
object Vault
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final case class InvalidRequirement(message: String) extends Throwable
final case class NonRenewableSecret(leaseId: String) extends Throwable
final case class NonRenewableToken(leaseId: String) extends Throwable

Value members

Concrete methods

def generateCertificate[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(token: String, secretPath: String, payload: CertificateRequest)(F: Sync[F]): F[VaultSecret[CertificateData]]

def generateSecret[F[_], A, B](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(token: String, secretPath: String, payload: A)(`evidence$1`: Encoder[A], `evidence$2`: Decoder[B], F: Sync[F]): F[VaultSecret[B]]
def keepLoginAndSecretLeased[F[_], A](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(token: VaultToken, secretPath: String, duration: FiniteDuration, waitInterval: FiniteDuration)(`evidence$3`: Concurrent[F], `evidence$4`: Decoder[A], T: Timer[F]): Stream[F, A]

This function logs in, requests a secret and then continually asks for a duration extension of the lease after each waitInterval

This function logs in, requests a secret and then continually asks for a duration extension of the lease after each waitInterval

def keepLoginRenewed[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(token: VaultToken, tokenLeaseExtension: FiniteDuration)(`evidence$7`: Concurrent[F], T: Timer[F]): Stream[F, String]

This function logs into the Vault server given by the vaultUri, to obtain a loginToken. It then also provides a Stream that continuously renews the token when it is about to finish.

This function logs into the Vault server given by the vaultUri, to obtain a loginToken. It then also provides a Stream that continuously renews the token when it is about to finish.

  • keeps the token constantly renewed
  • Upon termination of the Stream (from the using application) revokes the token. However, any error on revoking the token is ignored.
def kubernetesLogin[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(role: String, jwt: String)(F: Sync[F]): F[VaultToken]

def listSecrets[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(token: String, secretPath: String)(F: Sync[F]): F[VaultKeys] uses GET alternative vs LIST

def login[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(roleId: String)(F: Sync[F]): F[VaultToken]

def loginAndKeep[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(roleId: String, tokenLeaseExtension: FiniteDuration)(`evidence$8`: Concurrent[F], T: Timer[F]): Stream[F, String]
def loginAndKeepSecretLeased[F[_], A](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(roleId: String, secretPath: String, duration: FiniteDuration, waitInterval: FiniteDuration)(`evidence$5`: Concurrent[F], `evidence$6`: Decoder[A], T: Timer[F]): Stream[F, A]
def readSecret[F[_], A](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(token: String, secretPath: String)(F: Sync[F], D: Decoder[A]): F[VaultSecret[A]]

def readSecretAndRetain[F[_], A](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri, clientToken: String)(secretPath: String, leaseExtension: FiniteDuration)(`evidence$9`: Concurrent[F], `evidence$10`: Decoder[A], T: Timer[F]): Stream[F, A]

This function uses the given Vault client, uri, and authenticated token to obtain a secret from Vault. It then also provides a Stream that continuously renews the lease on that secret, when it is about to finish. Upon termination of the Stream (from the using application) revokes the token (but any error on revokation is ignored).

This function uses the given Vault client, uri, and authenticated token to obtain a secret from Vault. It then also provides a Stream that continuously renews the lease on that secret, when it is about to finish. Upon termination of the Stream (from the using application) revokes the token (but any error on revokation is ignored).

def renewLease[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(leaseId: String, newLeaseDuration: FiniteDuration, token: String)(F: Sync[F]): F[VaultSecretRenewal]

def renewSelfToken[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(token: VaultToken, newLeaseDuration: FiniteDuration)(F: Sync[F]): F[VaultToken]

def revokeLease[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(clientToken: String, leaseId: String)(F: Sync[F]): F[Unit]

def revokeSelfToken[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri)(token: VaultToken)(F: Sync[F]): F[Unit]