A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 


AbortedException - Exception in com.amazonaws
SDK operation aborted exception.
AbortedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.AbortedException
AbortedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.AbortedException
AbortedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.AbortedException
AbortedException() - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.AbortedException
AbstractAWSSigner - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Abstract base class for AWS signing protocol implementations.
AbstractAWSSigner() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
AbstractRequestHandler - Class in com.amazonaws.handlers
by RequestHandler2.

Simple implementation of RequestHandler to stub out required methods.

AbstractRequestHandler() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.handlers.AbstractRequestHandler
ACCESS_KEY_ENV_VAR - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
Environment variable name for the AWS access key ID
ACCESS_KEY_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
System property name for the AWS access key ID
accessKeyId - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential
accumulate(String, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Accumulate values under a key.
Action - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth.policy
An access control policy action identifies a specific action in a service that can be performed on a resource.
adapt(RequestHandler) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler2
Returns an instance of request handler adapted to the RequestHandler2 interface from the given request handler implementing the deprecated RequestHandler interface.
add(MetricType) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Adds the given metric type to the registry of predefined metrics to be captured at the AWS SDK level.
add(Object, ResponseMetadata) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ResponseMetadataCache
Adds a new entry to this cache, possibly evicting the oldest entry if the cache is at its size limit.
addAll(Collection<T>) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Adds the given metric types to the registry of predefined metrics to be captured at the AWS SDK level.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Adds an HTTP header to the set associated with this response.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Sets the specified header for this request.
addHostHeader(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
addParameter(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Adds the specified request parameter to this request.
addProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListenerChain
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
addProperty(MetricType, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
Add a property.
addProperty(MetricType, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
addPropertyWith(String, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
addPropertyWith(MetricType, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
addRequestBytesTransferred(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
addRequestBytesTransferred(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
addRequestContentLength(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
addRequestContentLength(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
Adds the number of bytes to be expected in the request.
addRequestHandler(RequestHandler) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
by AmazonWebServiceClient.addRequestHandler(RequestHandler2). Appends a request handler to the list of registered handlers that are run as part of a request's lifecycle.
addRequestHandler(RequestHandler2) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Appends a request handler to the list of registered handlers that are run as part of a request's lifecycle.
addResponseBytesTransferred(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
addResponseBytesTransferred(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
addResponseContentLength(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
addResponseContentLength(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
Adds the number of bytes to be expected in the response.
addSessionCredentials(SignableRequest<?>, AWSSessionCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Adds session credentials to the request given.
addSessionCredentials(SignableRequest<?>, AWSSessionCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS3Signer
addSessionCredentials(SignableRequest<?>, AWSSessionCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
addSessionCredentials(SignableRequest<?>, AWSSessionCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.QueryStringSigner
addSubMeasurement(String, TimingInfo) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
afterError(Request<?>, Exception) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.AbstractRequestHandler
afterError(Request<?>, Exception) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler
Runs any additional processing logic on a request after it has failed.
afterError(Request<?>, Response<?>, Exception) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler2
Runs any additional processing logic on a request after it has failed.
afterResponse(Request<?>, Object, TimingInfo) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.AbstractRequestHandler
afterResponse(Request<?>, Object, TimingInfo) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler
Runs any additional processing logic on the specified request (after is has been executed by the client runtime).
afterResponse(Request<?>, Response<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler2
Runs any additional processing logic on the specified request (after is has been executed by the client runtime).
All - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Principal instance that includes all the AWS accounts, AWS web services and web identity providers.
AllServices - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Principal instance that includes all AWS web services.
AllUsers - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Principal instance that includes all users, including anonymous users.
AllWebProviders - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Principal instance that includes all the web identity providers.
ALTERNATE_ACCESS_KEY_ENV_VAR - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
Alternate environment variable name for the AWS access key ID
ALTERNATE_SECRET_KEY_ENV_VAR - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
Alternate environment variable name for the AWS secret key
alternateIso8601DateFormat - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Alternate ISO 8601 format without fractional seconds
AmazonClientException - Exception in com.amazonaws
Base exception class for any errors that occur while attempting to use an AWS client to make service calls to Amazon Web Services.
AmazonClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException
Creates a new AmazonClientException with the specified message, and root cause.
AmazonClientException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException
Creates a new AmazonClientException with the specified message.
AmazonClientException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException
AmazonHttpClient - Class in com.amazonaws.http
AmazonHttpClient(ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
Constructs a new AWS client using the specified client configuration options (ex: max retry attempts, proxy settings, etc).
AmazonHttpClient(ClientConfiguration, RequestMetricCollector) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
Constructs a new AWS client using the specified client configuration options (ex: max retry attempts, proxy settings, etc), and request metric collector.
AmazonServiceException - Exception in com.amazonaws
Extension of AmazonClientException that represents an error response returned by an Amazon web service.
AmazonServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Constructs a new AmazonServiceException with the specified message.
AmazonServiceException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Constructs a new AmazonServiceException with the specified message and exception indicating the root cause.
AmazonServiceException.ErrorType - Enum in com.amazonaws
Indicates who is responsible (if known) for a failed request.
AmazonWebServiceClient - Class in com.amazonaws
Abstract base class for Amazon Web Service Java clients.
AmazonWebServiceClient(ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Constructs a new AmazonWebServiceClient object using the specified configuration.
AmazonWebServiceClient(ClientConfiguration, RequestMetricCollector) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Constructs a new AmazonWebServiceClient object using the specified configuration and request metric collector.
AmazonWebServiceRequest - Class in com.amazonaws
Base class for all user facing web service requests.
AmazonWebServiceRequest() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
AmazonWebServiceResponse<T> - Class in com.amazonaws
Represents the response from an AWS service, including the result payload and any response metadata.
AmazonWebServiceResponse() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResponse
AnonymousAWSCredentials - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Basic implementation of the AWSCredentials interface that allows use of "anonymous" credentials.
AnonymousAWSCredentials() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.AnonymousAWSCredentials
ApacheHttpClientConfig - Class in com.amazonaws
Used for Apache HTTP client specific custom configurations.
append(String, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Append values to the array under a key.
appendUri(String, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.HttpUtils
appendUri(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.HttpUtils
appendUri(String, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.SdkHttpUtils
Append the given path to the given baseUri.
appendUri(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.SdkHttpUtils
Append the given path to the given baseUri.
appendUserAgent(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.RequestClientOptions
Appends a user agent to the USER_AGENT client marker.
ArnCondition - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
AWS access control policy condition that allows an access control statement to be conditionally applied based on the comparison of an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
ArnCondition(ArnCondition.ArnComparisonType, String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ArnCondition
Constructs a new access control policy condition that compares ARNs (Amazon Resource Names).
ArnCondition.ArnComparisonType - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
Enumeration of the supported ways an ARN comparison can be evaluated.
array() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Begin appending a new array.
asBoolean(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified XPath expression and returns the result as a Boolean.
asBoolean(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asBoolean(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
asByte(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified XPath expression and returns the result as a Byte.
asByte(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asByte(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
asByteBuffer(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified xpath expression, base64 decodes the data and returns the result as a ByteBuffer.
asByteBuffer(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asByteBuffer(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
asDate(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified XPath expression and returns the result as a Date.
asDate(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asDate(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
asDouble(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified XPath expression and returns the results as a Double.
asDouble(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asDouble(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
asFloat(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified XPath expression and returns the result as a Float.
asFloat(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asFloat(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
asInteger(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified XPath expression and returns the result as an Integer.
asInteger(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asInteger(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
asLong(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified XPath expression and returns the result as a Long.
asLong(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asLong(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
asNode(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified XPath expression and returns the result as a Node.
asNode(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asNode(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
asString(String, Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Evaluates the specified XPath expression and returns the result as a string.
asString(String, Node, XPath) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Same as XpathUtils.asString(String, Node) but allows an xpath to be passed in explicitly for reuse.
ASYNC - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
AsyncHandler<REQUEST extends AmazonWebServiceRequest,RESULT> - Interface in com.amazonaws.handlers
Callback interface for notification on web service requests executed with the asynchronous clients in the AWS SDK for Java.
Autoscaling - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
AWS3Signer - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Signer implementation that signs requests with the AWS3 signing protocol.
AWS3Signer() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS3Signer
AWS4Signer - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Signer implementation that signs requests with the AWS4 signing protocol.
AWS4Signer() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Construct a new AWS4 signer instance.
AWS4Signer(boolean) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Construct a new AWS4 signer instance.
AWS_CREDENTAIL_PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to specify an AWS credential property file.
AWS_PROFILE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile
Environment variable name for overriding the default AWS profile
AWS_PROFILE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile
System property name for overriding the default AWS profile
AWS_REQUEST_ID - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ResponseMetadata
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN_ENV_VAR - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
Environment variable name for the AWS session token
AWSCredentials - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth
Provides access to the AWS credentials used for accessing AWS services: AWS access key ID and secret access key.
awsCredentials - Variable in class com.amazonaws.handlers.CredentialsRequestHandler
AWSCredentials to be used in the RequestHandler.
AWSCredentialsProvider - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth
Interface for providing AWS credentials.
AWSCredentialsProviderChain - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that chains together multiple credentials providers.
AWSCredentialsProviderChain(AWSCredentialsProvider...) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain
Constructs a new AWSCredentialsProviderChain with the specified credential providers.
AwsHostNameUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
AwsHostNameUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.AwsHostNameUtils
AWSRefreshableSessionCredentials - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth
Session credentials that can be refreshed upon request.
AWSRequestMetrics - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Used as both a base class and a minimal support of AWS SDK request metrics.
AWSRequestMetrics() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
This constructor should be used only in the case when AWS SDK metrics collector is disabled, when minimal timing info is supported for backward compatibility reasons.
AWSRequestMetrics(TimingInfo) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
AWSRequestMetrics.Field - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
Predefined AWS SDK metric types general across all AWS clients.
AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport - Class in com.amazonaws.util
In contrast to AWSRequestMetrics, which is intended to be a minimal support of AWS SDK request metrics, this class is the full support of AWS SDK request metrics including features such as properties and sub-events.
AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
This constructor should be used in the case when AWS SDK metrics collector is enabled.
AwsSdkMetrics - Enum in com.amazonaws.metrics
Used to control the default AWS SDK metric collection system.
AWSServiceMetrics - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
Predefined AWS SDK non-request specific metric types general across all AWS clients.
AWSSessionCredentials - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth
AWS session credentials object.
AWSSessionCredentialsProvider - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth


back() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Back up one character.
Base16 - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
A Base 16 codec API, which encodes into hex string in upper case.
Base16Lower - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
A Base 16 codec API, which encodes into hex string in lower case.
Base32 - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
A Base 32 codec API.
Base64 - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
A Base 64 codec API.
BasicAWSCredentials - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Basic implementation of the AWSCredentials interface that allows callers to pass in the AWS access key and secret access in the constructor.
BasicAWSCredentials(String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials
Constructs a new BasicAWSCredentials object, with the specified AWS access key and AWS secret key.
BasicSessionCredentials - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Simple session credentials with keys and session token.
BasicSessionCredentials(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.BasicSessionCredentials
beforeMarshalling(T) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Runs the beforeMarshalling method of any RequestHandler2s associated with this client.
beforeMarshalling(AmazonWebServiceRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler2
Runs any additional processing logic on the specified request object before it is marshaled into an HTTP request.
beforeRequest(Request<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.AbstractRequestHandler
beforeRequest(Request<?>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler
Runs any additional processing logic on the specified request (before it is executed by the client runtime).
beforeRequest(Request<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler2
Runs any additional processing logic on the specified request (before it is executed by the client runtime).
Beta - Annotation Type in com.amazonaws.annotation
The class or method to which this annotation is applied is in beta mode.
BinaryUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Utilities for encoding and decoding binary data to and from different forms.
BinaryUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.BinaryUtils
BooleanCondition - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
AWS access control policy condition that allows an access control statement to be conditionally applied based on a comparison of boolean values.
BooleanCondition(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.BooleanCondition
Constructs a new access policy condition that performs a boolean comparison.
build() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter.Builder
Generates and returns a new ImmutableMapParameter instance which contains all the entries added into the Builder by put() method.
builder() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
Returns a new MapParameterBuilder instance.
ByteThroughputProvider - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
Byte throughput metric information provider.
ByteThroughputProvider(ThroughputMetricType) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.ByteThroughputProvider


calculateContentHash(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Calculate the hash of the request's payload.
calculateContentHashPresign(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Calculate the hash of the request's payload.
CANCELED_EVENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
childClassOf(Class<?>, Object) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Classes
Returns the class of the immediate subclass of the given parent class for the given object instance; or null if such immediate subclass cannot be uniquely identified for the given object instance.
Classes - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
Classes related utilities.
ClassLoaderHelper - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that loads AWS security credentials from a properties file on the classpath.
ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider
Creates a new ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider that will attempt to load the AwsCredentials.properties file from the classpath to read AWS security credentials.
ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider
Creates a new ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider that will attempt to load a custom file from the classpath to read AWS security credentials.
clear() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
Unsupported methods
client - Variable in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Low level client for sending requests to AWS services.
clientConfiguration - Variable in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
The client configuration
ClientConfiguration - Class in com.amazonaws
Client configuration options such as proxy settings, user agent string, max retry attempts, etc.
ClientConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
ClientConfiguration(ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
ClientConnectionManagerFactory - Class in com.amazonaws.http.conn
ClientConnectionManagerFactory() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.conn.ClientConnectionManagerFactory
clone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Creates a shallow clone of this request.
cloneDate(Date) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
close() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
close() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricFilterInputStream
closeQuietly(Closeable, Log) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils
Closes the given Closeable quietly.
CloudFormation - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
CloudFront - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
CloudHSM - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
CloudSearch - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
CloudTrail - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
CloudWatch - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
CLOUDWATCH_REGION - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to specify the Amazon CloudWatch region for metrics uploading purposes.
CloudWatchLogs - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
code - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMInfo
code - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential
CodecUtils - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
Codec internal utilities
CodeDeploy - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
CognitoIdentity - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
CognitoSync - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
collectByteThroughput(ByteThroughputProvider) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricCollector
Collects metrics on the number of bytes written or read and the respective duration.
CollectionUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
CollectionUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.CollectionUtils
collectLatency(ServiceLatencyProvider) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricCollector
Collects metrics for non-request specific latencies.
collectMetrics(Request<?>, Response<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.RequestMetricCollector
Used to collect the metric at the end of a request/response cycle.
com.amazonaws - package com.amazonaws
com.amazonaws.annotation - package com.amazonaws.annotation
AWS Java SDK annotations.
com.amazonaws.auth - package com.amazonaws.auth
com.amazonaws.auth.policy - package com.amazonaws.auth.policy
Classes for creating custom AWS access control policies.
com.amazonaws.auth.policy.actions - package com.amazonaws.auth.policy.actions
Collection of actions for AWS access control policies.
com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions - package com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
Collection of AWS access control policy conditions.
com.amazonaws.auth.policy.resources - package com.amazonaws.auth.policy.resources
Collection of resources for AWS access control policies.
com.amazonaws.auth.profile - package com.amazonaws.auth.profile
AWS configuration profiles allow you to share multiple sets of AWS security credentials between different tools such as the AWS SDK for Java and the AWS CLI.
com.amazonaws.event - package com.amazonaws.event
com.amazonaws.event.request - package com.amazonaws.event.request
com.amazonaws.handlers - package com.amazonaws.handlers
com.amazonaws.http - package com.amazonaws.http
com.amazonaws.http.conn - package com.amazonaws.http.conn
com.amazonaws.http.conn.ssl - package com.amazonaws.http.conn.ssl
com.amazonaws.http.impl.client - package com.amazonaws.http.impl.client
com.amazonaws.http.protocol - package com.amazonaws.http.protocol
com.amazonaws.jmx - package com.amazonaws.jmx
com.amazonaws.jmx.spi - package com.amazonaws.jmx.spi
com.amazonaws.log - package com.amazonaws.log
com.amazonaws.metrics - package com.amazonaws.metrics
Classes used to support the AWS SDK metrics API.
com.amazonaws.regions - package com.amazonaws.regions
com.amazonaws.retry - package com.amazonaws.retry
com.amazonaws.util - package com.amazonaws.util
com.amazonaws.util.json - package com.amazonaws.util.json
COMMA_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
CommonsLog - Class in com.amazonaws.log
Used to delegate internal logging of the signers and core classes to Jakarta Commons Logging.
CommonsLogFactory - Class in com.amazonaws.log
Internal logging factory for the signers and core classes based on Jakarta Commons Logging.
CommonsLogFactory() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLogFactory
COMPLETED_EVENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
compressedIso8601DateFormat - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
This is another ISO 8601 format that's used in clock skew error response
computeMD5Hash(InputStream) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.Md5Utils
Computes the MD5 hash of the data in the given input stream and returns it as an array of bytes.
computeMD5Hash(byte[]) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.Md5Utils
Computes the MD5 hash of the given data and returns it as an array of bytes.
computeMD5Hash(File) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.Md5Utils
Computes the MD5 of the given file.
computeSignature(String, byte[], AWS4SignerRequestParams) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Step 3 of the AWS Signature version 4 calculation.
Condition - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy
AWS access control policy conditions are contained in Statement objects, and affect when a statement is applied.
Condition() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
ConditionFactory - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
Factory for creating common AWS access control policy conditions.
conditionKey - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Config - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
configSigner(URI) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
this method is now a no-op, as overriding the signer from sublcass is no longer supported.
configSigner(String, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
this method is now a no-op, as overriding the signer from sublcass is no longer supported.
configureFactory(InternalLogFactory) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogFactory
Used to explicitly configure the log factory.
configureRegion(Regions) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Convenient method for setting region.
connectSocket(Socket, InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, HttpParams) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.conn.ssl.SdkTLSSocketFactory
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
Inherited methods
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils
Copies all bytes from the given input stream to the given output stream.
copyAllBytesFrom(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.BinaryUtils
Returns a copy of all the bytes from the given ByteBuffer, from the beginning to the buffer's limit; or null if the input is null.
copyBaseTo(T) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Copies the internal state of this base class to that of the target request.
copyBytesFrom(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.BinaryUtils
Returns a copy of the bytes from the given ByteBuffer, ranging from the the buffer's current position to the buffer's limit; or null if the input is null.
CountingInputStream - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Simple input stream wrapper utility to count the bytes read from a stream.
CountingInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.CountingInputStream
CRC32ChecksumCalculatingInputStream - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Simple InputStream wrapper that examines the wrapped stream's contents as they are read and calculates and CRC32 checksum.
CRC32ChecksumCalculatingInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.CRC32ChecksumCalculatingInputStream
createCanonicalRequest(SignableRequest<?>, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Step 1 of the AWS Signature version 4 calculation.
createClient(Class<T>, AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
Creates a new service client of the class given and configures it.
createExecutionContext(AmazonWebServiceRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
createExecutionContext(Request<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
createExecutionContext() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
by AmazonWebServiceClient.createExecutionContext(AmazonWebServiceRequest). This method exists only for backward compatiblity reason, so that clients compiled against the older version of this class won't get NoSuchMethodError at runtime. However, calling this methods would effectively ignore and disable the request metric collector, if any, specified at the request level. Request metric collector specified at the service client or AWS SDK level will still be honored.
createRequestExecutor() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.impl.client.SdkHttpClient
createStringToSign(String, AWS4SignerRequestParams) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Step 2 of the AWS Signature version 4 calculation.
credentials - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
The current instance profile credentials
credentialsExpiration - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
The expiration for the current instance profile credentials
CredentialsRequestHandler - Class in com.amazonaws.handlers
A special type of RequestHandler2 that takes in AWSCredentials.
CredentialsRequestHandler() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.handlers.CredentialsRequestHandler
CURRENT_TIME_CONDITION_KEY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Condition key for the current time.


DataPipeline - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
DateCondition - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
AWS access control policy condition that allows an access control statement to be conditionally applied based on the comparison of the current time at which a request is received, and a specific date.
DateCondition(DateCondition.DateComparisonType, Date) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.DateCondition
Constructs a new access policy condition that compares the current time (on the AWS servers) to the specified date.
DateCondition.DateComparisonType - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
Enumeration of the supported ways a date comparison can be evaluated.
dateUtils - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS3Signer
DateUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Utilities for parsing and formatting dates.
DateUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
debug(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
debug(Object) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs a message with debug log level.
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs an error with debug log level.
decode(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16
Decodes the given base 16 encoded string, skipping carriage returns, line feeds and spaces as needed.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16
Decodes the given base 16 encoded bytes.
decode(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16Lower
Decodes the given base 16 encoded string, skipping carriage returns, line feeds and spaces as needed.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16Lower
Decodes the given base 16 encoded bytes.
decode(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base32
Decodes the given base 32 encoded string, skipping carriage returns, line feeds and spaces as needed.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base32
Decodes the given base 32 encoded bytes.
decode(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base64
Decodes the given base 64 encoded string, skipping carriage returns, line feeds and spaces as needed.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base64
Decodes the given base 64 encoded bytes.
decode(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.util.EncodingScheme
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
SDK default retry policy (except for AmazonDynamoDBClient, whose constructor will replace the DEFAULT with DYNAMODB_DEFAULT.)
DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STRATEGY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
The SDK default back-off strategy, which increases exponentially up to a max amount of delay.
DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
The default timeout for creating new connections.
DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TTL - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
The default expiration time (in milliseconds) for a connection in the connection pool.
DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
The default max connection pool size.
DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_RETRY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
SDK default max retry count
DEFAULT_METRIC_NAMESPACE - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
DEFAULT_METRICS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
System property used when starting up the JVM to enable the default metrics collected by the AWS SDK, which uploads the derived statistics to Amazon CloudWatch.
DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile
Name of the default profile as specified in the configuration file.
DEFAULT_REGION - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.regions.Regions
The default region that new customers in the US are encouraged to use when using AWS services for the first time.
DEFAULT_RESPONSE_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
The default response metadata cache size.
DEFAULT_RETRY_CONDITION - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
The SDK default retry condition, which checks for various conditions in the following order: Never retry on requests with non-repeatable content; Retry on client exceptions caused by IOException; Retry on service exceptions that are either 500 internal server errors, 503 service unavailable errors, service throttling errors or clock skew errors.
DEFAULT_RETRY_POLICY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Default request retry policy, including the maximum retry count of 3, the default retry condition and the default back-off strategy.
DEFAULT_S3_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
with AmazonWebServiceRequest.getRequestClientOptions() and RequestClientOptions.setReadLimit(int).

The default size of the buffer when uploading data from a stream. A buffer of this size will be created and filled with the first bytes from a stream being uploaded so that any transmit errors that occur in that section of the data can be automatically retried without the caller's intervention.

If not set, the default value of 128 KB will be used.

DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
The default timeout for reading from a connected socket.
DEFAULT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.RequestClientOptions
Default maximum buffer size: 128K + 1.
DEFAULT_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
The default on whether to use TCP KeepAlive.
DEFAULT_USE_GZIP - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
The default on whether to use gzip compression.
DEFAULT_USE_REAPER - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
The default on whether to use the IdleConnectionReaper to manage stale connections
DEFAULT_USER_AGENT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
The default HTTP user agent header for AWS Java SDK clients.
DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
AWS credentials provider chain that looks for credentials in this order: Environment Variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY Java System Properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey Credential profiles file at the default location (~/.aws/credentials) shared by all AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI Instance profile credentials delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service
DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain
DefaultErrorResponseHandler - Class in com.amazonaws.http
Implementation of HttpResponseHandler that handles only error responses from Amazon Web Services.
DefaultErrorResponseHandler(List<Unmarshaller<AmazonServiceException, Node>>) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.DefaultErrorResponseHandler
Constructs a new DefaultErrorResponseHandler that will handle error responses from Amazon services using the specified list of unmarshallers.
DefaultRequest<T> - Class in com.amazonaws
Default implementation of the Request interface.
DefaultRequest(AmazonWebServiceRequest, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
Constructs a new DefaultRequest with the specified service name and the original, user facing request object.
DefaultRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
Constructs a new DefaultRequest with the specified service name and no specified original, user facing request object.
dehexchar(char) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Get the hex value of a character (base16).
delayBeforeNextRetry(AmazonWebServiceRequest, AmazonClientException, int) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy.BackoffStrategy
Returns the delay (in milliseconds) before next retry attempt.
deleteProfiles(File, String...) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFileWriter
Remove one or more profiles from the existing credentials file by in-place modification.
DeliveryMode - Interface in com.amazonaws.event
Used to indicate whether it is safe to deliver progress events to the listener synchronously.
DeliveryMode.Check - Class in com.amazonaws.event
Provides convenient method to check if a listener is safe to be invoked synchronously.
DeliveryMode.Check() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.DeliveryMode.Check
DirectConnect - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
DISABLE_CERT_CHECKING_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
Disable validation of server certificates when using the HTTPS protocol.
DISABLE_REMOTE_REGIONS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
By default, the SDK will attempt to download an up-to-date set of region metadata from Amazon CloudFront when first required.
disableMetrics() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Convenient method to disable the metric collector at the AWS SDK level.
disableMetrics() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
disableMetrics() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Disables the metric collector at the AWS SDK level.
disableStrictHostnameVerification() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
Disables the default strict hostname verification in this client and instead uses a browser compatible hostname verification strategy (i.e.
documentFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
This method closes the given input stream upon completion.
documentFrom(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
documentFrom(URL) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
doGetLog(Class<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLogFactory
doGetLog(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLogFactory
doGetLog(Class<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogFactory
SPI to return a logger given a class.
doGetLog(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogFactory
SPI to return a logger given a name.
doGetLog(Class<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.JulLogFactory
doGetLog(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.JulLogFactory
doReceiveResponse(HttpRequest, HttpClientConnection, HttpContext) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.protocol.SdkHttpRequestExecutor
doSendRequest(HttpRequest, HttpClientConnection, HttpContext) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.protocol.SdkHttpRequestExecutor
doubleToString(double) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Produce a string from a double.
doubleUrlEncode - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Whether double url-encode the resource path when constructing the canonical request.
DOWNLOAD_BYTE_COUNT_NAME_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricType
DOWNLOAD_THROUGHPUT_NAME_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricType
dumpToFile(File, boolean, Profile...) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFileWriter
Write all the credential profiles to a file.
durationMilliOf(long, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
Returns the duration in milliseconds as double, preserving the decimal precision as necessary, for the given start and end time in nanoseconds.
Dynamodb - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
DYNAMODB_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
Default policy for DynamoDB client
DYNAMODB_DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STRATEGY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
The default back-off strategy for DynamoDB client, which increases exponentially up to a max amount of delay.
DYNAMODB_DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_RETRY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
Default max retry count for DynamoDB client


EC2 - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_OVERRIDE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
System property for overriding the Amazon EC2 Instance Metadata Service endpoint.
EC2ContainerService - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
EC2MetadataUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Utility class for retrieving Amazon EC2 instance metadata.
You can use the data to build more generic AMIs that can be modified by configuration files supplied at launch time.
EC2MetadataUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
EC2MetadataUtils.IAMInfo - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Information about the last time the instance profile was updated, including the instance's LastUpdated date, InstanceProfileArn, and InstanceProfileId.
EC2MetadataUtils.IAMInfo() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMInfo
EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential - Class in com.amazonaws.util
The temporary security credentials (AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, SessionToken, and Expiration) associated with the IAM role.
EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential
EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo - Class in com.amazonaws.util
This POJO is a best attempt to capture the instance info which is only guaranteed to be a JSON document per http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest /UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html Instance info includes dynamic information about the current instance such as region, instanceId, private IP address, etc.
EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo(String, String, String, String, String[], String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface - Class in com.amazonaws.util
All of the metada associated with a network interface on the instance.
EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
EC2SimpleSystemsManager - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
Elasticache - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
ElasticBeanstalk - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
ElasticLoadbalancing - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
ElasticMapReduce - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
ElasticTranscoder - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
Email - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
EMPTY_STRING_SHA256_HEX - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
ENABLE_S3_SIGV4_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
By default, the AmazonS3Client will continue to use the legacy S3Signer to authenticate requests it makes to S3 in regions that support the older protocol.
enableDefaultMetrics() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Starts the default AWS SDK metric collector, but only if no metric collector is currently in use at the AWS SDK level.
enableDefaultMetrics() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
enableDefaultMetrics() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Starts the default AWS SDK metric collector, but only if no metric collector is currently in use at the AWS SDK level.
encode(byte[]) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16
Returns a base 16 encoded byte array of the given bytes.
encode(byte[]) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16Lower
Returns a base 16 encoded byte array of the given bytes.
encode(byte[]) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base32
Returns a 32 encoded byte array of the given bytes.
encode(byte[]) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base64
Returns a 64 encoded byte array of the given bytes.
encodeAsString(byte...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16
Returns a base 16 encoded string (in upper case) of the given bytes.
encodeAsString(byte...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16Lower
Returns a base 16 encoded string (in lower case) of the given bytes.
encodeAsString(byte...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base32
Returns a base 32 encoded string of the given bytes.
encodeAsString(byte...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base64
Returns a base 64 encoded string of the given bytes.
encodeAsString(byte[]) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.util.EncodingScheme
encodeAsString(byte[]) - Method in enum com.amazonaws.util.EncodingSchemeEnum
encodeParameters(Request<?>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.HttpUtils
encodeParameters(SignableRequest<?>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.SdkHttpUtils
Creates an encoded query string from all the parameters in the specified request.
EncodingScheme - Interface in com.amazonaws.util
Encoding scheme.
EncodingSchemeEnum - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
Currently provided encoding schemes "out of the box".
end() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
endArray() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
End an array.
endClientExecution(AWSRequestMetrics, Request<?>, Response<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Convenient method to end the client execution without logging the awsRequestMetrics.
endClientExecution(AWSRequestMetrics, Request<?>, Response<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Common routine to end a client AWS request/response execution and collect the request metrics.
endElement() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.XMLWriter
Closes the last opened element at the current position in the in-progress XML document.
endEvent(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
endEvent(MetricType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
endEvent(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
End an event which was previously started.
endEvent(MetricType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
endObject() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
End an object.
endpoint - Variable in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
The service endpoint to which this client will send requests.
endTiming() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceLatencyProvider
Ends the timing.
endTiming() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
ENFORCE_S3_SIGV4_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
Like SDKGlobalConfiguration.ENABLE_S3_SIGV4_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, but causes the client to always use Signature Version 4, assuming a region of "us-east-1" if no explicit region has been configured.
entrySet() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that provides credentials by looking at the: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (or AWS_ACCESS_KEY) and AWS_SECRET_KEY (or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) environment variables.
EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
EPOCH_TIME_CONDITION_KEY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Condition key for the current time, in epoch seconds.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleMetricType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
error(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
error(Object) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs a message with error log level.
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs an error with error log level.
EXCLUDE_MACHINE_METRICS - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to exclude the generation of JVM metrics when the AWS SDK default metrics is enabled.
EXCLUDE_SKIPPED_BYTES - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.util.LengthCheckInputStream
execute(Request<?>, HttpResponseHandler<AmazonWebServiceResponse<T>>, HttpResponseHandler<AmazonServiceException>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
Executes the request and returns the result.
ExecutionContext - Class in com.amazonaws.http
ExecutionContext(boolean) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
For testing purposes.
ExecutionContext() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
For testing purposes.
ExecutionContext(List<RequestHandler2>, boolean, AmazonWebServiceClient) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
expiration - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential


FAILED_EVENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
failure(Throwable) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Throwables
Used to help perform common throw-up with minimal wrapping.
failure(Throwable, String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Throwables
Same as Throwables.failure(Throwable), but the given errmsg will be used if it was wrapped as either an AmazonClientException or AbortedException.
FakeIOException - Exception in com.amazonaws.util
Used for simulating an IOException for test purposes.
FakeIOException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.util.FakeIOException
fatal(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
fatal(Object) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs a message with fatal log level.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs an error with fatal log level.
fetchFile(URI, ClientConfiguration) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.HttpUtils
Fetches a file from the URI given and returns an input stream to it.
filter(ProgressEvent) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEventFilter
Returns the filtered event object that will be actually passed into the listeners.
finalize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
finalize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
findDeadlockedThreads() - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.JmxInfoProviderSupport
findDeadlockedThreads() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider
findRequestMetricCollector(Request<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Returns the most specific request metric collector, starting from the request level, then client level, then finally the AWS SDK level.
formatISO8601Date(Date) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Formats the specified date as an ISO 8601 string.
formatISO8601Date(DateTime) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Formats the specified date as an ISO 8601 string.
formatRFC822Date(Date) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Formats the specified date as an RFC 822 string.
formatServiceSpecificDate(Date) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Formats the give date object into an AWS Service format.
fromBase64(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.BinaryUtils
Converts a Base64-encoded string to the original byte data.
fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
fromBigInteger(BigInteger) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
fromBoolean(Boolean) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
fromByte(Byte) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
Returns the string representation of the specified Byte.
fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
Base64 encodes the data in the specified byte buffer (from the current position to the buffer's limit) and returns it as a base64 encoded string.
fromDate(Date) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
Converts the specified date to an ISO 8601 timestamp string and returns it.
fromDouble(Double) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
Returns the string representation of the specified double.
fromFloat(Float) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
fromHex(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.BinaryUtils
Converts a Hex-encoded data string to the original byte data.
fromInteger(Integer) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Returns an AWS access control policy object generated from JSON string.
fromJsonString(String, Class<T>) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
Returns the deserialized object from the given json string and target class; or null if the given json string is null.
fromLong(Long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
fromName(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.regions.Regions
Returns a region enum corresponding to the given region name.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal.Services
Construct the Services object from a string representing the service id.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal.WebIdentityProviders
Construct the Services object from a string representing web identity provider.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils


get(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
get(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the object value associated with an index.
get(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get the value object associated with a key.
get(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ResponseMetadataCache
Returns the response metadata associated with the specified object, or null if no metadata is associated with that object.
getAccountId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getActionName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Action
Returns the name of this action.
getActions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Returns the list of actions to which this policy statement applies.
getAllCounters() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getAllProfiles() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile
Returns all the profiles declared in this config file.
getAllSubMeasurements(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getAmiId() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the AMI ID used to launch the instance.
getAmiLaunchIndex() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the index of this instance in the reservation.
getAmiManifestPath() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the manifest path of the AMI with which the instance was launched.
getAncestorAmiIds() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the list of AMI IDs of any instances that were rebundled to created this AMI.
getApacheHttpClientConfig() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns a non-null object that can be used to specify Apache HTTP client specific custom configurations.
getArchitecture() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getAuthErrorRetryStrategy() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
Returns the retry strategy for auth errors.
getAvailabilityZone() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the Availability Zone in which the instance launched.
getAvailabilityZone() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getAWSAccessKeyId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AnonymousAWSCredentials
getAWSAccessKeyId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials
Returns the AWS access key ID for this credentials object.
getAWSAccessKeyId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials
getAWSAccessKeyId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.BasicSessionCredentials
getAWSAccessKeyId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesCredentials
getAwsClient() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
getAWSRequestMetrics() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getAwsRequestMetrics() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
getAWSRequestMetrics() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Returns the request metrics.
getAwsResponse() - Method in class com.amazonaws.Response
getAWSSecretKey() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AnonymousAWSCredentials
getAWSSecretKey() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials
Returns the AWS secret access key for this credentials object.
getAWSSecretKey() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials
getAWSSecretKey() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.BasicSessionCredentials
getAWSSecretKey() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesCredentials
getBackoffStrategy() - Method in class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy
Returns the back-off strategy included in this retry policy.
getBillingProducts() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getBinaryRequestPayload(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Returns the request's payload as binary data.
getBinaryRequestPayloadStream(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
getBinaryRequestPayloadStreamWithoutQueryParams(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
getBinaryRequestPayloadWithoutQueryParams(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Returns the request's payload contents as binary data, without processing any query string params (i.e.
getBlockDeviceMapping() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the virtual devices associated with the ami, root, ebs, and swap.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the boolean value associated with an index.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get the boolean value associated with a key.
getByteCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ByteThroughputProvider
getByteCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.CountingInputStream
Returns the number of bytes read from this stream so far.
getByteCountMetricType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleThroughputMetricType
getByteCountMetricType() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.ThroughputMetricType
getBytes() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
Returns the number of bytes associated with the event.
getBytesReadBeforeException() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
getBytesTransferred() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
Convenient method to returns the number of bytes transferred in this event, or the number of bytes reset (or discarded) if negative.
getCanonicalizedEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
getCanonicalizedHeadersForStringToSign(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS3Signer
getCanonicalizedHeaderString(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
getCanonicalizedQueryString(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Examines the specified query string parameters and returns a canonicalized form.
getCanonicalizedQueryString(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
getCanonicalizedResourcePath(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
getCanonicalizedResourcePath(String, boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
getCause() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener.ExceptionReporter
Returns the underlying exception, if any; or null otherwise.
getCause() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONException
getClientMarker(RequestClientOptions.Marker) - Method in class com.amazonaws.RequestClientOptions
Returns the value of the specified marker; or null if there is no such value.
getConditionKey() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Returns the name of the condition key involved in this condition.
getConditions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Returns the conditions associated with this policy statement.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out.
getConnectionTTL() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the expiration time(in milliseconds) for a connection in the connection pool.
getContent() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getContent() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Returns the input stream containing the response content.
getContent() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns the optional stream containing the payload data to include for this request.
getContentUnwrapped() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getContentUnwrapped() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns the optional raw stream containing the payload data to include for this request, with all progress stream wrappers.
getContextUserAgent() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
getCounter(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getCRC32Checksum() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.CRC32ChecksumCalculatingInputStream
getCredentailFile() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the last set AWS credential file, or null if there is none.
getCredentialFile() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
getCredentialFile() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns the last set AWS credential file; or null if there is none.
getCredentialProvider() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the credential provider for the default AWS SDK metric implementation.
getCredentials() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider
Returns AWSCredentials which the caller can use to authorize an AWS request.
getCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain
getCredentials() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.AWSSessionCredentialsProvider
getCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider
getCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
getCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
getCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
getCredentials(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile
Returns the AWS credentials for the specified profile.
getCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider
getCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider
getCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
Returns the optional credentials used to sign the associated request.
getCurrentRegion() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.regions.Regions
Returns a Region object representing the region the application is running in, when running in EC2.
getCurrNumErrors() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
getCustomRequestHeaders() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Returns an immutable map of custom header names to header values.
getDaemonThreadCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.JmxInfoProviderSupport
getDaemonThreadCount() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider
getData(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
getData(String, int) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
getDefaultRetryPolicy() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
Returns the SDK default retry policy.
getDefaultRetryPolicyWithCustomMaxRetries(int) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
Returns the SDK default retry policy with the specified max retry count.
getDevpayProductCodes() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getDomain() - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
Returns the domain for this region; ex: "amazonaws.com".
getDouble(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the double value associated with an index.
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get the double value associated with a key.
getDurationMilli() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceLatencyProvider
getDurationNano() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ByteThroughputProvider
getDynamoDBDefaultRetryPolicy() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
Returns the default retry policy for DynamoDB client.
getDynamoDBDefaultRetryPolicyWithCustomMaxRetries(int) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
Returns the default retry policy for DynamoDB client with the specified max retry count.
getEC2InstanceRegion() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Returns the current region of this running EC2 instance; or null if it is unable to do so.
getEffect() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Returns the result effect of this policy statement when it is evaluated.
getElapsedTimeMillis() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getEndEpochTimeMilli() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getEndEpochTimeMilliIfKnown() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getEndpoint() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns the service endpoint (ex: "https://ec2.amazonaws.com") to which this request should be sent.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getEndTimeNano() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getEndTimeNanoIfKnown() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Returns the AWS error code represented by this exception.
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
getErrorType() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Indicates who is responsible for this exception (caller, service, or unknown).
getEventCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
getEventType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
Returns the type of event this object represents.
getExecutorService() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Returns the executor service used for performing the callbacks.
getExtraInfo() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ResetException
getFactory() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogFactory
Returns the current default log factory.
getFileDecriptorInfo() - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.JmxInfoProviderSupport
getFileDecriptorInfo() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider
getGeneralProgressListener() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Returns the optional progress listener for receiving updates about the progress of the request.
getGlobalTimeOffset() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
getGlobalTimeOffset() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalTime
Gets the global time difference in seconds between the running JVM and AWS.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getHeaders() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Returns the HTTP headers returned with this response.
getHeaders() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns a map of all the headers included in this request.
getHeadersForStringToSign(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS3Signer
getHostMetricName() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the host name for generating per-host level metrics; or null or blank if the host is to be automatically detected via InetAddress.
getHostMetricName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
getHostMetricName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns the host name for metric purposes.
getHostname() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
The interface's local hostname.
getHttpMethod() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getHttpMethod() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc) to use when sending this request.
getHttpRequest() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Returns the original http request associated with this response.
getHttpResponse() - Method in class com.amazonaws.Response
getIAMInstanceProfileInfo() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get information about the last time the instance profile was updated, including the instance's LastUpdated date, InstanceProfileArn, and InstanceProfileId.
getIAMSecurityCredentials() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Returns the temporary security credentials (AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, SessionToken, and Expiration) associated with the IAM roles on the instance.
getId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Returns the policy ID for this policy.
getId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Returns the unique ID for this principal.
getId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Resource
Returns the resource ID, typically an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), identifying this resource.
getId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Returns the ID for this statement.
getImageId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getInstance() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricCollector.Factory
Returns an instance of the collector; or null if if failed to create one.
getInstanceAction() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Notifies the instance that it should reboot in preparation for bundling.
getInstanceId() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the ID of this instance.
getInstanceId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getInstanceInfo() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
The instance info is only guaranteed to be a JSON document per http://docs .aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html
getInstanceType() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the type of the instance.
getInstanceType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getInt(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the int value associated with an index.
getInt(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get the int value associated with a key.
getIPv4Association(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
Get the private IPv4 address(es) that are associated with the public-ip address and assigned to that interface.
getItems(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
getItems(String, int) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
getJmxInfoProvider() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider.Factory
getJSONArray(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the JSONArray associated with an index.
getJSONArray(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get the JSONArray value associated with a key.
getJSONObject(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the JSONObject associated with an index.
getJSONObject(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get the JSONObject value associated with a key.
getJvmMetricName() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the name of the JVM for generating per-JVM level metrics; or null or blank if per-JVM level metrics are disabled.
getJvmMetricName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
getJvmMetricName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns the JVM metric name.
getKernelId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getLastSubMeasurement(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getListener() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
getListeners() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListenerChain
Returns the listeners associated with this listener chain.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the optional local address the client will bind to.
getLocalHostName() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the local hostname of the instance.
getLocalIPv4s() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
The private IP addresses associated with the interface.
getLog(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogFactory
Returns an SDK logger that logs using the currently configured default log factory, given the class.
getLog(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogFactory
Returns an SDK logger that logs using the currently configured default log factory, given the name.
getLong(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the long value associated with an index.
getLong(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get the long value associated with a key.
getMacAddress() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the MAC address of the instance.
getMacAddress() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
The interface's Media Acess Control (mac) address
getMarked() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
getMaxConnections() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections.
getMaxErrorRetry() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the maximum number of retry attempts for failed retryable requests (ex: 5xx error responses from a service).
getMaxErrorRetry() - Method in class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy
Returns the maximum number of retry attempts.
getMaxNumErrors() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
getMBeanRegistry() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.SdkMBeanRegistry.Factory
getMBeanServer() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.jmx.MBeans
Returns the first registered MBean server, or the platform MBean server if there is none.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
getMessage() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ResetException
getMetricCollector() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
getMetricNameSpace() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the metric name space, which is never null or blank.
getMetricNameSpace() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
getMetricNameSpace() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns the metric name space.
getMetricQueueSize() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the internal metric queue size to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
getMetricQueueSize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
getMetricQueueSize() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns the internal metric queue size to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
getName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
The unique system ID for this region; ex: "us-east-1".
getName() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.regions.Regions
The name of this region, used in the regions.xml file to identify it.
getNames(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an array of field names from a JSONObject.
getNames(Object) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an array of field names from an Object.
getNetworkInterfaces() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the list of network interfaces on the instance.
getNotifiedByteCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
getObjectMapper() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
getOriginalRequest() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
Returns the original, user facing request object which this internal request object is representing.
getOriginalRequest() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Returns the original, user facing request object which this internal request object is representing.
getOriginalRequestObject() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getOriginalRequestObject() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns the original, user facing request object which this internal request object is representing.
getOverriddenDate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Returns a copy of date that overrides the signing date in the request.
getOwnerId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
The ID of the owner of the network interface.
In multiple-interface environments, an interface can be attached by a third party, such as Elastic Load Balancing.
getParameters() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getParameters() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns a map of all parameters in this request.
getPeakThreadCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.JmxInfoProviderSupport
getPeakThreadCount() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider
getPendingTime() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getPlatform() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.VersionInfoUtils
Returns the current platform for the AWS SDK in which this class is running.
getPosition() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
getPredefinedMetrics() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns an unmodifiable set of the current predefined metrics.
getPrettywriter() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
getPrincipals() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Returns the principals associated with this policy statement, indicating which AWS accounts are affected by this policy statement.
getPrivateIp() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getPrivateIpAddress() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the private IP address of the instance.
getProductCodes() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the list of product codes associated with the instance, if any.
getProfile() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
The interface's profile.
getProgress() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressTracker
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
getProperty(MetricType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
getProperty(MetricType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
getProtocol() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) to use when connecting to Amazon Web Services.
getProvider() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Returns the provider for this principal, which indicates in what group of users this principal resides.
getProviderId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ByteThroughputProvider
Returns a provider id that can be used to compute the number of active byte throughput provider of a specific metric type being active in a given time interval.
getProviderId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceLatencyProvider
getProxyDomain() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the optional Windows domain name for configuring an NTLM proxy.
getProxyHost() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the optional proxy host the client will connect through.
getProxyPassword() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the optional proxy password to use when connecting through a proxy.
getProxyPort() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the optional proxy port the client will connect through.
getProxyUsername() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the optional proxy user name to use if connecting through a proxy.
getProxyWorkstation() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the optional Windows workstation name for configuring NTLM proxy support.
getPublicHostname() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
The interface's public hostname.
getPublicIPv4s() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
The elastic IP addresses associated with the interface.
There may be multiple IP addresses on an instance.
getPublicKey() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the public key.
getQueuePollTimeoutMilli() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the internal metric queue timeout in millisecond to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
getQueuePollTimeoutMilli() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
getQueuePollTimeoutMilli() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns the internal metric queue timeout in millisecond to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
getRamdiskId() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the ID of the RAM disk specified at launch time, if applicable.
getRamdiskId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getRawResponseContent() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Typically only useful for debugging purpose if for some reason the SDK cannot parse the HTTP response from a service
getReadLimit() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
getReadLimit() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ReadLimitInfo
Returns the read limit for mark-and-reset during retries; or -1 if not available.
getReadLimit() - Method in class com.amazonaws.RequestClientOptions
Returns the mark-and-reset read limit; defaults to 131073.
getReadLimitInfo() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getReadLimitInfo() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns the read limit info about the original request.
getRegion() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the region configured for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
getRegion() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
getRegion() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns the region configured for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
getRegion(Regions) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
Returns the region with the id given, or null if it cannot be found in the current regions.xml file.
getRegion(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadata
Returns the region with the name given, if it exists.
getRegion(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Returns the region with the id given, if it exists.
getRegion() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getRegionByEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadata
Searches through all known regions to find one with any service at the specified endpoint.
getRegionByEndpoint(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Searches through all known regions to find one with any service at the specified endpoint.
getRegionMetadata() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Returns the current set of region metadata for this process, initializing it if it has not yet been explicitly initialized before.
getRegionName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Returns the region name that is used when calculating the signature.
getRegions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadata
Returns an immutable list of all regions known to this region metadata object, in no particular order.
getRegions() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Returns a list of the available AWS regions.
getRegionsForService(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadata
Returns a list of the regions that support the service given.
getRegionsForService(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Returns a list of the regions that support the service given.
getRegisteredAdminMbeanName() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the name of the registered admin mbean; or null if the admin mbean is not currently registered.
getRequest() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Returns the original request associated with this response.
getRequestBytesTransferred() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
getRequestBytesTransferred() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
Returns the number of bytes that have been transferred in the request.
getRequestClientOptions() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Gets the options stored with this request object.
getRequestContentLength() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
getRequestContentLength() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
Returns the number of bytes to be expected in the request, or -1 if the number is unknown (e.g.
getRequestCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Returns the optional credentials to use to sign this request, overriding the default credentials set at the client level.
getRequestHandler2s() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
getRequestId() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Returns the AWS request ID that uniquely identifies the service request the caller made.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResponse
Returns the AWS request ID from the response metadata section of an AWS response.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ResponseMetadata
Returns the AWS request ID contained in this response metadata object.
getRequestMetricCollector() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Returns a request level metric collector; or null if not specified.
getRequestMetricCollector() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
Returns the http client specific request metric collector; or null if there is none.
getRequestMetricCollector() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns a non-null request metric collector for the SDK.
getRequestMetricCollector() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
getRequestMetricCollector() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns the name of the request metric collector set at the AWS SDK level, or NONE if there is none.
getRequestMetricCollector() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricCollector
getRequestMetricCollector() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.RequestMetricCollector.Factory
Returns an instance of the collector; or null if if failed to create one.
getRequestMetricsCollector() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Returns the client specific RequestMetricCollector; or null if there is none.
getRequestPayload(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Returns the request's payload as a String.
getRequestPayloadWithoutQueryParams(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Returns the request's payload contents as a String, without processing any query string params (i.e.
getReservationId() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the ID of the reservation.
getResetCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
getResetIntervalBeforeException() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
getResource(String, Class<?>...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.ClassLoaderHelper
Retrieves the resource via the context class loader of the current thread, and if not found, via the class loaders of the optionally specified classes in the order of their specification, and if not found, from the class loader of ClassLoaderHelper as the last resort.
getResource(String, boolean, Class<?>...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.ClassLoaderHelper
If classesFirst is false, retrieves the resource via the context class loader of the current thread, and if not found, via the class loaders of the optionally specified classes in the order of their specification, and if not found, from the class loader of ClassLoaderHelper as the last resort.
getResourceAsStream(String, Class<?>...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.ClassLoaderHelper
Retrieves the resource as an input stream via the context class loader of the current thread, and if not found, via the class loaders of the optionally specified classes in the order of their specification, and if not found, from the class loader of ClassLoaderHelper as the last resort.
getResourceAsStream(String, boolean, Class<?>...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.ClassLoaderHelper
If classesFirst is false, retrieves the resource as an input stream via the context class loader of the current thread, and if not found, via the class loaders of the optionally specified classes in the order of their specification, and if not found, from the class loader of ClassLoaderHelper as the last resort.
getResourcePath() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getResourcePath() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns the path to the resource being requested.
getResources() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Returns the resources associated with this policy statement.
getResponseBytesTransferred() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
getResponseBytesTransferred() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
Returns the number of bytes that have been transferred in the response.
getResponseContentLength() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
getResponseContentLength() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
Returns the number of bytes to be expected in the response, or -1 if the number is unknown (e.g.
getResponseMetadata() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResponse
Returns the response metadata for this response.
getResponseMetadataCacheSize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the response metadata cache size.
getResponseMetadataForRequest(AmazonWebServiceRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
Returns additional response metadata for an executed request.
getResult() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResponse
Returns the result contained by this response.
getRetryCondition() - Method in class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy
Returns the retry condition included in this retry policy.
getRetryPolicy() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the retry policy upon failed requests.
getReuseLastProvider() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain
Returns true if this chain will reuse the last successful credentials provider for future credentials requests, otherwise, false if it will search through the chain each time.
getRootCause(Throwable) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Throwables
Returns the root cause of the given throwable, or null if the given throwable is null.
getSecurityGroupIds() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
IDs of the security groups to which the network interface belongs.
getSecurityGroups() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the list of names of the security groups applied to the instance.
getSecurityGroups() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
Security groups to which the network interface belongs.
getServiceAbbreviation() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
getServiceEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
Returns the endpoint for the service given.
getServiceId() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal.Services
getServiceMetricCollector() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
getServiceMetricCollector() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
getServiceMetricCollector() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns the name of the service metric collector set at the AWS SDK level, or NONE if there is none.
getServiceMetricCollector() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricCollector
getServiceMetricCollector() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricCollector.Factory
Returns an instance of the collector; or null if if failed to create one.
getServiceMetricType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceLatencyProvider
getServiceName() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Returns the name of the service that sent this error response.
getServiceName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Returns the service abbreviation for this service, used for identifying service endpoints by region, identifying the necessary signer, etc.
getServiceName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Returns the service name that is used when calculating the signature.
getServiceName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getServiceName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricType
getServiceName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleServiceMetricType
getServiceName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
getServiceName() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.util.AWSServiceMetrics
getServiceNameIntern() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Internal method for implementing AmazonWebServiceClient.getServiceName().
getSessionToken() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.AWSSessionCredentials
Returns the session token for this session.
getSessionToken() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.BasicSessionCredentials
getSignatureDate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Returns the current time minus the given offset in seconds.
getSignedHeadersString(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
getSigner() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Returns the signer.
getSigner(String, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.SignerFactory
Returns a non-null signer for the specified service and region according to the internal configuration which provides a basic default algorithm used for signer determination.
getSignerByTypeAndService(String, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.SignerFactory
Returns an instance of the given signer type and configures it with the given service name (if applicable).
getSignerByURI(URI) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Returns the signer based on the given URI and the current AWS client configuration.
getSignerByURI(URI) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
Returns the signer for the given uri.
getSignerOverride() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the name of the signature algorithm to use for signing requests made by this client.
getSignerRegionOverride() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Returns the signer region override.
getSocketBufferSizeHints() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the optional size hints (in bytes) for the low level TCP send and receive buffers.
getSocketTimeout() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for data to be transfered over an established, open connection before the connection times out and is closed.
getSource() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
For test purposes.
getSslSocketFactory() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ApacheHttpClientConfig
Returns a custom Apache HTTP client specific SSL socket factory; or null if there is none.
getStartEpochTimeMilli() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getStartEpochTimeMilliIfKnown() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getStartTime() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getStartTimeNano() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getStatements() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Returns the collection of statements contained by this policy.
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Returns the HTTP status code that was returned with this service exception.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Returns the HTTP status code (ex: 200, 404, etc) associated with this response.
getStatusText() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Returns the HTTP status text associated with this response.
getString(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the string associated with an index.
getString(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get the string associated with a key.
getString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringInputStream
Returns the original string specified when this input stream was constructed.
getSubMeasurement(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getSubMeasurement(String, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getSubMeasurementsByName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getSubnetId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
ID of the subnet in which the interface resides.
Returned only for Amazon EC2 instances launched into a VPC.
getSubnetIPv4CidrBlock() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
The CIDR block of the Amazon EC2-VPC subnet in which the interface resides.
Returned only for Amazon EC2 instances launched into a VPC.
getThreadCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.JmxInfoProviderSupport
getThreadCount() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider
getThroughputMetricType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ByteThroughputProvider
getTimeOffset() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Returns the optional value for time offset for this client.
getTimeOffset(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
getTimeOffset() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
getTimeOffset() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
Returns the time difference in seconds between this client and AWS.
getTimeOffset() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Returns the optional value for time offset for this request.
getTimeTakenMillis() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getTimeTakenMillisIfKnown() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
getTimingInfo() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
getTotalStartedThreadCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.JmxInfoProviderSupport
getTotalStartedThreadCount() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider
getType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Returns the type of this condition.
getUnnotifiedByteCount() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
getUserAgent() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns the HTTP user agent header to send with all requests.
getUserAgent() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.VersionInfoUtils
getUserData() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils
Get the metadata sent to the instance
getValues() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Returns the values specified for this access control policy condition.
getVersion() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Returns the version of this AWS policy.
getVersion() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.InstanceInfo
getVersion() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.JodaTime
Returns the current version of joda-time used during runtime; or null if it cannot be determined.
getVersion() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.VersionInfoUtils
Returns the current version for the AWS SDK in which this class is running.
getVpcId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
ID of the Amazon EC2-VPC in which the interface resides.
Returned only for Amazon EC2 instances launched into a VPC.
getVpcIPv4CidrBlock() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.NetworkInterface
The CIDR block of the Amazon EC2-VPC in which the interface resides.
Returned only for Amazon EC2 instances launched into a VPC.
getWebIdentityProvider() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal.WebIdentityProviders
getWrappedInputStream() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
getWriter() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
Glacier - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
GuardedBy - Annotation Type in com.amazonaws.annotation
The field or method to which this annotation is applied can only be accessed when holding a particular lock, which may be a built-in (synchronization) lock, or may be an explicit java.util.concurrent.Lock.


handle(HttpResponse) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.DefaultErrorResponseHandler
handle(HttpResponse) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponseHandler
Accepts an HTTP response object, and returns an object of type T.
handle(HttpResponse) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.JsonErrorResponseHandler
handle(HttpResponse) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.JsonErrorResponseHandlerV2
handle(HttpResponse) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.JsonResponseHandler
handle(HttpResponse) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.StaxResponseHandler
HandlerChainFactory - Class in com.amazonaws.handlers
Factory for creating request/response handler chains.
HandlerChainFactory() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.handlers.HandlerChainFactory
has(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Determine if the JSONObject contains a specific key.
hasExpectedBehavior() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.JodaTime
Returns true if the current version of joda-time used during runtime behaves as expected by the Java SDK; false otherwise.
hash(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Hashes the string contents (assumed to be UTF-8) using the SHA-256 algorithm.
hash(InputStream) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
hash(byte[]) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Hashes the binary data using the SHA-256 algorithm.
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleMetricType
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
hashCode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
hasHttpEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
Returns whether the given service support the http protocol in this region.
hasHttpsEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
Returns whether the given service support the https protocol in this region.
HOST_METRIC_NAME - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to explicitly specify the host name for metric purposes, instead of detecting the host name via InetAddress when the AWS SDK default metrics is enabled.
HttpMethod - Enum in com.amazonaws
Enumeration of valid HTTP methods.
HttpMethodName - Enum in com.amazonaws.http
HttpRequestNoRetryHandler - Class in com.amazonaws.http.impl.client
HttpResponse - Class in com.amazonaws.http
Represents an HTTP response returned by an AWS service in response to a service request.
HttpResponse(Request<?>, HttpRequestBase) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Constructs a new HttpResponse associated with the specified request.
HttpResponseHandler<T> - Interface in com.amazonaws.http
Responsible for handling an HTTP response and returning an object of type T.
HttpUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
HttpUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.HttpUtils


IAM - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
IdleConnectionReaper - Class in com.amazonaws.http
Daemon thread to periodically check connection pools for idle connections.
Immutable - Annotation Type in com.amazonaws.annotation
The class to which this annotation is applied is immutable.
ImmutableMapParameter<K,V> - Class in com.amazonaws.util
An immutable map that could be built by convenient constructors.
ImmutableMapParameter.Builder<K,V> - Class in com.amazonaws.util
A convenient builder for creating ImmutableMapParameter instances.
ImmutableMapParameter.Builder() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter.Builder
ImportExport - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
INCLUDE_PER_HOST_METRICS - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to generate per host level metrics when the AWS SDK default metrics is enabled.
INCLUDE_SKIPPED_BYTES - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.util.LengthCheckInputStream
increment(int, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ByteThroughputProvider
increment(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Increment a property of a JSONObject.
incrementCounter(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
incrementCounter(MetricType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
incrementCounter(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
Add 1 to an existing count for a given event.
incrementCounter(MetricType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
incrementCounter(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
incrementCounterWith(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
incrementCounterWith(MetricType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
info(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
info(Object) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs a message with info log level.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs an error with info log level.
init() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
initialize() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Initializes the region metadata by loading from the default hierarchy of region metadata locations.
initializeFromFile(File) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Initializes the region metadata singleton from an XML file on disk.
initializeFromResource(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Initializes the region metadata singleton from an XML file stored as a resource of the classloader used to load the RegionUtils class.
initializeFromResource(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Initializes the region metadata singleton from the given resource.
initializeFromResource(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Initializes the region metadata singleton from the given resource.
initializeFromURI(URI) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Loads a set of region metadata by downloading an XML file from the given URI and parsing it.
initializeFromURI(URI, ClientConfiguration) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Loads a set of region metadata by downloading an XML file from the given URI and parsing it.
initializeWithMetadata(RegionMetadata) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Directly sets the singleton RegionMetadata instance.
inputStreamForRequest(InputStream, AmazonWebServiceRequest) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
Returns an input stream for request progress tracking purposes.
inputStreamForResponse(InputStream, AmazonWebServiceRequest) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
Returns an input stream for response progress tracking purposes.
instanceProfileArn - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMInfo
InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Credentials provider implementation that loads credentials from the Amazon EC2 Instance Metadata Service.
InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider(boolean) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
Spins up a new thread to refresh the credentials asynchronously if refreshCredentialsAsync is set to true, otherwise the credentials will be refreshed from the instance metadata service synchronously,
instanceProfileId - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMInfo
InternalLogApi - Interface in com.amazonaws.log
An SDK internal logging API, not intended for general use.
InternalLogFactory - Class in com.amazonaws.log
Can be used to configure the default log factory for the AWSJavaClientCore and AWSJavaClientSigners.
InternalLogFactory() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogFactory
IOUtils - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
Utilities for IO operations.
IpAddressCondition - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
AWS access control policy condition that allows an access control statement to be conditionally applied based on the comparison of the the incoming source IP address at the time of a request against a CIDR IP range.
IpAddressCondition(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.IpAddressCondition
Constructs a new access policy condition that compares the source IP address of the incoming request to an AWS service against the specified CIDR range.
IpAddressCondition(IpAddressCondition.IpAddressComparisonType, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.IpAddressCondition
Constructs a new access policy condition that compares the source IP address of the incoming request to an AWS service against the specified CIDR range.
IpAddressCondition.IpAddressComparisonType - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
Enumeration of the supported ways an IP address comparison can be evaluated.
isByteCountEvent() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEventType
Returns true if this even type is associated with some number of bytes; false otherwise.
isClockSkewError(AmazonServiceException) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryUtils
Returns true if the specified exception is a clock skew error.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Is debug logging currently enabled?
isDefaultMetricsEnabled() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns true if the system property SDKGlobalConfiguration.DEFAULT_METRICS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY has been set; false otherwise.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
isEmpty(Node) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Returns true if the specified node is null or has no children.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
Returns true if progress tracking is enabled; false otherwise.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
isEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.JmxInfoProviderSupport
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider
isEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricCollector
Returns true if this collector is enabled; false otherwise.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.RequestMetricCollector
isEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricCollector
isEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
Returns true if this metrics is enabled; false otherwise.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
Always returns true.
isEndTimeKnown() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Is error logging currently enabled?
isFakeIOException() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
isFatalEnabled() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Is fatal logging currently enabled?
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Is info logging currently enabled?
isMachineMetricExcluded() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns true if machine metrics is to be excluded.
isMachineMetricsExcluded() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
isMachineMetricsExcluded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns true if machine metrics is to be excluded; false otherwise.
isMaxErrorRetryInClientConfigHonored() - Method in class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy
Returns whether this retry policy should honor the max error retry set in ClientConfiguration.
isMBeanRegistered(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.SdkMBeanRegistrySupport
isMBeanRegistered(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.SdkMBeanRegistry
Returns true if the the MBean under the given object name is currently registered; false otherwise.
isMetricActivated() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricFilterInputStream
isMetricAdminMBeanRegistered() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns true if the metric admin MBean is currently registered for JMX access; false otherwise.
isMetricsEnabled() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns true if metrics at the AWS SDK level is enabled; false if disabled.
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
isMetricsEnabled() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns true if metrics at the AWS SDK level is enabled; false if disabled.
isNull(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Determine if the value is null.
isNull(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Determine if the value associated with the key is null or if there is no value.
isNullOrEmpty(Collection<T>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.CollectionUtils
isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
iso8601DateFormat - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
ISO 8601 format
isPerHostMetricEnabled() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns true if per-host metrics is enabled; false otherwise.
isPerHostMetricIncluded() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns true if the per-host metrics flag has been set; false otherwise.
isPerHostMetricsIncluded() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
isPerHostMetricsIncluded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns true if per-host metrics is to be included; false otherwise.
isPreemptiveBasicProxyAuth() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns whether to attempt to authenticate preemptively against proxy servers using basic authentication
isProfilingEnabled() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
isRegistered(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.jmx.MBeans
Returns true if an MBean identified by the specified object name is already registered with the first MBean server, or the platform MBean server if there is no explicitly registered MBean server; false otherwise.
isRequestCycleEvent() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEventType
Returns true if this event type is related to the execution of a single http request-response to AWS; false otherwise.
isRequestEntityTooLargeException(AmazonServiceException) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryUtils
Returns true if the specified exception is a request entity too large error.
isRequestMetricsEnabled(AmazonWebServiceRequest) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Returns true if request metric collection is applicable to the given request; false otherwise.
isRetryable() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AbortedException
Returns a hint as to whether it makes sense to retry upon this exception.
isRetryable() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException
Returns a hint as to whether it makes sense to retry upon this exception.
isRetryable() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ResetException
Returns a hint as to whether it makes sense to retry upon this exception.
isServiceSupported(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
Returns whether the given service is supported in this region.
isSingleMetricNamespace() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns true if a single metric name space is to be used for all levels of SDK generated CloudWatch metrics, including JVM level, host level, etc.; false otherwise.
isSingleMetricNamespace() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
isSingleMetricNamespace() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Returns true if single metric name space is to be used; false otherwise.
isStartEpochTimeMilliKnown() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
isSyncCallSafe(ProgressListener) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.DeliveryMode.Check
isSyncCallSafe() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.event.DeliveryMode
Returns true if it is safe to make a synchronous callback to the implementing listener without the risk of incurring undue latency; false otherwise.
isSyncCallSafe() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener.ExceptionReporter
isSyncCallSafe() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListenerChain
isSyncCallSafe() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.SyncProgressListener
Always returns true.
isThrottlingException(AmazonServiceException) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryUtils
Returns true if the specified exception is a throttling error.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Is trace logging currently enabled?
isTransferEvent() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEventType
Returns true if this event type is a transfer event, which may involve multiple request cycle events.
isUsingNonDefaultPort(URI) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.HttpUtils
isUsingNonDefaultPort(URI) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.SdkHttpUtils
Returns true if the specified URI is using a non-standard port (i.e.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Is warn logging currently enabled?


Jackson - Enum in com.amazonaws.util.json
jarFileOf(Class<?>) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Classes
Returns the jar file from which the given class is loaded; or null if no such jar file can be located.
JmxInfoProvider - Interface in com.amazonaws.jmx.spi
SPI used to retrieve JMX information and can survive the absence of JMX.
JmxInfoProvider.Factory - Class in com.amazonaws.jmx.spi
JmxInfoProvider.Factory() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider.Factory
JmxInfoProviderSupport - Class in com.amazonaws.jmx
JmxInfoProviderSupport() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.jmx.JmxInfoProviderSupport
JodaTime - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
Utilities for accessing joda-time.
join(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Make a string from the contents of this JSONArray.
join(String, String...) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
Joins the strings in parts with joiner between each string
JSONArray - Class in com.amazonaws.util.json
A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values.
JSONArray() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Construct an empty JSONArray.
JSONArray(JSONTokener) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a JSONTokener.
JSONArray(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a source JSON text.
JSONArray(Collection) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a Collection.
JSONArray(Object) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from an array
JsonErrorResponseHandler - Class in com.amazonaws.http
JsonErrorResponseHandler(List<? extends JsonErrorUnmarshaller>) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.JsonErrorResponseHandler
JsonErrorResponseHandlerV2 - Class in com.amazonaws.http
JsonErrorResponseHandlerV2(List<JsonErrorUnmarshallerV2>) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.JsonErrorResponseHandlerV2
JsonErrorResponseHandlerV2(List<JsonErrorUnmarshallerV2>, JsonErrorCodeParser) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.JsonErrorResponseHandlerV2
JSONException - Exception in com.amazonaws.util.json
The JSONException is thrown by the JSON.org classes when things are amiss.
JSONException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONException
Constructs a JSONException with an explanatory message.
JSONException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONException
jsonGeneratorOf(Writer) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
jsonNodeOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
JSONObject - Class in com.amazonaws.util.json
A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs.
JSONObject() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Construct an empty JSONObject.
JSONObject(JSONObject, String[]) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a subset of another JSONObject.
JSONObject(JSONTokener) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a JSONTokener.
JSONObject(Map) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a Map.
JSONObject(Object) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from an Object using bean getters.
JSONObject(Object, String[]) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from an Object, using reflection to find the public members.
JSONObject(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a source JSON text string.
JsonResponseHandler<T> - Class in com.amazonaws.http
Default implementation of HttpResponseHandler that handles a successful response from an AWS service and unmarshalls the result using a JSON unmarshaller.
JsonResponseHandler(Unmarshaller<T, JsonUnmarshallerContext>) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.JsonResponseHandler
Constructs a new response handler that will use the specified JSON unmarshaller to unmarshall the service response and uses the specified response element path to find the root of the business data in the service's response.
JSONTokener - Class in com.amazonaws.util.json
A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from it.
JSONTokener(Reader) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Construct a JSONTokener from a reader.
JSONTokener(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Construct a JSONTokener from a string.
JSONUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util.json
JSONUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONUtils
JSONWriter - Class in com.amazonaws.util.json
JSONWriter provides a quick and convenient way of producing JSON text.
JSONWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Make a fresh JSONWriter.
JulLogFactory - Class in com.amazonaws.log
Internal logging factory for the signers and core classes based on JUL.
JulLogFactory() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.log.JulLogFactory
JVM_METRIC_NAME - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to generate per JVM level metrics when the AWS SDK default metrics is enabled.


key(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Append a key.
KeyManagementService - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
keys() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject.
keySet() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
Kinesis - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations


Lambda - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
lastInstanceProfileCheck - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
The time of the last attempt to check for new credentials
lastUpdated - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMInfo
lastUpdated - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential
length() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the number of elements in the JSONArray, included nulls.
length() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get the number of keys stored in the JSONObject.
LengthCheckInputStream - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Used to perform length check to ensure the number of bytes read from the underlying input stream is the same as the expected total.
LengthCheckInputStream(InputStream, long, boolean) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.LengthCheckInputStream
Constructs an input stream that performs length check to ensure the number of bytes read from the underlying input stream is the same as the expected total.
loadClass(String, Class<?>...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.ClassLoaderHelper
Loads the class via the optionally specified classes in the order of their specification, and if not found, via the context class loader of the current thread, and if not found, from the caller class loader as the last resort.
loadClass(String, boolean, Class<?>...) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.ClassLoaderHelper
If classesFirst is false, loads the class via the context class loader of the current thread, and if not found, via the class loaders of the optionally specified classes in the order of their specification, and if not found, from the caller class loader as the last resort.
loadFrom(File, Class<T>) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
loadMetadataFromFile(File) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Loads a set of region metadata from an XML file on disk.
loadMetadataFromInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Loads a set of region metadata from an arbitrary InputStream containing an XML file.
loadMetadataFromResource(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Loads a set of region metadata from an XML file stored as a resource of the classloader used to load the RegionUtils class.
loadMetadataFromResource(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Loads a set of region metadata from an XML file stored as a resource of the classloader used to load the given class.
loadMetadataFromResource(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Loads a set of region metadata from an XML file stored as a resource of the given classloader.
loadMetadataFromURI(URI) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Loads a set of region metadata by downloading an XML file from the given URI and parsing it.
loadMetadataFromURI(URI, ClientConfiguration) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
Loads a set of region metadata by downloading an XML file from the given URI and parsing it.
localHostName() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.AwsHostNameUtils
Returns the host name for the local host.
log - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
log() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
log() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
LOGGING_AWS_REQUEST_METRIC - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient


mark(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.LengthCheckInputStream
mark(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
MBeans - Enum in com.amazonaws.jmx
MBean related utilities.
md5AsBase64(InputStream) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.Md5Utils
Returns the MD5 in base64 for the data from the given input stream.
md5AsBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.Md5Utils
Returns the MD5 in base64 for the given byte array.
md5AsBase64(File) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.Md5Utils
Returns the MD5 in base64 for the given file.
Md5Utils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Utility methods for computing MD5 sums.
Md5Utils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.Md5Utils
message - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMInfo
message - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential
metadata - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ResponseMetadata
METRIC_NAME_SPACE - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to specify a custom metric name space.
METRIC_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to specify the internal in-memory queue size for queuing metrics data points.
MetricAdmin - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
Administration of AwsSdkMetrics as an MBean.
MetricAdmin() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
MetricAdminMBean - Interface in com.amazonaws.metrics
MBean interface for AwsSdkMetrics administration.
MetricCollector - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
Metric Collector SPI.
MetricCollector() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricCollector
MetricCollector.Factory - Interface in com.amazonaws.metrics
Can be used to serve as a factory for the request metric collector.
MetricFilterInputStream - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
Used to capture the input stream throughput metrics, but excluding the SdkFilterInputStream.read() API.
MetricFilterInputStream(ThroughputMetricType, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricFilterInputStream
MetricInputStreamEntity - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
Used to help capture the throughput metrics.
MetricInputStreamEntity(ThroughputMetricType, InputStream, long) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricInputStreamEntity
MetricInputStreamEntity(ThroughputMetricType, InputStream, long, ContentType) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricInputStreamEntity
MetricType - Interface in com.amazonaws.metrics
Metric type.
mode - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
The current mode.
modifyOneProfile(File, String, Profile) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFileWriter
Modify one profile in the existing credentials file by in-place modification.
modifyOrInsertProfiles(File, Profile...) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFileWriter
Modify or insert new profiles into an existing credentials file by in-place modification.
more() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Determine if the source string still contains characters that next() can consume.


name() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricType
Non-null name of the metric type.
name() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleMetricType
name() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleServiceMetricType
names() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the names of the elements of this JSONObject.
needsConnectionLeftOpen() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.DefaultErrorResponseHandler
Since this response handler completely consumes all the data from the underlying HTTP connection during the handle method, we don't need to keep the HTTP connection open.
needsConnectionLeftOpen() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponseHandler
Indicates if this response handler requires that the underlying HTTP connection not be closed automatically after the response is handled.
needsConnectionLeftOpen() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.JsonErrorResponseHandler
needsConnectionLeftOpen() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.JsonErrorResponseHandlerV2
needsConnectionLeftOpen - Variable in class com.amazonaws.http.JsonResponseHandler
needsConnectionLeftOpen() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.JsonResponseHandler
Since this response handler completely consumes all the data from the underlying HTTP connection during the handle method, we don't need to keep the HTTP connection open.
needsConnectionLeftOpen() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.StaxResponseHandler
Since this response handler completely consumes all the data from the underlying HTTP connection during the handle method, we don't need to keep the HTTP connection open.
needsToLoadCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
newRefererCondition(StringCondition.StringComparisonType, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Constructs a new access control policy condition that tests the incoming request's referer field against the specified value, using the specified comparison type.
newRequestHandler2Chain(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.HandlerChainFactory
Constructs a new request handler (v2) chain by analyzing the specified classpath resource.
newRequestHandlerChain(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.HandlerChainFactory
For backward compatibility, constructs a new request handler chain adapted to RequestHandler2 by analyzing the specified classpath resource.
newSecureTransportCondition() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Constructs a new access control policy condition that tests if the incoming request was sent over a secure transport (HTTPS).
newSourceArnCondition(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Constructs a new access policy condition that compares the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source of an AWS resource that is modifying another AWS resource with the specified pattern.
newString(byte[]) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Safely converts a UTF-8 encoded byte array into a String.
newTimingInfoFullSupport(long, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
Returns a TimingInfoFullSupport based on the given start and end time in nanosecond, ignoring the wall clock time.
newTimingInfoFullSupport(long, long, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
Returns a TimingInfoFullSupport based on the given start time since epoch in millisecond, and the given start and end time in nanosecond.
newUserAgentCondition(StringCondition.StringComparisonType, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Constructs a new access control policy condition that tests the incoming request's user agent field against the specified value, using the specified comparison type.
next() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Get the next character in the source string.
next(char) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Consume the next character, and check that it matches a specified character.
next(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Get the next n characters.
nextClean() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Get the next char in the string, skipping whitespace.
nextString(char) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Return the characters up to the next close quote character.
nextTo(char) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Get the text up but not including the specified character or the end of line, whichever comes first.
nextTo(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Get the text up but not including one of the specified delimiter characters or the end of line, whichever comes first.
nextValue() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Get the next value.
NO_DELAY - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy.BackoffStrategy
NO_RETRY_CONDITION - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy.RetryCondition
NO_RETRY_POLICY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
No retry policy
nodeLength(NodeList) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Returns the length of the specified node list.
NONE - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.JmxInfoProvider
NONE - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.SdkMBeanRegistry
NONE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricCollector
A convenient instance of a no-op request metric collector.
NONE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.metrics.RequestMetricCollector
A convenient instance of a no-op request metric collector.
NONE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricCollector
A convenient instance of a no-op service metric collector.
NOOP - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
NOOP - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener
NOOP - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressTracker
NOOP - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
NoOpSigner - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
A No-Op Signer Implementation.
NoOpSigner() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.NoOpSigner
NotThreadSafe - Annotation Type in com.amazonaws.annotation
The class to which this annotation is applied is not thread-safe.
NULL - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
It is sometimes more convenient and less ambiguous to have a NULL object than to use Java's null value.
numberOfDaysSinceEpoch(long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Returns the number of days since epoch with respect to the given number of milliseconds since epoch.
numberToString(Number) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Produce a string from a Number.
NumericCondition - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
AWS access control policy condition that allows an access control statement to be conditionally applied based on a numeric comparison.
NumericCondition(NumericCondition.NumericComparisonType, String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.NumericCondition
Constructs a new access policy condition that compares two numbers.
NumericCondition.NumericComparisonType - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
Enumeration of the supported ways a numeric comparison can be evaluated


object() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Begin appending a new object.
of(K, V) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
Returns an ImmutableMapParameter instance containing a single entry.
of(K, V, K, V) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
Returns an ImmutableMapParameter instance containing two entries.
of(K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
Returns an ImmutableMapParameter instance containing three entries.
of(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
Returns an ImmutableMapParameter instance containing four entries.
of(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
Returns an ImmutableMapParameter instance containing five entries.
onClose() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
Defaults to behave the same as ProgressInputStream.onEOF().
onEOF() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
An end-of-file event is to be notified.
onError(Exception) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler
Invoked after an asynchronous request
onFirstRead() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
The read method is called for the very first time.
onNotifyBytesRead() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
Upon notification of the number of bytes transferred since last notification.
onReset() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
A reset event is to be notified.
onSuccess(REQUEST, RESULT) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler
Invoked after an asynchronous request has completed successfully.
Opsworks - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
opt(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional object value associated with an index.
opt(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional value associated with a key.
optBoolean(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional boolean value associated with an index.
optBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional boolean value associated with an index.
optBoolean(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional boolean associated with a key.
optBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional boolean associated with a key.
optDouble(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional double value associated with an index.
optDouble(int, double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional double value associated with an index.
optDouble(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional double associated with a key, or NaN if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
optDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional double associated with a key, or the defaultValue if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
optInt(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional int value associated with an index.
optInt(int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional int value associated with an index.
optInt(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional int value associated with a key, or zero if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optInt(String, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional int value associated with a key, or the default if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optJSONArray(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional JSONArray associated with an index.
optJSONArray(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional JSONArray associated with a key.
optJSONObject(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional JSONObject associated with an index.
optJSONObject(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional JSONObject associated with a key.
optLong(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional long value associated with an index.
optLong(int, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional long value associated with an index.
optLong(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional long value associated with a key, or zero if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optLong(String, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional long value associated with a key, or the default if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optString(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional string value associated with an index.
optString(int, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Get the optional string associated with an index.
optString(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional string associated with a key.
optString(String, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an optional string associated with a key.
overriddenDate - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Date override for testing only


parse(InputStream) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadataParser
Parses the specified input stream and returns a RegionMetadata object.
parse(InputStream, ContentHandler) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XmlUtils
parseCompressedISO8601Date(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Parses the specified date string as a compressedIso8601DateFormat ("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'") and returns the Date object.
parseISO8601Date(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Parses the specified date string as an ISO 8601 date and returns the Date object.
parseRegionMetadata(InputStream) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadataParser
parseRegionMetadata(InputStream, boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadataParser
parseRegionName(URI) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.AwsHostNameUtils
parseRegionName(String, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.AwsHostNameUtils
Attempts to parse the region name from an endpoint based on conventions about the endpoint format.
parseRFC822Date(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Parses the specified date string as an RFC 822 date and returns the Date object.
parseServiceName(URI) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.AwsHostNameUtils
Parses the service name from an endpoint.
parseServiceSpecificDate(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
Parses the given date string returned by the AWS service into a Date object.
PART_COMPLETED_EVENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
PART_FAILED_EVENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
PART_STARTED_EVENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
Policy - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy
An AWS access control policy is a object that acts as a container for one or more statements, which specify fine grained rules for allowing or denying various types of actions from being performed on your AWS resources.
Policy() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Constructs an empty AWS access control policy ready to be populated with statements.
Policy(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Constructs a new AWS access control policy with the specified policy ID.
Policy(String, Collection<Statement>) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Constructs a new AWS access control policy with the specified policy ID and collection of statements.
PredefinedRetryPolicies - Class in com.amazonaws.retry
This class includes a set of pre-defined retry policies, including default policies used by SDK.
PredefinedRetryPolicies() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies
PredefinedRetryPolicies.SDKDefaultRetryCondition - Class in com.amazonaws.retry
The default implementation of RetryCondition used by the SDK.
PredefinedRetryPolicies.SDKDefaultRetryCondition() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies.SDKDefaultRetryCondition
prepareSocket(SSLSocket) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.conn.ssl.SdkTLSSocketFactory
Used to enforce the preferred TLS protocol during SSL handshake.
PREPARING_EVENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
Presigner - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth
A request signer that has special-case logic to presign requests, generating a URL which embeds the signature suitable for hyperlinking.
presignRequest(SignableRequest<?>, AWSCredentials, Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
presignRequest(SignableRequest<?>, AWSCredentials, Date) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.Presigner
Signs the request by adding the signature to the URL rather than as a header.
Principal - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy
A principal is an AWS account or AWS web serivce, which is being allowed or denied access to a resource through an access control policy.
Principal(Principal.Services) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Constructs a new principal with the specified AWS web service which is being allowed or denied access to a resource through an access control policy.
Principal(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Constructs a new principal with the specified AWS account ID.
Principal(String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Constructs a new principal with the specified id and provider.
Principal(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Constructs a new principal with the specified id and provider.
Principal(Principal.WebIdentityProviders) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal
Constructs a new principal with the specified web identity provider.
Principal.Services - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth.policy
The services who have the right to do the assume the role action.
Principal.WebIdentityProviders - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth.policy
Web identity providers, such as Login with Amazon, Facebook, or Google.
processRequestPayload(SignableRequest<?>, byte[], byte[], AWS4SignerRequestParams) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Subclass could override this method to perform any additional procedure on the request payload, with access to the result from signing the header.
ProfileCredentialsProvider - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.profile
Credentials provider based on AWS configuration profiles.
ProfileCredentialsProvider() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
Creates a new profile credentials provider that returns the AWS security credentials configured for the default profile.
ProfileCredentialsProvider(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
Creates a new profile credentials provider that returns the AWS security credentials configured for the named profile.
ProfileCredentialsProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
Creates a new profile credentials provider that returns the AWS security credentials for the specified profiles configuration file and profile name.
ProfileCredentialsProvider(ProfilesConfigFile, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
Creates a new profile credentials provider that returns the AWS security credentials for the specified profiles configuration file and profile name.
ProfilesConfigFile - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.profile
Loads the local AWS credential profiles from the standard location (~/.aws/credentials), which can be easily overridden through the AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE environment variable or by specifying an alternate credentials file location through this class' constructor.
ProfilesConfigFile() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile
Loads the AWS credential profiles file from the default location (~/.aws/credentials) or from an alternate location if AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE is set.
ProfilesConfigFile(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile
Loads the AWS credential profiles from the file.
ProfilesConfigFile(File) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile
Loads the AWS credential profiles from the file.
ProfilesConfigFileWriter - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.profile
The class for creating and modifying the credential profiles file.
ProfilesConfigFileWriter() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFileWriter
PROFILING_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
by SDKGlobalConfiguration.DEFAULT_METRICS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY. Internal system property to enable timing info collection.
Progress - Class in com.amazonaws.event.request
Base class used to represent the progress of a logical request/response, which may correspond to either be a physical http request/response, or multiple requests/responses as in a composite operation such as multi-part uploads.
Progress() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.request.Progress
progressChanged(ProgressEvent) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener.ExceptionReporter
Delivers the progress event to the underlying listener but only if there has not been an exception previously thrown by the listener.
progressChanged(ProgressEvent) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener
Called when progress has changed, such as additional bytes transferred, transfer failed, etc.
progressChanged(ProgressEvent) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListenerChain
progressChanged(ProgressEvent) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressTracker
ProgressEvent - Class in com.amazonaws.event
A progress event.
ProgressEvent(long) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
ProgressEvent(ProgressEventType) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
Creates a ProgressEvent object with the specified event type.
ProgressEvent(ProgressEventType, long) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
Creates a ProgressEvent object.
ProgressEventFilter - Interface in com.amazonaws.event
An interface that filters the incoming events before passing them into the registered listeners.
ProgressEventType - Enum in com.amazonaws.event
An enumeration that denotes various types of progress event.
ProgressInputStream - Class in com.amazonaws.event
Used for input stream progress tracking purposes.
ProgressInputStream(InputStream, ProgressListener) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
ProgressInputStream(InputStream, ProgressListener, int) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
ProgressListener - Interface in com.amazonaws.event
Listener interface for transfer progress events.
ProgressListener.ExceptionReporter - Class in com.amazonaws.event
A utility class for capturing and reporting the first exception thrown by a given progress listener.
ProgressListener.ExceptionReporter(ProgressListener) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener.ExceptionReporter
ProgressListenerChain - Class in com.amazonaws.event
An implementation of ProgressListener interface that delegates progressChanged callback to multiple listeners.
ProgressListenerChain(ProgressListener...) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListenerChain
Create a listener chain that directly passes all the progress events to the specified listeners.
ProgressListenerChain(ProgressEventFilter, ProgressListener...) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListenerChain
Create a listener chain with a ProgressEventFilter.
ProgressSupport - Class in com.amazonaws.event.request
An actual implementation to represent the progress of a request/response.
ProgressSupport() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
ProgressTracker - Class in com.amazonaws.event
Default implementation for progress tracking.
ProgressTracker() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressTracker
PropertiesCredentials - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Simple implementation AWSCredentials that reads in AWS access keys from a properties file.
PropertiesCredentials(File) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesCredentials
Reads the specified file as a Java properties file and extracts the AWS access key from the "accessKey" property and AWS secret access key from the "secretKey" property.
PropertiesCredentials(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesCredentials
Reads the specified input stream as a stream of Java properties file content and extracts the AWS access key ID and secret access key from the properties.
PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that loads AWS security credentials from a properties file provided on initialization.
PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider
Creates a new PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider that will attempt to load a custom file from the path specified to read AWS security credentials.
Protocol - Enum in com.amazonaws
Represents the communication protocol to use when sending requests to AWS.
publishProgress(ProgressListener, ProgressEventType) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Used to deliver a progress event to the given listener.
publishRequestBytesTransferred(ProgressListener, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Convenient method to publish a request byte transfer event to the given listener.
publishRequestContentLength(ProgressListener, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Convenient method to publish a request content length event to the given listener.
publishRequestReset(ProgressListener, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Convenient method to publish a request reset event to the given listener.
publishResponseBytesDiscarded(ProgressListener, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Convenient method to publish a response bytes discard event to the given listener.
publishResponseBytesTransferred(ProgressListener, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Convenient method to publish a response byte transfer event to the given listener.
publishResponseContentLength(ProgressListener, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Convenient method to publish a response content length event to the given listener.
publishResponseReset(ProgressListener, long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Convenient method to publish a response reset event to the given listener.
put(K, V) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter.Builder
Add a key-value pair into the built map.
put(K, V) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
put(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Append a boolean value.
put(Collection) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
put(double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Append a double value.
put(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Append an int value.
put(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Append an long value.
put(Map) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
put(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Append an object value.
put(int, boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a boolean value in the JSONArray.
put(int, Collection) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
put(int, double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a double value.
put(int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Put or replace an int value.
put(int, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a long value.
put(int, Map) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
put(int, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Put or replace an object value in the JSONArray.
put(String, boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Put a key/boolean pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, Collection) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
put(String, double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Put a key/double pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Put a key/int pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Put a key/long pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, Map) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
putClientMarker(RequestClientOptions.Marker, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.RequestClientOptions
Associates the given value with the given marker.
putCustomRequestHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Put a new custom header to the map of custom header names to custom header values, and return the previous value if the header has already been set in this map.
putOnce(String, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the key and the value are both non-null, and only if there is not already a member with that name.
putOpt(String, Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the key and the value are both non-null.


QueryStringSigner - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Signer implementation responsible for signing an AWS query string request according to the various signature versions and hashing algorithms.
QueryStringSigner() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.QueryStringSigner
QUEUE_POLL_TIMEOUT_MILLI - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to specify the internal queue polling timeout in millisecond.
quote(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Produce a string in double quotes with backslash sequences in all the right places.


RDS - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
read() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricFilterInputStream
read() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.CountingInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.CountingInputStream
read() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.CRC32ChecksumCalculatingInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.CRC32ChecksumCalculatingInputStream
read() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.LengthCheckInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.LengthCheckInputStream
read() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
ReadLimitInfo - Interface in com.amazonaws
RedShift - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
REFERER_CONDITION_KEY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Condition key for the referer specified by a request.
refresh() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider
Forces this credentials provider to refresh its credentials.
refresh() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain
refresh() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider
refresh() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
refresh() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
refresh() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
refresh() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider
refresh() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider
refreshCredentials() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.AWSRefreshableSessionCredentials
Forces a refresh of these session credentials.
Region - Class in com.amazonaws.regions
Metadata for an AWS region, including its name and what services are available in it.
RegionAwareSigner - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth
A signer that needs to know which region it is talking to.
RegionMetadata - Class in com.amazonaws.regions
A collection of metadata about a set of regions and the services they contain.
RegionMetadata(List<Region>) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadata
Creates a new RegionMetadata object from the given list of regions.
RegionMetadataParser - Class in com.amazonaws.regions
Parses a region metadata file to pull out information about the available regions, names, IDs, and what service endpoints are available in each region.
RegionMetadataParser() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadataParser
since this object is stateless
regionName - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Region name override for use when the endpoint can't be used to determine the region name.
Regions - Enum in com.amazonaws.regions
Enumeration of region names
REGIONS_FILE_OVERRIDE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
Path to an override file for the region metadata loaded by the SDK that maps service/region pairs to endpoints and vice versa.
RegionUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.regions
Utilities for working with regions.
RegionUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils
registerAdditionalMetadataExpressions(JsonUnmarshallerContext) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.JsonResponseHandler
Hook for subclasses to override in order to collect additional metadata from service responses.
registerAdditionalMetadataExpressions(StaxUnmarshallerContext) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.StaxResponseHandler
Hook for subclasses to override in order to collect additional metadata from service responses.
registerConnectionManager(ClientConnectionManager) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.http.IdleConnectionReaper
Registers the given connection manager with this reaper;
registerMBean(String, T) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.jmx.MBeans
Registers the given MBean under the given object name to the first registered MBean server, or the platform MBean server if there is no explicitly registered MBean server.
registerMetricAdminMBean(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.SdkMBeanRegistrySupport
registerMetricAdminMBean(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.SdkMBeanRegistry
Returns true if the registration of the admin MBean under the given object name succeeded; false otherwise.
registerMetricAdminMBean() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Registers the metric admin MBean for JMX access for the current classloader.
registerSigner(String, Class<? extends Signer>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.auth.SignerFactory
Register an implementation class for the given signer type.
release(Closeable, Log) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils
Releases the given Closeable especially if it was an instance of Releasable.
remove(MetricType) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Removes the given metric type from the registry of predefined metrics to be captured at the AWS SDK level.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
remove(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Remove an index and close the hole.
remove(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Remove a name and its value, if present.
removeConnectionManager(ClientConnectionManager) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.http.IdleConnectionReaper
Removes the given connection manager from this reaper, and shutting down the reaper if there is zero connection manager left.
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListenerChain
removeRequestHandler(RequestHandler) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Removes a request handler from the list of registered handlers that are run as part of a request's lifecycle.
removeRequestHandler(RequestHandler2) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
Request<T> - Interface in com.amazonaws
Represents a request being sent to an Amazon Web Service, including the parameters being sent as part of the request, the endpoint to which the request should be sent, etc.
RequestClientOptions - Class in com.amazonaws
Client request options such as client markers for individual AmazonWebServiceRequests.
RequestClientOptions() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.RequestClientOptions
RequestClientOptions.Marker - Enum in com.amazonaws
RequestHandler - Interface in com.amazonaws.handlers
by RequestHandler2. Interface for addition request handling in clients. A request handler is executed on a request object before it is sent to the client runtime to be executed.
RequestHandler2 - Class in com.amazonaws.handlers
Interface for addition request handling in clients.
RequestHandler2() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.handlers.RequestHandler2
requestHandler2s - Variable in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Optional request handlers for additional request processing.
requestMetricCollector() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Returns the client specific request metric collector if there is one; or the one at the AWS SDK level otherwise.
RequestMetricCollector - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
A service provider interface that can be used to implement an AWS SDK request/response metric collector.
RequestMetricCollector() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.RequestMetricCollector
RequestMetricCollector.Factory - Interface in com.amazonaws.metrics
Can be used to serve as a factory for the request metric collector.
RequestMetricType - Interface in com.amazonaws.metrics
reset() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressInputStream
reset() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ByteThroughputProvider
reset() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.CRC32ChecksumCalculatingInputStream
Resets the wrapped input stream and the CRC32 computation.
reset() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.LengthCheckInputStream
reset() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
RESET_EVENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
ResetException - Exception in com.amazonaws
Stream reset failure.
ResetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.ResetException
ResetException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.ResetException
ResetException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.ResetException
ResetException() - Constructor for exception com.amazonaws.ResetException
Resource - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy
Represents a resource involved in an AWS access control policy statement.
Resource(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Resource
Constructs a new AWS access control policy resource.
Response<T> - Class in com.amazonaws
Response wrapper to provide access to not only the original AWS response but also the associated http response.
Response(T, HttpResponse) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.Response
ResponseMetadata - Class in com.amazonaws
Represents additional metadata included with a response from AWS.
ResponseMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ResponseMetadata
Creates a new ResponseMetadata object from a specified map of raw metadata information.
ResponseMetadata(ResponseMetadata) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ResponseMetadata
Creates a new ResponseMetadata object from an existing ResponseMetadata object.
ResponseMetadataCache - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Cache of response metadata for recently executed requests for diagnostic purposes.
ResponseMetadataCache(int) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.ResponseMetadataCache
Creates a new cache that will contain, at most the specified number of entries.
RetryPolicy - Class in com.amazonaws.retry
Retry policy that can be configured on a specific service client using ClientConfiguration.
RetryPolicy(RetryPolicy.RetryCondition, RetryPolicy.BackoffStrategy, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy
Constructs a new retry policy.
RetryPolicy.BackoffStrategy - Interface in com.amazonaws.retry
The hook for providing custom back-off strategy to control the sleep time between retries.
RetryPolicy.RetryCondition - Interface in com.amazonaws.retry
The hook for providing custom condition on whether a failed request should be retried.
retryRequest(IOException, int, HttpContext) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.impl.client.HttpRequestNoRetryHandler
retryRequest(IOException, int, HttpContext) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.impl.client.SdkHttpRequestRetryHandler
RetryUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.retry
RetryUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryUtils
rfc822DateFormat - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils
RFC 822 format
Route53 - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
Route53Domains - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
run() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.IdleConnectionReaper


S3 - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
sanitizeCredentials(AWSCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Loads the individual access key ID and secret key from the specified credentials, ensuring that access to the credentials is synchronized on the credentials object itself, and trimming any extra whitespace from the credentials.
SDKGlobalConfiguration - Class in com.amazonaws
SDKGlobalConfiguration is to configure any global settings
SDKGlobalConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
SDKGlobalTime - Class in com.amazonaws
Used for clock skew adjustment between the client JVM where the SDK is run, and the server side.
SDKGlobalTime() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalTime
SdkHttpClient - Class in com.amazonaws.http.impl.client
SdkHttpClient(ClientConnectionManager, HttpParams) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.impl.client.SdkHttpClient
SdkHttpRequestExecutor - Class in com.amazonaws.http.protocol
Used to capture the http send-request and receive-response latency metrics of the http client library, with no retries involved.
SdkHttpRequestExecutor() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.protocol.SdkHttpRequestExecutor
SdkHttpRequestRetryHandler - Class in com.amazonaws.http.impl.client
SdkHttpUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
SdkHttpUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.SdkHttpUtils
SdkMBeanRegistry - Interface in com.amazonaws.jmx.spi
SPI used to register MBeans and can survive the absence of JMX.
SdkMBeanRegistry.Factory - Class in com.amazonaws.jmx.spi
SdkMBeanRegistry.Factory() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.SdkMBeanRegistry.Factory
SdkMBeanRegistrySupport - Class in com.amazonaws.jmx
SdkMBeanRegistrySupport() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.jmx.SdkMBeanRegistrySupport
SDKProgressPublisher - Class in com.amazonaws.event
This class is responsible for executing the callback method of ProgressListener; listener callbacks are executed sequentially in a separate single thread.
SDKProgressPublisher() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
SdkRuntime - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
SdkTLSSocketFactory - Class in com.amazonaws.http.conn.ssl
Used to enforce the preferred TLS protocol during SSL handshake.
SdkTLSSocketFactory(SSLContext, X509HostnameVerifier) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.conn.ssl.SdkTLSSocketFactory
SECRET_KEY_ENV_VAR - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
Environment variable name for the AWS secret key
SECRET_KEY_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
System property name for the AWS secret key
secretAccessKey - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential
secretAcessKey - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential
because it is spelled incorrectly
SECURE_TRANSPORT_CONDITION_KEY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Condition key for whether or not an incoming request is using a secure transport to make the request (i.e.
ServiceAbbreviations - Class in com.amazonaws.regions
Abbreviations for looking up information about a specific service.
ServiceAbbreviations() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
ServiceAwareSigner - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth
A signer that needs to know which service it is talking to.
ServiceClientHolderInputStream - Class in com.amazonaws.util
This wrapper input stream holds a reference to the service client.
ServiceClientHolderInputStream(InputStream, AmazonWebServiceClient) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.ServiceClientHolderInputStream
ServiceLatencyProvider - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
Latency metric information provider.
ServiceLatencyProvider(ServiceMetricType) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceLatencyProvider
ServiceMetricCollector - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
A service provider interface that can be used to implement an AWS SDK general purpose metric collector.
ServiceMetricCollector() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricCollector
ServiceMetricCollector.Factory - Interface in com.amazonaws.metrics
ServiceMetricType - Interface in com.amazonaws.metrics
Service specific Metric type (eg S3, DynamoDB, etc.)
serviceName - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Service name override for use when the endpoint can't be used to determine the service name.
set(Collection<T>) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the given metric types to replace the registry of predefined metrics to be captured at the AWS SDK level.
setActions(Collection<Action>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the list of actions to which this policy statement applies.
setAuthErrorRetryStrategy(AuthErrorRetryStrategy) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
Sets the optional auth error retry strategy for this request execution.
setAWSRequestMetrics(AWSRequestMetrics) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
setAWSRequestMetrics(AWSRequestMetrics) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Bind the request metrics to the request.
setConditionKey(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Sets the name of the condition key involved in this condition.
setConditions(List<Condition>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the conditions associated with this policy statement.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out.
setConnectionTTL(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the expiration time(in milliseconds) for a connection in the connection pool.
setContent(InputStream) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
setContent(InputStream) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Sets the input stream containing the response content.
setContent(InputStream) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.SignableRequest
Sets the optional stream containing the payload data to include for this request.
setContextUserAgent(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
setCounter(String, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
setCounter(MetricType, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
setCounter(String, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
setCounter(MetricType, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
setCounter(String, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
setCredentialFile(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the AWS credential file to be used for accessing Amazon CloudWatch.
setCredentialFile(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setCredentialFile(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Sets the AWS credential file used by the default AWS SDK metric collector for accessing CloudWatch.
setCredentialProvider(AWSCredentialsProvider) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the credential provider for the default AWS SDK metric implementation; or null if the default is to be used.
setCredentials(AWSCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.handlers.CredentialsRequestHandler
Sets the AWSCredentials.
setCredentials(AWSCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
Sets the optional credentials used to sign the associated request.
setEffect(Statement.Effect) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the result effect of this policy statement when it is evaluated.
setEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Overrides the default endpoint for this client.
setEndpoint(String, String, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
setEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
setEndpoint(URI) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Sets the service endpoint (ex: "https://ec2.amazonaws.com") to which this request should be sent.
setEndTime(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
setEndTimeNano(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
setErrorCode(String) - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Sets the AWS error code represented by this exception.
setErrorType(AmazonServiceException.ErrorType) - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Sets the type of error represented by this exception (sender, receiver, or unknown), indicating if this exception was the caller's fault, or the service's fault.
setExtraInfo(String) - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ResetException
setGeneralProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Sets the optional progress listener for receiving updates about the progress of the request.
setGlobalTimeOffset(int) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalConfiguration
setGlobalTimeOffset(int) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.SDKGlobalTime
Sets the global time difference in seconds between the running JVM and AWS.
setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Sets all headers, clearing any existing ones.
setHostMetricName(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the host name for generating per-host level metrics.
setHostMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setHostMetricName(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Sets the host name to enable per-host level metrics generation.
setHttpMethod(HttpMethodName) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
setHttpMethod(HttpMethodName) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Sets the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc) to use when sending this request.
setId(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Sets the policy ID for this policy.
setId(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the ID for this statement.
setJvmMetricName(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the name of the JVM for generating per-JVM level metrics.
setJvmMetricName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setJvmMetricName(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Sets the JVM metric name to enable per-JVM level metrics generation.
setLatestFutureTask(Future<?>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
setLocalAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional local address the client will bind to.
setMachineMetricsExcluded(boolean) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to set whether the machine metrics is to be excluded.
setMachineMetricsExcluded(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setMachineMetricsExcluded(boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Used to set whether the JVM metrics is to be excluded.
setMaxConnections(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections.
setMaxErrorRetry(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the maximum number of retry attempts for failed retryable requests (ex: 5xx error responses from services).
setMetricCollector(MetricCollector) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the metric collector to be used by the AWS SDK, and stop the previously running collector used by the AWS SDK, if any.
setMetricNameSpace(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the metric name space.
setMetricNameSpace(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setMetricNameSpace(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Sets the metric name space.
setMetricQueueSize(Integer) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the metric queue size to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
setMetricQueueSize(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setMetricQueueSize(Integer) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Sets the metric queue size to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
setParameters(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
setParameters(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Sets all parameters, clearing any existing values.
setPerHostMetricsIncluded(boolean) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to set whether the per-host metrics is to be included.
setPerHostMetricsIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setPerHostMetricsIncluded(boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Used to set whether the per-host metrics is to be included.
setPreemptiveBasicProxyAuth(Boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets whether to attempt to authenticate preemptively against proxy servers using basic authentication
setPrincipals(Collection<Principal>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the principals associated with this policy statement, indicating which AWS accounts are affected by this policy statement.
setPrincipals(Principal...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the principals associated with this policy statement, indicating which AWS accounts are affected by this policy statement.
setProtocol(Protocol) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the protocol (i.e.
setProxyDomain(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional Windows domain name for configuration an NTLM proxy.
setProxyHost(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional proxy host the client will connect through.
setProxyPassword(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional proxy password to use when connecting through a proxy.
setProxyPort(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional proxy port the client will connect through.
setProxyUsername(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional proxy user name to use if connecting through a proxy.
setProxyWorkstation(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional Windows workstation name for configuring NTLM proxy support.
setQueuePollTimeoutMilli(Long) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the queue poll time in millisecond to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
setQueuePollTimeoutMilli(Integer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setQueuePollTimeoutMilli(Integer) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Sets the queue poll time in millisecond to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
setRawResponseContent(String) - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
setReadLimit(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.RequestClientOptions
Sets the optional mark-and-reset read limit used for signing and retry purposes.
setRegion(Region) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
An alternative to AmazonWebServiceClient.setEndpoint(String), sets the regional endpoint for this client's service calls.
setRegion(Regions) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Sets the region to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
setRegion(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setRegion(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Sets the region to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; or null if the default is to be used.
setRegionName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Sets the region name that this signer should use when calculating request signatures.
setRegionName(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.RegionAwareSigner
Configure this signer with the name of the region it will be used to sign requests for.
setRequestCredentials(AWSCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Sets the optional credentials to use for this request, overriding the default credentials set at the client level.
setRequestId(String) - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Sets the AWS requestId for this exception.
setRequestMetricCollector(RequestMetricCollector) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Sets a request level request metric collector which takes precedence over the ones at the http client level and AWS SDK level.
setResourcePath(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
setResourcePath(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Sets the path to the resource being requested.
setResources(Collection<Resource>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the resources associated with this policy statement.
setResponseMetadata(ResponseMetadata) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResponse
Sets the response metadata associated with this response.
setResponseMetadataCacheSize(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the response metadata cache size.
setResult(T) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResponse
Sets the result contained by this response.
setRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the retry policy upon failed requests.
setReuseLastProvider(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain
Enables or disables caching of the last successful credentials provider in this chain.
setServiceName(String) - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Sets the name of the service that sent this error response.
setServiceName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
Sets the service name that this signer should use when calculating request signatures.
setServiceName(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.ServiceAwareSigner
Configure this signer with the name of the service it will be used to sign requests for.
setServiceNameIntern(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
An internal method used to explicitly override the service name computed by the default implementation.
setSigner(Signer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.ExecutionContext
There is in general no need to set the signer in the execution context, since the signer for each request may differ depending on the URI of the request.
setSignerOverride(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the name of the signature algorithm to use for signing requests made by this client.
setSignerRegionOverride(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
An internal method used to explicitly override the internal signer region computed by the default implementation.
setSingleMetricNamespace(boolean) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to set whether a single metric name space is to be used for all levels of SDK generated CloudWatch metrics, including JVM level, host level, etc.
setSingleMetricNamespace(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdmin
setSingleMetricNamespace(boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricAdminMBean
Used to set whether a single metric name space is to be used.
setSocketBufferSizeHints(int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional size hints (in bytes) for the low level TCP send and receive buffers.
setSocketTimeout(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for data to be transfered over an established, open connection before the connection times out and is closed.
setSslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ApacheHttpClientConfig
Sets a custom Apache HTTP client specific SSL socket factory.
setStatements(Collection<Statement>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Sets the collection of statements contained by this policy.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in exception com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException
Sets the HTTP status code that was returned with this service exception.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Sets the HTTP status code that was returned with this response.
setStatusText(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse
Sets the HTTP status text returned with this response.
setTimeOffset(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Sets the optional value for time offset for this client.
setTimeOffset(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
setTimeOffset(int) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Sets the optional value for time offset for this request.
setType(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Sets the type of this condition.
setUseGzip(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets whether gzip compression should be used
setUserAgent(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the HTTP user agent header to send with all requests.
setUseReaper(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets whether the IdleConnectionReaper is to be started as a daemon thread
setUseTcpKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets whether or not to enable TCP KeepAlive support at the socket level.
setValues(List<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Sets the values specified for this access control policy condition.
shouldAbort() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.SdkRuntime
Returns true if the current operation should abort; false otherwise.
shouldRetry(AmazonWebServiceRequest, AmazonClientException, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies.SDKDefaultRetryCondition
shouldRetry(AmazonWebServiceRequest, AmazonClientException, int) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.retry.RetryPolicy.RetryCondition
Returns whether a failed request should be retried according to the given request context.
shouldUseHttpsScheme(SignableRequest<?>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS3Signer
shutdown() - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Shuts down this client object, releasing any resources that might be held open.
shutdown(boolean) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
Can be used to shutdown the (legacy) executor.
shutdown() - Method in class com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient
Shuts down this HTTP client object, releasing any resources that might be held open.
shutdown() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.http.IdleConnectionReaper
Shuts down the thread, allowing the class and instance to be collected.
sign(String, byte[], SigningAlgorithm) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
sign(byte[], byte[], SigningAlgorithm) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
sign(SignableRequest<?>, AWSCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS3Signer
Signs the specified request with the AWS3 signing protocol by using the AWS account credentials specified when this object was constructed and adding the required AWS3 headers to the request.
sign(SignableRequest<?>, AWSCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer
sign(SignableRequest<?>, AWSCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.NoOpSigner
sign(SignableRequest<?>, AWSCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.QueryStringSigner
This signer will add "Signature" parameter to the request.
sign(SignableRequest<?>, SignatureVersion, SigningAlgorithm, AWSCredentials) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.QueryStringSigner
This signer will add following authentication parameters to the request: AWSAccessKeyId SignatureVersion SignatureMethod Timestamp Signature
sign(SignableRequest<?>, AWSCredentials) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.auth.Signer
Sign the given request with the given set of credentials.
SignableRequest<T> - Interface in com.amazonaws
Represents a sign-able request being sent to an Amazon Web Service, including the parameters being sent as part of the request, the endpoint to which the request should be sent, etc.
signAndBase64Encode(String, String, SigningAlgorithm) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Computes an RFC 2104-compliant HMAC signature and returns the result as a Base64 encoded string.
signAndBase64Encode(byte[], String, SigningAlgorithm) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
Computes an RFC 2104-compliant HMAC signature for an array of bytes and returns the result as a Base64 encoded string.
SignatureVersion - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth
Signer - Interface in com.amazonaws.auth
A strategy for applying cryptographic signatures to a request, proving that the request was made by someone in posession of the given set of credentials without transmitting the secret key over the wire.
SignerFactory - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
Signer factory.
SigningAlgorithm - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth
signWithMac(String, Mac) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.AbstractAWSSigner
SimpleDB - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
SimpleMetricType - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
SimpleMetricType() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleMetricType
SimpleServiceMetricType - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
SimpleServiceMetricType(String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleServiceMetricType
SimpleThroughputMetricType - Class in com.amazonaws.metrics
SimpleThroughputMetricType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleThroughputMetricType
SimpleWorkflow - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
Singleton - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.http.impl.client.HttpRequestNoRetryHandler
Singleton - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.http.impl.client.SdkHttpRequestRetryHandler
size() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
skip(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.LengthCheckInputStream
skipTo(char) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Skip characters until the next character is the requested character.
SNS - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
sortedKeys() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject.
SOURCE_ARN_CONDITION_KEY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Condition key for the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source specified in a request.
SOURCE_IP_CONDITION_KEY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Condition key for the source IP from which a request originates.
SQS - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
start() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricCollector
Starts the request metric collector.
STARTED_EVENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
startElement(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.XMLWriter
Starts a new element with the specified name at the current position in the in-progress XML document.
startEvent(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
startEvent(MetricType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
startEvent(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
Start an event which will be timed.
startEvent(MetricType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetricsFullSupport
startTiming() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
Captures the current wall clock time (since epoch in millisecond) and the current time (in nanosecond) used for timing measurement.
startTimingFullSupport() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
Captures the current wall clock time (since epoch in millisecond) and the current time (in nanosecond) used for timing measurement.
startTimingFullSupport(long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
Captures the given start time in nanosecond, ignoring the wall clock time.
Statement - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy
A statement is the formal description of a single permission, and is always contained within a policy object.
Statement(Statement.Effect) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Constructs a new access control policy statement with the specified effect.
Statement.Effect - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth.policy
The effect is the result that you want a policy statement to return at evaluation time.
StaxResponseHandler<T> - Class in com.amazonaws.http
Default implementation of HttpResponseHandler that handles a successful response from an AWS service and unmarshalls the result using a StAX unmarshaller.
StaxResponseHandler(Unmarshaller<T, StaxUnmarshallerContext>) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.http.StaxResponseHandler
Constructs a new response handler that will use the specified StAX unmarshaller to unmarshall the service response and uses the specified response element path to find the root of the business data in the service's response.
stop() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricCollector
Stops the request metric collector.
StorageGateway - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
StringCondition - Class in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
String conditions let you constrain AWS access control policy statements using string matching rules.
StringCondition(StringCondition.StringComparisonType, String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.StringCondition
Constructs a new access control policy condition that compares two strings.
StringCondition.StringComparisonType - Enum in com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions
Enumeration of the supported ways a string comparison can be evaluated.
StringInputStream - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Simple wrapper for ByteArrayInputStream that will automatically encode the string as UTF-8 data, and still allows access to the original string.
StringInputStream(String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.StringInputStream
StringMapBuilder - Class in com.amazonaws.util
A convenient map builder for Strings.
StringMapBuilder() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.StringMapBuilder
StringMapBuilder(String, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.StringMapBuilder
stringToValue(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Try to convert a string into a number, boolean, or null.
StringUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Utilities for converting objects to strings.
StringUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
STS - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
Support - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.regions.ServiceAbbreviations
SYNC - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
SyncProgressListener - Class in com.amazonaws.event
Abstract adapter class for a progress listener that is delivered with progress event synchronously.
SyncProgressListener() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.event.SyncProgressListener
syntaxError(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Make a JSONException to signal a syntax error.
SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider - Class in com.amazonaws.auth
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that provides credentials by looking at the aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey Java system properties.
SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.auth.SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider


ThreadSafe - Annotation Type in com.amazonaws.annotation
The class to which this annotation is applied is thread-safe.
ThroughputMetricType - Interface in com.amazonaws.metrics
Throwables - Enum in com.amazonaws.util
Utility for use with errors or exceptions.
throwExceptionIfAny() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener.ExceptionReporter
Throws the underlying exception, if any, as an AmazonClientException; or do nothing otherwise.
timeOffset - Variable in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Optional offset (in seconds) to use when signing requests
timingInfo - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
TimingInfo - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Used both as a base class and a minimal support of timing info.
TimingInfo(Long, long, Long) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
A private ctor to facilitate the deprecation of using millisecond and migration to using nanosecond for timing measurement.
toBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.BinaryUtils
Converts byte data to a Base64-encoded string.
toBigDecimal(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
toBigInteger(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
toBoolean(StringBuilder) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
toByteArray(InputStream) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils
Reads and returns the rest of the given input stream as a byte array.
toBytesDirect(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.CodecUtils
Returns a byte array representing the given string, truncating each character into a byte directly.
toHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.BinaryUtils
Converts byte data to a Hex-encoded string in lower case.
toInteger(StringBuilder) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
toJson() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Returns a JSON string representation of this AWS access control policy, suitable to be sent to an AWS service as part of a request to set an access control policy.
toJSONArray(JSONArray) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the values of the members of this JSONObject.
toJSONObject(JSONArray) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Produce a JSONObject by combining a JSONArray of names with the values of this JSONArray.
toJsonPrettyString(Object) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
toJsonString(Object) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
token - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential
toObject(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONUtils
Load a JSON string into an instantiated object.
toStream(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.BinaryUtils
Wraps a ByteBuffer in an InputStream.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider
toString() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.SignatureVersion
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.event.request.ProgressSupport
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ByteThroughputProvider
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceLatencyProvider
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.SimpleMetricType
toString() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.Protocol
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.Region
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.regions.RegionMetadata
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ResponseMetadata
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
toString(InputStream) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils
Reads and returns the rest of the given input stream as a string.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Make a JSON text of this JSONArray.
toString(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONArray.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Make a JSON text of this JSONObject.
toString(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONObject.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONTokener
Make a printable string of this JSONTokener.
toString(StringBuilder) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
toStringDirect(byte[]) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.CodecUtils
Returns a string representing the given byte array, treating each byte as a single octet character.
trace(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
trace(Object) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs a message with trace log level.
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs an error with trace log level.
trim(String) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils
A null-safe trim method.
tryGetString(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Tries to return the string associated with a key; or null if not found.
type - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
type - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils.IAMSecurityCredential


unmodifiableTimingInfo(long, Long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
Returns an instance of TimingInfo that is not modifiable, given the start and end nano times.
unmodifiableTimingInfo(long, long, Long) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.TimingInfo
Returns an instance of TimingInfo that is not modifiable.
unregisterMBean(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.jmx.MBeans
Unregisters the MBean under the given object name to the first MBean server, or the platform MBean server if there is no explicitly registered MBean server.
unregisterMBean(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.jmx.SdkMBeanRegistrySupport
unregisterMBean(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.jmx.spi.SdkMBeanRegistry
Returns true if the unregistration of the MBean under the given object name succeeded; false otherwise.
unregisterMetricAdminMBean() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Unregisters the metric admin MBean from JMX for the current classloader.
UnreliableFilterInputStream - Class in com.amazonaws.util
An internal class used solely for the purpose of testing via failure injection.
UnreliableFilterInputStream(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
UPLOAD_BYTE_COUNT_NAME_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricType
UPLOAD_THROUGHPUT_NAME_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.metrics.ServiceMetricType
urlEncode(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.HttpUtils
urlEncode(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.SdkHttpUtils
Encode a string for use in the path of a URL; uses URLEncoder.encode, (which encodes a string for use in the query portion of a URL), then applies some postfilters to fix things up per the RFC.
USE_SINGLE_METRIC_NAMESPACE - Static variable in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Used to enable the use of a single metric namespace for all levels of SDK generated CloudWatch metrics such as JVM level, host level, etc.
useGzip() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Checks if gzip compression is used
usePayloadForQueryParameters(Request<?>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.HttpUtils
usePayloadForQueryParameters(SignableRequest<?>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.SdkHttpUtils
USER_AGENT_CONDITION_KEY - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ConditionFactory
Condition key for the user agent included in a request.
useReaper() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Checks if the IdleConnectionReaper is to be started
useTcpKeepAlive() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Returns whether or not TCP KeepAlive support is enabled.
UTF8 - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils


value(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Append either the value true or the value false.
value(double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Append a double value.
value(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Append a long value.
value(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Appends a date value, as epoch seconds.
value(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Appends a ByteBuffer value.
value(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
Append an object value.
value(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.XMLWriter
Adds the specified value as text to the current position of the in progress XML document.
value(Date) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.XMLWriter
Adds the specified date as text to the current position of the in-progress XML document.
value(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.XMLWriter
Adds the string representation of the specified object to the current position of the in progress XML document.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException.ErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ArnCondition.ArnComparisonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.DateCondition.DateComparisonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.IpAddressCondition.IpAddressComparisonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.NumericCondition.NumericComparisonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.StringCondition.StringComparisonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal.Services
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal.WebIdentityProviders
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement.Effect
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.SignatureVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.SigningAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.http.HttpMethodName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.jmx.MBeans
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.Protocol
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.regions.Regions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.RequestClientOptions.Marker
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics.Field
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.AWSServiceMetrics
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16Lower
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base32
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base64
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Classes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.ClassLoaderHelper
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.CodecUtils
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.EncodingSchemeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.JodaTime
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.SdkRuntime
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Throwables
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException.ErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.ArnCondition.ArnComparisonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.DateCondition.DateComparisonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.IpAddressCondition.IpAddressComparisonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.NumericCondition.NumericComparisonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.conditions.StringCondition.StringComparisonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal.Services
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal.WebIdentityProviders
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement.Effect
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.SignatureVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.auth.SigningAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.http.HttpMethodName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.jmx.MBeans
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.Protocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.regions.Regions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.RequestClientOptions.Marker
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics.Field
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.AWSServiceMetrics
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base16Lower
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base32
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Base64
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Classes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.ClassLoaderHelper
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.CodecUtils
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.EncodingSchemeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.ImmutableMapParameter
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.IOUtils
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.JodaTime
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.SdkRuntime
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.util.Throwables
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VersionInfoUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Utility class for accessing AWS SDK versioning information.
VersionInfoUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.VersionInfoUtils


waitTillCompletion() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.SDKProgressPublisher
warn(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class com.amazonaws.log.CommonsLog
warn(Object) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs a message with warn log level.
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.log.InternalLogApi
Logs an error with warn log level.
withActions(Action...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the list of actions to which this policy statement applies and returns this updated Statement object so that additional method calls can be chained together.
withBytesReadBeforeException(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
withConditionKey(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
withConditions(Condition...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the conditions associated with this policy statement, and returns this updated Statement object so that additional method calls can be chained together.
withConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out, and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object so that additional method calls may be chained together.
withConnectionTTL(long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the expiration time(in milliseconds) for a connection in the connection pool.
withCounter(String, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
withCounter(MetricType, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics
withEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
withGeneralProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Sets the optional progress listener for receiving updates about the progress of the request, and returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
withGzip(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets whether gzip compression should be used
withId(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Sets the policy ID for this policy and returns the updated policy so that multiple calls can be chained together.
withId(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the ID for this statement and returns the updated statement so multiple calls can be chained together.
withLocalAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional local address the client will bind to and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object.
withMaxConnections(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object.
withMaxErrorRetry(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the maximum number of retry attempts for failed retryable requests (ex: 5xx error responses from services), and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object.
withMaxNumErrors(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
withParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
withParameter(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Adds the specified request parameter to this request, and returns the updated request object.
withPreemptiveBasicProxyAuth(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets whether to attempt to authenticate preemptively against proxy servers using basic authentication, and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object so that additional method calls may be chained together.
withPrincipals(Principal...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the principals associated with this policy statement, and returns this updated Statement object.
withProtocol(Protocol) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the protocol (i.e.
withProxyDomain(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional Windows domain name for configuration an NTLM proxy and returns a reference to this updated ClientConfiguration object so that additional method calls can be chained together.
withProxyHost(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional proxy host the client will connect through and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object.
withProxyPassword(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional proxy password to use when connecting through a proxy, and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object.
withProxyPort(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional proxy port the client will connect through and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object.
withProxyUsername(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional proxy user name and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object.
withProxyWorkstation(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional Windows workstation name for configuring NTLM proxy support, and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object so that additional method calls can be chained together.
withReaper(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets whether the IdleConnectionReaper is to be started as a daemon thread
withRegion(Region) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
withRegion(Regions) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Convenient fluent method for setting region.
withRequestMetricCollector(RequestMetricCollector) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest
Specifies a request level metric collector which takes precedence over the ones at the http client level and AWS SDK level.
withResetIntervalBeforeException(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.UnreliableFilterInputStream
withResources(Resource...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement
Sets the resources associated with this policy statement and returns this updated Statement object so that additional method calls can be chained together.
withResponseMetadataCacheSize(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the response metadata cache size.
withRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the retry policy upon failed requests, and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object.
withSignerOverride(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the name of the signature algorithm to use for signing requests made by this client.
withSocketBufferSizeHints(int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the optional size hints (in bytes) for the low level TCP send and receive buffers, and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object so that additional method calls may be chained together.
withSocketTimeout(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for data to be transfered over an established, open connection before the connection times out and is closed, and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object so that additional method calls may be chained together.
withSslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ApacheHttpClientConfig
Fluent API for setting a custom Apache HTTP client specific SSL socket factory.
withStatements(Statement...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy
Sets the collection of statements contained by this policy and returns this policy object so that additional method calls can be chained together.
withTcpKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets whether or not to enable TCP KeepAlive support at the socket level.
withTimeOffset(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient
Sets the optional value for time offset for this client.
withTimeOffset(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.DefaultRequest
withTimeOffset(int) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.Request
Sets the optional value for time offset for this request.
withType(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Fluent version of Condition.setType(String)
withUserAgent(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
Sets the HTTP user agent header used in requests and returns the updated ClientConfiguration object.
withValues(String...) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Fluent version of Condition.setValues(List)
withValues(List<String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Condition
Fluent version of Condition.setValues(List)
wrap(ProgressListener) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener.ExceptionReporter
Returns a wrapper for the given listener to capture the first exception thrown.
wrap(ClientConnectionManager) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.http.conn.ClientConnectionManagerFactory
Returns a wrapped instance of ClientConnectionManager to capture the necessary performance metrics.
write(Writer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONArray
Write the contents of the JSONArray as JSON text to a writer.
write(Writer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject
Write the contents of the JSONObject as JSON text to a writer.
writer - Variable in class com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter
The writer that will receive the output.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.amazonaws.metrics.MetricInputStreamEntity


X_AMZN_REQUEST_ID_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponseHandler
XmlUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
XmlUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.XmlUtils
XMLWriter - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Utility for creating easily creating XML documents, one element at a time.
XMLWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.XMLWriter
Creates a new XMLWriter, ready to write an XML document to the specified writer.
XMLWriter(Writer, String) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.XMLWriter
Creates a new XMLWriter, ready to write an XML document to the specified writer.
xpath() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
Returns a new instance of XPath, which is not thread safe and not reentrant.
XpathUtils - Class in com.amazonaws.util
Utility methods for extracting data from XML documents using Xpath expressions.
XpathUtils() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils
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