Package com.aparapi

Class Range

public class Range
extends RangeJNI
A representation of 1, 2 or 3 dimensional range of execution. This class uses factory methods to allow one, two or three dimensional ranges to be created.
For a Kernel operating over the linear range 0..1024 without a specified groups size we would create a one dimensional Range using
To request the same linear range but with a groupSize of 64 (range must be a multiple of group size!) we would use
To request a two dimensional range over a grid (0..width)x(0..height) where width==512 and height=256 we would use
 int width=512;
 int height=256;
Again the above does not specify the group size. One will be chosen for you. If you want to specify the groupSize (say 16x8; 16 wide by 8 high) use
 int width=512;
 int height=256;
 int groupWidth=16;
 int groupHeight=8;
 Range.create2D(width, height, groupWidth, groupHeight);
Finally we can request a three dimensional range using
 int width=512;
 int height=256;
 int depth=8;
 Range.create3D(width, height, depth);
And can specify a group size using
  int width=512;
  int height=256;
  int depth=8;
  int groupWidth=8;
  int groupHeight=4;
  int groupDepth=2
  Range.create3D(width, height, depth, groupWidth, groupHeight, groupDepth);
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Range

      public Range​(Device _device, int _dims)
      Minimal constructor
      _device -
      _dims -
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static Range create​(Device _device, int _globalWidth, int _localWidth)
      Create a one dimensional range 0.._globalWidth which is processed in groups of size _localWidth.
      Note that for this range to be valid :
      _globalWidth > 0 && _localWidth > 0 && _localWidth < MAX_GROUP_SIZE && _globalWidth % _localWidth==0
      _globalWidth - the overall range we wish to process
      _localWidth - the size of the group we wish to process.
      A new Range with the requested dimensions
    • create

      public static Range create​(Device _device, int _globalWidth)
      Create a one dimensional range 0.._globalWidth with an undefined group size.
      Note that for this range to be valid :-
      _globalWidth > 0
      The groupsize will be chosen such that _localWidth > 0 && _localWidth < MAX_GROUP_SIZE && _globalWidth % _localWidth==0 is true We extract the factors of _globalWidth and choose the highest value.
      _globalWidth - the overall range we wish to process
      A new Range with the requested dimensions
    • create

      public static Range create​(int _globalWidth, int _localWidth)
    • create

      public static Range create​(int _globalWidth)
    • create2D

      public static Range create2D​(Device _device, int _globalWidth, int _globalHeight, int _localWidth, int _localHeight)
      Create a two dimensional range 0.._globalWidth x 0.._globalHeight using a group which is _localWidth x _localHeight in size.
      Note that for this range to be valid _globalWidth > 0 && _globalHeight >0 && _localWidth>0 && _localHeight>0 && _localWidth*_localHeight < MAX_GROUP_SIZE && _globalWidth%_localWidth==0 && _globalHeight%_localHeight==0.
      _globalWidth - the overall range we wish to process
    • create2D

      public static Range create2D​(Device _device, int _globalWidth, int _globalHeight)
      Create a two dimensional range 0.._globalWidth * 0.._globalHeight choosing suitable values for localWidth and localHeight.

      Note that for this range to be valid _globalWidth > 0 && _globalHeight >0 && _localWidth>0 && _localHeight>0 && _localWidth*_localHeight < MAX_GROUP_SIZE && _globalWidth%_localWidth==0 && _globalHeight%_localHeight==0.

      To determine suitable values for _localWidth and _localHeight we extract the factors for _globalWidth and _globalHeight and then find the largest product ( <= MAX_GROUP_SIZE) with the lowest perimeter.

      For example for MAX_GROUP_SIZE of 16 we favor 4x4 over 1x16.

      _globalWidth - the overall range we wish to process
    • create2D

      public static Range create2D​(int _globalWidth, int _globalHeight, int _localWidth, int _localHeight)
    • create2D

      public static Range create2D​(int _globalWidth, int _globalHeight)
    • create3D

      public static Range create3D​(Device _device, int _globalWidth, int _globalHeight, int _globalDepth, int _localWidth, int _localHeight, int _localDepth)
      Create a two dimensional range 0.._globalWidth * 0.._globalHeight *0../_globalDepth in groups defined by localWidth * localHeight * localDepth.

      Note that for this range to be valid _globalWidth > 0 && _globalHeight >0 _globalDepth >0 && _localWidth>0 && _localHeight>0 && _localDepth>0 && _localWidth*_localHeight*_localDepth < MAX_GROUP_SIZE && _globalWidth%_localWidth==0 && _globalHeight%_localHeight==0 && _globalDepth%_localDepth==0.

      _globalWidth - the width of the 3D grid we wish to process
      _globalHeight - the height of the 3D grid we wish to process
      _globalDepth - the depth of the 3D grid we wish to process
      _localWidth - the width of the 3D group we wish to process
      _localHeight - the height of the 3D group we wish to process
      _localDepth - the depth of the 3D group we wish to process
    • create3D

      public static Range create3D​(Device _device, int _globalWidth, int _globalHeight, int _globalDepth)
      Create a three dimensional range 0.._globalWidth * 0.._globalHeight *0../_globalDepth choosing suitable values for localWidth, localHeight and localDepth.

      Note that for this range to be valid _globalWidth > 0 && _globalHeight >0 _globalDepth >0 && _localWidth>0 && _localHeight>0 && _localDepth>0 && _localWidth*_localHeight*_localDepth < MAX_GROUP_SIZE && _globalWidth%_localWidth==0 && _globalHeight%_localHeight==0 && _globalDepth%_localDepth==0.

      To determine suitable values for _localWidth,_localHeight and _lodalDepth we extract the factors for _globalWidth,_globalHeight and _globalDepth and then find the largest product ( <= MAX_GROUP_SIZE) with the lowest perimeter.

      For example for MAX_GROUP_SIZE of 64 we favor 4x4x4 over 1x16x16.

      _globalWidth - the width of the 3D grid we wish to process
      _globalHeight - the height of the 3D grid we wish to process
      _globalDepth - the depth of the 3D grid we wish to process
    • create3D

      public static Range create3D​(int _globalWidth, int _globalHeight, int _globalDepth)
    • create3D

      public static Range create3D​(int _globalWidth, int _globalHeight, int _globalDepth, int _localWidth, int _localHeight, int _localDepth)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Override toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getLocalSize

      public int getLocalSize​(int _dim)
      Get the localSize (of the group) given the requested dimension
      _dim - 0=width, 1=height, 2=depth
      The size of the group give the requested dimension
    • getGlobalSize

      public int getGlobalSize​(int _dim)
      Get the globalSize (of the range) given the requested dimension
      _dim - 0=width, 1=height, 2=depth
      The size of the group give the requested dimension
    • getNumGroups

      public int getNumGroups​(int _dim)
      Get the number of groups for the given dimension.

      This will essentially return globalXXXX/localXXXX for the given dimension (width, height, depth)

      _dim - The dim we are interested in 0, 1 or 2
      the number of groups for the given dimension.
    • getWorkGroupSize

      public int getWorkGroupSize()
      The product of all valid localSize dimensions
    • getDevice

      public Device getDevice()
    • getGlobalSize_0

      public int getGlobalSize_0()
      the globalSize_0
    • setGlobalSize_0

      public void setGlobalSize_0​(int globalSize_0)
      globalSize_0 - the globalSize_0 to set
    • getLocalSize_0

      public int getLocalSize_0()
      the localSize_0
    • setLocalSize_0

      public void setLocalSize_0​(int localSize_0)
      localSize_0 - the localSize_0 to set
    • getGlobalSize_1

      public int getGlobalSize_1()
      the globalSize_1
    • setGlobalSize_1

      public void setGlobalSize_1​(int globalSize_1)
      globalSize_1 - the globalSize_1 to set
    • getLocalSize_1

      public int getLocalSize_1()
      the localSize_1
    • setLocalSize_1

      public void setLocalSize_1​(int localSize_1)
      localSize_1 - the localSize_1 to set
    • getGlobalSize_2

      public int getGlobalSize_2()
      the globalSize_2
    • setGlobalSize_2

      public void setGlobalSize_2​(int globalSize_2)
      globalSize_2 - the globalSize_2 to set
    • getLocalSize_2

      public int getLocalSize_2()
      the localSize_2
    • setLocalSize_2

      public void setLocalSize_2​(int localSize_2)
      localSize_2 - the localSize_2 to set
    • getDims

      public int getDims()
      Get the number of dims for this Range.
      0, 1 or 2 for one dimensional, two dimensional and three dimensional range respectively.
    • setDims

      public void setDims​(int dims)
      dims - the dims to set
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid()
      the valid
    • setValid

      public void setValid​(boolean valid)
      valid - the valid to set
    • isLocalIsDerived

      public boolean isLocalIsDerived()
      the localIsDerived
    • setLocalIsDerived

      public void setLocalIsDerived​(boolean localIsDerived)
      localIsDerived - the localIsDerived to set
    • getMaxWorkGroupSize

      public int getMaxWorkGroupSize()
      the maxWorkGroupSize
    • setMaxWorkGroupSize

      public void setMaxWorkGroupSize​(int maxWorkGroupSize)
      maxWorkGroupSize - the maxWorkGroupSize to set
    • getMaxWorkItemSize

      public int[] getMaxWorkItemSize()
      the maxWorkItemSize
    • setMaxWorkItemSize

      public void setMaxWorkItemSize​(int[] maxWorkItemSize)
      maxWorkItemSize - the maxWorkItemSize to set