Class KernelManager


public class KernelManager
extends Object
Created by Barney on 24/08/2015.
  • Method Details

    • instance

      public static KernelManager instance()
    • setKernelManager

      public static void setKernelManager​(KernelManager manager)
    • sharedKernelInstance

      public static <T extends Kernel> T sharedKernelInstance​(Class<T> kernelClass)
      This method returns a shared instance of a given Kernel subclass. The kernelClass needs a no-args constructor, which need not be public.

      Each new Kernel instance requires a new JNIContext, the creation of which is expensive. There is apparently no simple solution by which a cached JNIContext can be reused for all instances of a given Kernel class, since it is intimately connected with resource aquisition and release. In the absence of a context caching solution, it is often highly desirable to only ever create one instance of any given Kernel subclass, which this method facilitates.

      In order to maintain thread saftey when using a shared instance, it is necessary to synchronize on the returned kernel for the duration of the process of setting up, executing and extracting the results from that kernel.

      This method instantiates a Kernel (per Kernel class) via Reflection, and thus can only be used where the Kernel class has a no-args constructor, which need not be public. In fact, if a Kernel subclass is designed to be used in conjunction with this method, it is recommended that its only constructor is a private no-args constructor.

      RuntimeException - if the class cannot be instantiated
    • reportDeviceUsage

      public void reportDeviceUsage​(StringBuilder builder, boolean withProfilingInfo)
      Append a report to builder which contains information, per Kernel subclass, on which device is currently being used for the kernel class, and which (if any) devices failed to execute a given Kernel.
    • reportProfilingSummary

      public void reportProfilingSummary​(StringBuilder builder)
    • getPreferences

      public KernelPreferences getPreferences​(Kernel kernel)
    • setPreferredDevices

      public void setPreferredDevices​(Kernel _kernel, LinkedHashSet<Device> _devices)
    • getDefaultPreferences

      public KernelPreferences getDefaultPreferences()
    • setDefaultPreferredDevices

      public void setDefaultPreferredDevices​(LinkedHashSet<Device> _devices)
    • bestDevice

      public Device bestDevice()
    • getProfile

      public KernelProfile getProfile​(Class<? extends Kernel> kernelClass)