Class IssueRegistry

  extended by

public abstract class IssueRegistry
extends java.lang.Object

Registry which provides a list of checks to be performed on an Android project

NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared to adjust your code for the next tools release.

Field Summary
static Issue CANCELLED
          Issue reported when lint is canceled
static Issue LINT_ERROR
          Issue reported by lint for various other issues which prevents lint from running normally when it's not necessarily an error in the user's code base.
static Issue PARSER_ERROR
          Issue reported by lint (not a specific detector) when it cannot even parse an XML file prior to analysis
Constructor Summary
protected IssueRegistry()
          Creates a new IssueRegistry
Method Summary
 java.util.List<Category> getCategories()
          Returns the available categories
 Issue getIssue(java.lang.String id)
          Returns the issue for the given id, or null if it's not a valid id
abstract  java.util.List<Issue> getIssues()
          Returns the list of issues that can be found by all known detectors.
 boolean isCategoryName(java.lang.String name)
          Returns true if the given category is a valid category
 boolean isIssueId(java.lang.String id)
          Returns true if the given id represents a valid issue id
protected static void reset()
          Reset the registry such that it recomputes its available issues.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Issue PARSER_ERROR
Issue reported by lint (not a specific detector) when it cannot even parse an XML file prior to analysis


public static final Issue LINT_ERROR
Issue reported by lint for various other issues which prevents lint from running normally when it's not necessarily an error in the user's code base.


public static final Issue CANCELLED
Issue reported when lint is canceled

Constructor Detail


protected IssueRegistry()
Creates a new IssueRegistry

Method Detail


public abstract java.util.List<Issue> getIssues()
Returns the list of issues that can be found by all known detectors.

the list of issues to be checked (including those that may be disabled!)


public final boolean isIssueId(@NonNull
                               java.lang.String id)
Returns true if the given id represents a valid issue id

id - the id to be checked
true if the given id is valid


public final boolean isCategoryName(@NonNull
                                    java.lang.String name)
Returns true if the given category is a valid category

name - the category name to be checked
true if the given string is a valid category


public java.util.List<Category> getCategories()
Returns the available categories

an iterator for all the categories, never null


public final Issue getIssue(@NonNull
                                     java.lang.String id)
Returns the issue for the given id, or null if it's not a valid id

id - the id to be checked
the corresponding issue, or null


protected static void reset()
Reset the registry such that it recomputes its available issues.

NOTE: This is only intended for testing purposes.