All Classes and Interfaces

Specialization of Calculator directly supporting streaming calculations over Quantity and CalculatedValue streams.
A launchable intended to be used from a Configurator to notify an actor about new configuration.
Deserializer for a Pekko ActorRef.
Serializer for a Pekko ActorRef.
Serializer for a Pekko ActorRef.
An actor that handles the data sent from an agg client.
TCP Server that listens for aggregation client connections.
Supervises the connection's actors.
Unifies units.
Handles extracting the sharding information from an aggregation message.
Serves as a data class for storing data for aggregated values after computation.
Builder implementation for AggregatedData.
Class for building messages from the raw, on-the-wire bytes in the TCP stream.
The aggregation mode applied to data.
Encapsulates a List of AggregationMessage instances and an AggregationMode to be applied to those messages.
Builder implementation for AggregationRequest.
Actual actor responsible for aggregating.
Message to request shutdown of aggregation router and subordinate streaming aggregator actor pair.
This class provides searchable access to runtime annotations.
Assists Guice-instantiated classes in shutting down.
A calculator base class.
Abstract base class for Configuration implementations which implements the shared convenience methods which rely core methods.
Common base class for Configuration implementations based on Jackson's ObjectMapper.
Builder implementation for BaseJacksonConfiguration.
Abstract base class for JsonNodeSource implementations.
Builder implementation for BaseJsonNodeSource.
Abstract base class for common functionality for publishing AggregatedData.
Base Builder implementation for Sink implementations.
A statistic base class.
Circonus api for a broker list response.
Represents a broker object in the Circonus API.
Builder implementation for BrokerListResponse.Broker.
Represents the details block of a broker object.
Builder implementation for BrokerListResponse.BrokerDetails.
Actor whose responsibility it is to refresh the list of available circonus brokers.
Message class used to indicate that a broker lookup has completed.
Message class used to indicate that a broker lookup has failed.
Represents a value that is reaggregatable.
Builder implementation for CalculatedValue.
Interface for classes providing computation of a statistic.
Publisher to send data to a Carbon server.
Implementation of builder pattern for CarbonSink.
Map method that just casts to another class.
Represents a check bundle in Circonus.
Builder implementation for CheckBundle.
Actor responsible for keeping check bundle metrics active.
Message class used to notify the refresher about a check bundle.
Async Circonus API client.
Builder implementation for CirconusClient.
A traditional tsdcore single threaded sink to act as an adapter for the actor-based sink.
Builder for CirconusSink.
Reports data to Circonus HttpTrap.
Message class to wrap a list of AggregatedData.
Representation of cluster aggregator configuration.
Builder implementation for ClusterAggregatorConfiguration.
Caches the cluster state.
Request to get a cluster status.
Response to a cluster status request.
Collects futures and provides them in a combined promise.
A metric-based aggregation model.
Builder implementationfor CombinedMetricData.
Representation of a computed statistic and related data.
Describes a condition.
Builder implementation for Condition.
Serves as a router for configuration-created actors.
Message class to cause a new configuration to be applied.
Message class to tell observers that a new actor has started due to a configuration change.
Message class to send to the ConfigurableActorProxy to indicate you want to receive event notifications.
Interface for classes which provide configuration.
Manages configuration and reconfiguration of a Launchable instance using a POJO representation of its configuration.
Defines a factory for creating Launchable objects from a config object.
Counts the entries.
Database instance abstraction across database technologies: HikariCP, Flyway and EBean.
Represents the database configuration.
Builder implementation for DatabaseConfiguration.
A partition set that is backed by an eBean database.
Publishes aggregations to Data Dog.
Implementation of builder pattern for DataDogSink.
Resolves a host name using the built-in java functions.
Filtering sink for excluding data based on dimensions present or absent.
Implementation of builder pattern for DimensionFilteringSink.
Sink adds any specified dimensions.
Implementation of builder pattern for DimensionInjectingSink.
Implementation of DynamicConfigurationFactory which maps keys to file names in a directory.
Builder implementation for DirectoryDynamicConfigurationFactory.
Trigger implementation based on the contents of a directory.
Builder implementation for DirectoryTrigger.
Sink extracts and adds dimension for "domain" based on hostname.
Implementation of builder pattern for DomainInjectingSink.
Dynamic configuration implementation of Configuration.
Interface for classes which create DynamicConfiguration instances.
Key descriptor.
Holds the sinks and emits to them.
Representation of an emitter configuration for cluster aggregator.
Builder implementation for EmitterConfiguration.
The aggregation is performed with a user-defined expression.
Trigger implementation based on a file's modified date and its hash.
Builder implementation for FileTrigger.
Fully qualified data space name.
Builder implementation for FQDSN.
Fully qualified statistic name.
Builder implementation for FQSN.
Shuts down the Pekko cluster gracefully.
Message to initiate a graceful shutdown.
A Guice-based factory for Pekko actors.
The primary Guice module used to bootstrap the cluster aggregator.
Histogram statistic.
A simple histogram implementation.
Represents a snapshot of immutable histogram data.
Supporting data based on a histogram.
Builder implementation for HistogramStatistic.HistogramSupportingData.
Typesafe config based configuration sourced from a file and mapped to a JsonNode.
Builder for HoconFileSource.
Used to get the local hostname.
Publishes to an HTTP endpoint.
Implementation of abstract builder pattern for HttpPostSink.
Represents a parsable HTTP request.
Actor that sends HTTP requests via a Ning HTTP client.
Message class to wrap a list of AggregatedData.
Source that uses HTTP POSTs as input.
Publishes to a InfluxDB endpoint.
Implementation of builder pattern for InfluxDbSink.
Simple in-memory partition manager.
This class provides searchable access to classes by interface.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a directory.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a file.
Builder for JsonNodeFileSource.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a literal string.
Json based configuration sourced by merging zero or more JsonNodeSource instances together.
Builder implementation for JsonNodeMergingSource.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a paginated URI.
Builder for JsonNodeUriSource.
Interface for sourcing JsonNode based configuration.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a file.
Builder for JsonNodeUriSource.
Actor responsible for collecting JVM metrics on a periodic basis.
Publishes to a KairosDbSink endpoint.
Implementation of builder pattern for KairosDbSink.
Publishes aggregations to KMonD.
Implementation of builder pattern for MonitordSink.
Interface for components which can be started and stopped.
Compares strings lexically and numerically by splitting on digits and using the full number for numerical comparison.
Provides a way to register for lifecycle events, ensuring that Guice-instantiated classes can be notified.
Interface for consumers registered for configuration events.
Entry point for the pekko-based cluster aggregator.
Max statistic (e.g.
Accumulator computing the maximum of values.
Takes the mean of the entries.
Calculator computing the average.
Top median statistic (aka 50th percentile).
Implementation of DynamicConfigurationFactory which maps keys to zero or more subordinate DynamicConfigurationFactory instances.
Builder implementation for MergingDynamicConfigurationFactory.
A publisher that wraps another, filters the metrics with regular expressions, and forwards included metrics to the wrapped sink.
Base MetricNameFilteringSink.Builder implementation.
Message class to request the collected metrics.
The type of data.
Min statistic (e.g.
Accumulator computing the minimum of values.
Publishes aggregations to Monitord.
Implementation of builder pattern for MonitordSink.
A publisher that wraps multiple others and publishes to all of them.
Implementation of builder pattern for MultiSink.
Marker interface for statistics which require values to be ordered from smallest to largest.
Implementation of the least shard allocation strategy that seeks to parallelize shard rebalancing.
Notification message that contains rebalance status.
Model that holds the count of entries in a partition.
Model that holds the data for a partition.
Model that holds the aggregate partitions for a PartitionSet.
Represents a set of partitions and a way to register and retrieve the mappings.
Factory for creating partition sets.
Jackson module for serializing and deserializing Pekko objects.
Jackson module for serializing and deserializing Pekko objects.
A publisher that wraps another, filters the metrics with specific periods, and forwards included metrics to the wrapped sink.
Base PeriodFilteringSink.Builder implementation.
Contains the data for a specific period in time.
Builder implementation for PeriodicData.
Actor that listens for metrics messages, updates internal state, and emits them.
Aggregates and periodically logs metrics about the aggregated data being record; effectively, this is metrics about metrics.
Implementation of builder pattern for PeriodicStatisticsSink.
Holds the node metrics for a single period.
Represents a sample.
Builder implementation for Quantity.
A Sink that only allows a percentage of data through to the wrapped Sink.
Implementation of the builder pattern for RandomMetricNameFilterSink.
Represents the shard rebalancing configuration.
Builder implementation for RebalanceConfiguration.
Reconfigurator<T extends Relaunchable<? super S>,S>
Manages configuration and reconfiguration of a Relaunchable instance using a POJO representation of its configuration.
Default implementation of InterfaceDatabase.
Interface for components which can be restarted.
Implementation of DynamicConfigurationFactory which maps two part keys to cluster and service parameter values in API calls to ReMet Gui for configuration data.
Builder implementation for ReMetGuiDynamicConfigurationFactory.
Contains the info for a http request.
Builder implementation for RequestEntry.
Http server routes.
RRD publisher that maintains all the rrd databases for a cluster.
Implementation of builder pattern for RrdSink.
A publisher that wraps another, filters the metrics with regular expressions, and forwards included metrics to the wrapped sink.
Represents a shard allocation.
Builder implementation for ShardAllocation.
Publishes aggregations to Signal FX.
Implementation of builder pattern for SignalFxSink.
Interface to describe a class that publishes PeriodicData.
Static configuration implementation of Configuration.
Builder for StaticConfiguration.
Interface for a statistic calculator.
Jackson JsonDeserializer implementation for Statistic using StatisticFactory.
Creates statistics.
Periodically polls the cluster status and caches the result.
Represents a health check request.
Represents a status request.
Response model for the status http endpoint.
Builder implementation for StatusResponse.
Container class that holds aggregation pending records.
Actual actor responsible for aggregating.
Takes the sum of the entries.
Accumulator computing the sum of values.
Abstract publisher to send data to a server via Pekko TCP channel.
Implementation of base builder pattern for TcpSink.
Actor that sends TCP data with Pekko.
Message class to wrap a list of AggregatedData.
A sink to filter old data.
Base TimeThresholdSink.Builder implementation.
Base class for percentile based statistics.
Calculator computing the percentile of values.
Interface for classes which evaluate when to reload configuration.
A simple interface that blocks the current thread.
Scheduler that will send a message in a uniform random time interval.
Builder implementation for UniformRandomTimeScheduler.
Specifies the unit on a counter variable.
Implementation of Sink which maps values in one unit to another.
Implementation of builder pattern for UnitMappingSink.
Trigger implementation based on a uri's last modified date and ETag.
Builder implementation for UriTrigger.
Represents the model for the version of the service currently running.