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AfAparapiUtils - Class in com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot
Aparapi Fractals Aparapi code is here and in the kernel.
AfAparapiUtils() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
The constructor prepares the keys, the map containing the devices and a map with a kernel instance for each device.
AfBenchmark - Class in com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot
Aparapi Fractals only benchmark, results on the console, no graphics
AfBenchmark() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfBenchmark
AfGUI - Class in com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot
Aparapi Fractals The GUI, a swing JFrame with components.
AfGUI(AfMain) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfGUI
setup all the swing components and event listeners
AfKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot
Aparapi Fractals the kernel executes the math with complex numbers.
AfKernel() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfKernel
no values on the constructor, we will reuse the kernel after init
AfMain - Class in com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot
Aparapi Fractals The main class coordinates the GUI and Aparapi's executions.
AfMain() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
All - Class in com.aparapi.examples
All class.
All() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.All
allBodies - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Constant allBodies
AutoCleanUpArraysDemo - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
AutoCleanUpArraysDemo class.
AutoCleanUpArraysDemo() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.AutoCleanUpArraysDemo


benchmark(AfAparapiUtils, String) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfBenchmark
benchmark(AfAparapiUtils, boolean, String, double, double, double, double, int, int, int, String, long) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfBenchmark
execute the kernel on different devices and tracks timings.
benchmark(String) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
starts a benchmark in a separate thread
benchmarkHard(AfAparapiUtils) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfBenchmark
executes a hard benchmark
benchmarkLedOff() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfGUI
benchmarkLedOn() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfGUI
benchmarkLocalSizes(AfAparapiUtils) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfBenchmark
executes with different localSizes
benchmarkSoft(AfAparapiUtils) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfBenchmark
executes a soft benchmark
benchmarkStress(AfAparapiUtils) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfBenchmark
executes a repeated loop over all devices
BlackScholesKernel(int) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes.Main.BlackScholesKernel
bodies - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Seq
Constant bodies=Integer.getInteger("bodies", 8192)
bodies - Variable in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Main.NBodyKernel
Body - Class in com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody
Body class.
Body(float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Constructor for Body.
Brun1D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Brun2D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Brun3D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray


CHANNEL_ALPHA - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
CHANNEL_BLUE - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
CHANNEL_GRAY - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
Constant CHANNEL_GRAY=-1
CHANNEL_GREEN - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
CHANNEL_RED - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
Constant CHANNEL_RED=1
CleanUpArraysDemo - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
CleanUpArraysDemo class.
CleanUpArraysDemo() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.CleanUpArraysDemo
com.aparapi.examples - package com.aparapi.examples
com.aparapi.examples.add - package com.aparapi.examples.add
com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot - package com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot
com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes - package com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes
com.aparapi.examples.configuration - package com.aparapi.examples.configuration
com.aparapi.examples.convolution - package com.aparapi.examples.convolution
com.aparapi.examples.effects - package com.aparapi.examples.effects
com.aparapi.examples.extension - package com.aparapi.examples.extension - package
com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo - package com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo - package
com.aparapi.examples.mandel - package com.aparapi.examples.mandel
com.aparapi.examples.mapreduce - package com.aparapi.examples.mapreduce
com.aparapi.examples.matrix - package com.aparapi.examples.matrix
com.aparapi.examples.mdarray - package com.aparapi.examples.mdarray
com.aparapi.examples.median - package com.aparapi.examples.median
com.aparapi.examples.nbody - package com.aparapi.examples.nbody
com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody - package com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody
com.aparapi.examples.progress - package com.aparapi.examples.progress
com.aparapi.examples.squares - package com.aparapi.examples.squares
ConfigurationDemo - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
Tests device selection via KernelManager.
ConfigurationDemo() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.ConfigurationDemo
ConvMatrix3x3Editor - Class in com.aparapi.examples.convolution
ConvMatrix3x3Editor class.
Convolution - Class in com.aparapi.examples.convolution
Convolution class.
Convolution() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.convolution.Convolution
ConvolutionOpenCL - Class in com.aparapi.examples.convolution
ConvolutionOpenCL class.
ConvolutionOpenCL() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.convolution.ConvolutionOpenCL
ConvolutionViewer - Class in com.aparapi.examples.convolution
Abstract ConvolutionViewer class.
ConvolutionViewer(File, float[]) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.convolution.ConvolutionViewer
Constructor for ConvolutionViewer.
CorrMatrixHost - Class in com.aparapi.examples.matrix
GPU calculations using OpenBitSet Intersection for OpenBitSets Based on code from:
CorrMatrixHost() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.matrix.CorrMatrixHost
CorrMatrixKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.matrix
This kernel attempts to re-implement the Lucene OpenBitSet functionality on a GPU Based on code from:
CorrMatrixKernel(long[], int, long[], int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.matrix.CorrMatrixKernel
Default constructor
createMandleBrot(Range, float, float, float, int[]) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.JavaMandelBrot
createMandleBrot(Range, float, float, float, int[]) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.JavaMandelBrotMultiThread
createMandleBrot(Range, float, float, float, int[]) - Method in interface com.aparapi.examples.extension.Mandel
createMandleBrot(Range, float, float, float, int[]) - Method in interface com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelBrot
CustomConfigurationDemo - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
Created by Barney on 31/08/2015.
CustomConfigurationDemo() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.CustomConfigurationDemo


data - Variable in class com.aparapi.examples.progress.LongRunningKernel
deviceLedOff() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfGUI
deviceLedOn() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfGUI
Drun1D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Drun2D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Drun3D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray


execute(double, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
call the kernel execution and track elapsed time
executeFallbackAlgorithm(Range, int) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.KernelWithAlternateFallbackAlgorithm


FFTExample - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
FFTExample class.
FFTExample() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.FFTExample
frameCount - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Mandel
Constant frameCount=0
Frun1D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Frun2D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Frun3D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray


getBestDeviceKey() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
Getter for the field bestDeviceKey.
getCount(float, float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main.MandelKernel
getDevice() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
Getter for the field device.
getDeviceKeys() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
Getter for the field deviceKeys.
getDeviceKeys() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
used by the GUI, the GUI has no direct access to the aparapi stuffs
getDeviceName() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
Getter for the field deviceName.
getDeviceName() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
used by the GUI to show the name of the device.
getKernel() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
Getter for the field kernel.
getLocalSizes() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
getM() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Getter for the field m.
getPhi() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
getRadius() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
getRange() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
Getter for the field range.
getResult() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
getResult() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfKernel
Getter for the field result.
getRgbs() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main.MandelKernel
getTheta() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
getVx() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Getter for the field vx.
getVy() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Getter for the field vy.
getVz() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Getter for the field vz.
getX() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Getter for the field x.
getY() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Getter for the field y.
getZ() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Getter for the field z.
goHome() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
gpuMandelBrot - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelExample
Constant gpuMandelBrot


hasFallbackAlgorithm() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.KernelWithAlternateFallbackAlgorithm
height - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.NBody
Constant height
height - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Local
Constant height
height - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Main
Constant height
height - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Seq
Constant height=
height - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Main
Constant height
Histogram - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
Histogram class.
Histogram() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.Histogram
HistogramIdeal - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
HistogramIdeal class.
HistogramIdeal() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.HistogramIdeal


init(String, int, int) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
calls the init with a default localSize.
init(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfAparapiUtils
Prepares the range and reads device description, based on the device and image size the range can be reused many times, so we need to instantiate the range only when device changes or image size changes
init(double, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfKernel
sets the parameters, send only few double to the device and a pointer to an array to retrieve iterations
init(String, int, int) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
initialize local iterations array and aparapiUtils
intersectionMatrix(long[][], long[][], Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.matrix.CorrMatrixHost
Perform matrix intersection for two lists of Lucene OpenBitSet-based packed longs
Irun1D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Irun2D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Irun3D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
isHeavy() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body


JavaMandelBrot - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
JavaMandelBrot class.
JavaMandelBrot() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.JavaMandelBrot
javaMandelBrot - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelExample
Constant javaMandelBrot
JavaMandelBrotMultiThread - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
JavaMandelBrotMultiThread class.
JavaMandelBrotMultiThread() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.JavaMandelBrotMultiThread
javaMandelBrotMultiThread - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelExample
Constant javaMandelBrotMultiThread


KernelOkayInOpenCL - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
Created by Barney on 24/08/2015.
KernelOkayInOpenCL() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.KernelOkayInOpenCL
KernelWithAlternateFallbackAlgorithm - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
Kernel which will always fail to run on an OpenCLDevice but has an alternative fallback algorithm.
KernelWithAlternateFallbackAlgorithm() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.KernelWithAlternateFallbackAlgorithm
KernelWithoutAlternateFallbackAlgorithm - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
Kernel which will always fail to run on an OpenCLDevice but has an alternative fallback algorithm.
KernelWithoutAlternateFallbackAlgorithm() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.KernelWithoutAlternateFallbackAlgorithm


LegacyConfigurationDemo - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
Tests device selection when circumventing the KernelManager by using the legacy mechanism (setExecutionMode, etc.).
LegacyConfigurationDemo() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.LegacyConfigurationDemo
Life - Class in com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo
An example Aparapi application which demonstrates Conways 'Game Of Life'.
Life() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Life
Life.LifeKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo
LifeKernel represents the data parallel algorithm describing by Conway's game of life.
LifeKernel(int, int, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Life.LifeKernel
LifeKernel(int, int, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class
Local - Class in com.aparapi.examples.nbody
An NBody clone which uses local memory to cache NBody positions for execution.
Local() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Local
Local.NBodyKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.nbody
LongRunningKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.progress
Kernel which performs very many meaningless calculations, used to demonstrate progress tracking and cancellation of multi-pass Kernels.
LongRunningKernel() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.progress.LongRunningKernel
Lrun1D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Lrun2D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Lrun3D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray


Main - Class in com.aparapi.examples.add
Main class.
Main() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.add.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.add.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfBenchmark
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.All
Main - Class in com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes
Main class.
Main() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.AutoCleanUpArraysDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.CleanUpArraysDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.ConfigurationDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.CustomConfigurationDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.LegacyConfigurationDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.ProfilingDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.ProfilingDemoNoBinaryCaching
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.convolution.Convolution
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.convolution.ConvolutionOpenCL
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.convolution.PureJava
Main - Class in com.aparapi.examples.effects
An example Aparapi application which tracks the mouse and updates the color pallete of the window based on the distance from the mouse pointer.
Main() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.effects.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.effects.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.FFTExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.Histogram
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.HistogramIdeal
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelSimple
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.Pow4Example
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.SquareExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.SwapExample
Main - Class in
Main class.
Main() - Constructor for class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Life
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Mandel
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.NBody
Main - Class in
An example Aparapi application which demonstrates Conways 'Game Of Life'.
Main() - Constructor for class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
Main - Class in com.aparapi.examples.mandel
An example Aparapi application which displays a view of the Mandelbrot set and lets the user zoom in to a particular point.
Main() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main2D
Main - Class in com.aparapi.examples.mapreduce
Main class.
Main() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.mapreduce.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mapreduce.Main
Main - Class in com.aparapi.examples.matrix
This test class performs the following functions: 1) Create a randomly populated set of matrices for correlation/co-occurrence computation 2) Execute the CPU-based computation using Lucene FixedBitSets 3) Execute the GPU-based computation using Aparapi CorrMatrix host and kernel 4) Verify the results of FixedBitSet and CorrMatrix by comparing matrices to each other
Main() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.matrix.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.matrix.Main
NumTerms and NumLongs (documents) need to be adjusted manually right now to force 'striping' to occur (see Host code for details)
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Local
Main - Class in com.aparapi.examples.nbody
NBody implementing demonstrating Aparapi kernels.
Main() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Seq
Main - Class in com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody
NBody implementing demonstrating Aparapi kernels.
Main() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.progress.MultiPassKernelSwingWorkerDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.progress.ProgressAndCancelDemo
Main - Class in com.aparapi.examples.squares
An example Aparapi application which computes and displays squares of a set of 512 input values.
Main() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.squares.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.squares.Main
Main.BlackScholesKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes
Main.LifeKernel - Class in
LifeKernel represents the data parallel algorithm describing by Conway's game of life.
Main.MandelKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.mandel
An Aparapi Kernel implementation for creating a scaled view of the mandelbrot set.
Main.MouseTrackKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.effects
An Aparapi Kernel implementation for tracking the mouse position and coloring each pixel of a window depending on proximity to the mouse position.
Main.NBodyKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.nbody
Main.NBodyKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody
Main2D - Class in com.aparapi.examples.mandel
An example Aparapi application which displays a view of the Mandelbrot set and lets the user zoom in to a particular point.
Main2D() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main2D
Main2D.MandelKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.mandel
An Aparapi Kernel implementation for creating a scaled view of the mandelbrot set.
Mandel - Interface in com.aparapi.examples.extension
An example Aparapi application which displays a view of the Mandelbrot set and lets the user zoom in to a particular point.
Mandel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo
An example Aparapi application which displays a view of the Mandelbrot set and lets the user zoom in to a particular point.
Mandel() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Mandel
Mandel.MandelKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo
An Aparapi Kernel implementation for creating a scaled view of the mandelbrot set.
MandelBrot - Interface in com.aparapi.examples.extension
An example Aparapi application which displays a view of the Mandelbrot set and lets the user zoom in to a particular point.
mandelBrot - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelExample
Constant mandelBrot
mandelBrot - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelSimple
Constant mandelBrot
MandelExample - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
MandelExample class.
MandelExample() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelExample
MandelKernel(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Mandel.MandelKernel
Initialize the Kernel.
MandelKernel(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main.MandelKernel
Initialize the Kernel.
MandelKernel(int[]) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main2D.MandelKernel
Initialize the Kernel.
MandelSimple - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
MandelSimple class.
MandelSimple() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelSimple
MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
MDArray - Class in com.aparapi.examples.mdarray
MDArray class.
MDArray() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
MedianDemo - Class in com.aparapi.examples.median
Demonstrate use of __private namespaces and @NoCL annotations.
MedianDemo() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianDemo
MedianKernel7x7 - Class in com.aparapi.examples.median
Provides support for pixel windows of size no greater than 49 (e.g.
MedianKernel7x7() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
MedianSettings - Class in com.aparapi.examples.median
MedianSettings class.
MedianSettings(int) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianSettings
Constructor for MedianSettings.
MedianSettings(int, int) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianSettings
Constructor for MedianSettings.
mousePosition - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.effects.Main
We track the latest mouse position here.
MouseTrackKernel(int, int, int[], int[], float[], float[]) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.effects.Main.MouseTrackKernel
Initialize the Kernel.
move(int, int, double) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
go to new coordinates using x,y pixel as new center and a zoom factor.
MultiPassKernelSwingWorkerDemo - Class in com.aparapi.examples.progress
Demonstrates progress tracking and cancellation for multi-pass kernels, via MultiPassKernelSwingWorker.
MultiPassKernelSwingWorkerDemo() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.progress.MultiPassKernelSwingWorkerDemo


NBody - Class in com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo
NBody implementing demonstrating Aparapi kernels.
NBody() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.NBody
NBody.NBodyKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo
NBodyKernel(Range) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.NBody.NBodyKernel
NBodyKernel(Range) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Local.NBodyKernel
NBodyKernel(Range) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Main.NBodyKernel
Constructor initializes xyz and vxyz arrays.
NBodyKernel(int) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Seq.NBodyKernel
Constructor initializes xyz and vxyz arrays.
NBodyKernel(Range) - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Main.NBodyKernel
Constructor initializes xyz and vxyz arrays.
nextGeneration() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Life.LifeKernel
nextGeneration() - Method in class


Pow4Example - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
Pow4Example class.
Pow4Example() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.Pow4Example
print(String) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.StopWatch
processImages(MedianSettings) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
processPixel(int) - Method in class
ProfilingDemo - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
Demonstrate new enhanced profiling capability, profiling the kernel from the blackscholes sample.
ProfilingDemo() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.ProfilingDemo
ProfilingDemoNoBinaryCaching - Class in com.aparapi.examples.configuration
Created by Barney on 13/09/2015.
ProfilingDemoNoBinaryCaching() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.ProfilingDemoNoBinaryCaching
ProgressAndCancelDemo - Class in com.aparapi.examples.progress
Demonstrates progress tracking and cancellation for multi-pass kernels.
ProgressAndCancelDemo() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.progress.ProgressAndCancelDemo
PureJava - Class in com.aparapi.examples.convolution
PureJava class.
PureJava() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.convolution.PureJava


RANGE - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.progress.LongRunningKernel
Constant RANGE=20000
refresh() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfGUI
after the main has completed calculations It calls the GUI refresh.
report() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.progress.LongRunningKernel
requestStop() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfBenchmark
used by the GUI to ask to stop benchmark
resetImage(int, int, int[]) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main.MandelKernel
resizeImage() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfGUI
after frame resize we have to instantiate a new image and reinitialize the main
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfKernel
just executes the "simple" math on a pixel
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes.Main.BlackScholesKernel
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.KernelOkayInOpenCL
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.KernelWithAlternateFallbackAlgorithm
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.configuration.KernelWithoutAlternateFallbackAlgorithm
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.effects.Main.MouseTrackKernel
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Life.LifeKernel
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Mandel.MandelKernel
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.NBody.NBodyKernel
Here is the kernel entrypoint.
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main.MandelKernel
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main2D.MandelKernel
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.matrix.CorrMatrixKernel
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Local.NBodyKernel
Here is the kernel entrypoint.
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Main.NBodyKernel
Here is the kernel entrypoint.
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Seq.NBodyKernel
Here is the kernel entrypoint.
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Main.NBodyKernel
Here is the kernel entrypoint.
run() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.progress.LongRunningKernel
running - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.NBody
Constant running
running - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Local
Constant running
running - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Main
Constant running
running - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Seq
Constant running=
running - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Main
Constant running


Seq - Class in com.aparapi.examples.nbody
NBody implemented sequentially For a description of the NBody problem, see n-body problem We use JOGL to render the bodies.
Seq() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Seq
Seq.NBodyKernel - Class in com.aparapi.examples.nbody
setM(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Setter for the field m.
setPhi(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
setRadius(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
setScaleAndOffset(float, float, float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Mandel.MandelKernel
setScaleAndOffset(float, float, float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main.MandelKernel
setScaleAndOffset(float, float, float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main2D.MandelKernel
setTheta(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
setUpWindow() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianKernel7x7
setVx(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Setter for the field vx.
setVy(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Setter for the field vy.
setVz(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Setter for the field vz.
setX(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Setter for the field x.
setY(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Setter for the field y.
setZ(float) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Body
Setter for the field z.
showArray(float[], String, int) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes.Main.BlackScholesKernel
showResults(int) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.blackscholes.Main.BlackScholesKernel
SquareExample - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
SquareExample class.
SquareExample() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.SquareExample
Srun1D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Srun2D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Srun3D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
start() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.StopWatch
start - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Mandel
Constant start=0
stopBenchmark() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
stops the benchmark thread
stopThread() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
StopWatch - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
StopWatch class.
StopWatch() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.StopWatch
SwapExample - Class in com.aparapi.examples.extension
SwapExample class.
SwapExample() - Constructor for class com.aparapi.examples.extension.SwapExample


testImage - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianDemo
Constant testImage
texture - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.NBody
Constant texture
texture - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Main
Constant texture
threadGo() - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
threadGo(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
threadGoHome(int) - Method in class com.aparapi.examples.afmandelbrot.AfMain
to - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelExample
User selected zoom-in point on the Mandelbrot view.
to - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.extension.MandelSimple
User selected zoom-in point on the Mandelbrot view.
to - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.Mandel
User selected zoom-in point on the Mandelbrot view.
to - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main
User selected zoom-in point on the Mandelbrot view.
to - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.mandel.Main2D
User selected zoom-in point on the Mandelbrot view.


width - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.javaonedemo.NBody
Constant width
width - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Local
Constant width
width - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Main
Constant width
width - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.nbody.Seq
Constant width=
width - Static variable in class com.aparapi.examples.oopnbody.Main
Constant width
windowHeight - Variable in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianSettings
windowWidth - Variable in class com.aparapi.examples.median.MedianSettings


Zrun1D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Zrun2D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
Zrun3D() - Static method in class com.aparapi.examples.mdarray.MDArray
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