable JSON format
withStateReasonData(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state (in machine-readable JSON format)
withStateUpdatedTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The time stamp of the last update to the alarm's state.
withStateValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The state value to be used in matching alarms.
withStateValue(StateValue) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsRequest
The state value to be used in matching alarms.
withStateValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The state value for the alarm.
withStateValue(StateValue) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The state value for the alarm.
withStateValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The value of the state.
withStateValue(StateValue) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.SetAlarmStateRequest
The value of the state.
withStatistic(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The statistic for the metric.
withStatistic(Statistic) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The statistic for the metric.
withStatistic(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
withStatistic(Statistic) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
withStatistic(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
withStatistic(Statistic) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric.
withStatistics(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The metric statistics to return.
withStatistics(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The metric statistics to return.
withStatistics(Statistic...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The metric statistics to return.
withStatisticValues(StatisticSet) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
A set of statistical values describing the metric.
withSum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The sum of metric values used for the datapoint.
withSum(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.StatisticSet
The sum of values for the sample set.
withThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
withThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
withTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.AlarmHistoryItem
The time stamp for the alarm history item.
withTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The time stamp used for the datapoint.
withTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The time stamp used for the metric.
withUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The standard unit used for the datapoint.
withUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Datapoint
The standard unit used for the datapoint.
withUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The unit for the metric.
withUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest
The unit for the metric.
withUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The unit for the metric.
withUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.GetMetricStatisticsRequest
The unit for the metric.
withUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The unit of the alarm's associated metric.
withUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricAlarm
The unit of the alarm's associated metric.
withUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The unit of the metric.
withUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The unit of the metric.
withUnit(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The unit for the alarm's associated metric.
withUnit(StandardUnit) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.PutMetricAlarmRequest
The unit for the alarm's associated metric.
withValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.Dimension
The value representing the dimension measurement
withValue(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.DimensionFilter
The value of the dimension to be matched.
withValue(Double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.model.MetricDatum
The value for the metric.
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