
Interface Summary
Detector.BinaryResourceScanner Specialized interface for detectors that scan binary resource files
Detector.ClassScanner Specialized interface for detectors that scan Java class files
Detector.GradleScanner Specialized interface for detectors that scan Gradle files
Detector.JavaScanner Specialized interface for detectors that scan Java source file parse trees
Detector.OtherFileScanner Specialized interface for detectors that scan other files
Detector.ResourceFolderScanner Specialized interface for detectors that scan resource folders (the folder directory itself, not the individual files within it
Detector.XmlScanner Specialized interface for detectors that scan XML files
Location.Handle A Location.Handle is a reference to a location.

Class Summary
Category A category is a container for related issues.
ClassContext A Context used when checking .class files.
Context Context passed to the detectors during an analysis run.
DefaultPosition A simple offset-based position *
Detector A detector is able to find a particular problem.
Implementation An Implementation of an Issue maps to the Detector class responsible for analyzing the issue, as well as the Scope required by the detector to perform its analysis.
Issue An issue is a potential bug in an Android application.
JavaContext A Context used when checking Java files.
LayoutDetector Abstract class specifically intended for layout detectors which provides some common utility methods shared by layout detectors.
LintUtils Useful utility methods related to lint.
Location Location information for a warning

NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared to adjust your code for the next tools release.

Location.DefaultLocationHandle A default Location.Handle implementation for simple file offsets
Location.SearchHints Extra information pertaining to finding a symbol in a source buffer, used by Location.create(File, String, int, String, String, SearchHints)
Position Information about a position in a file/document.
Project A project contains information about an Android project being scanned for Lint errors.
ResourceContext A Context used when checking resource files (both bitmaps and XML files; for XML files a subclass of this context is used: XmlContext.)

NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared to adjust your code for the next tools release.

ResourceXmlDetector Specialized detector intended for XML resources.
XmlContext A Context used when checking XML files.

Enum Summary
Location.SearchDirection Whether to look forwards, or backwards, or in both directions, when searching for a pattern in the source code to determine the right position range for a given symbol.
Scope The scope of a detector is the set of files a detector must consider when performing its analysis.
Severity Severity of an issue found by lint

NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared to adjust your code for the next tools release.

Speed Enum which describes the different computation speeds of various detectors
TextFormat Lint error message, issue explanations and location descriptions are described in a TextFormat.RAW format which looks similar to text but which can contain bold, symbols and links.