
object Transit
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def decrypt[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri, token: String, key: KeyName)(cipherText: CipherText)(implicit evidence$5: Sync[F]): F[PlainText]

Function to decrypt data.

def decryptBatch[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri, token: String, key: KeyName)(cipherTexts: NonEmptyList[CipherText])(implicit evidence$7: Sync[F]): F[NonEmptyList[Or[PlainText]]]

Function to decrypt data, given some context information.

Function to decrypt data, given some context information.

Returns a list of the results, where each entry in the list is the result of attempting to decrypt the ciphertext that was located at the same position in the input. The result is either an error, if something went wrong with this particular CipherText, or the PlainText.

def decryptBatchInContext[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri, token: String, key: KeyName)(inputs: NonEmptyList[(CipherText, Context)])(implicit evidence$8: Sync[F]): F[NonEmptyList[Or[PlainText]]]

Function to decrypt a batch of data, where each ciphertext is accompanied by its context information.

Function to decrypt a batch of data, where each ciphertext is accompanied by its context information.

Returns a list of the results, where each entry in the list is the result of attempting to decrypt the ciphertext that was located at the same position in the input. The result is either an error, if something went wrong with this particular input pair of CipherText and Context, or with the PlainText.

def decryptInContext[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri, token: String, key: KeyName)(cipherText: CipherText, context: Context)(implicit evidence$6: Sync[F]): F[PlainText]

Function to decrypt data, given some context information.

Function to decrypt data, given some context information.

def encrypt[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri, token: String, key: KeyName)(plaintext: PlainText)(implicit evidence$2: Sync[F]): F[CipherText]

Function to encrypt data.

def encryptBatch[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri, token: String, key: KeyName)(plaintexts: NonEmptyList[PlainText])(implicit evidence$4: Sync[F]): F[NonEmptyList[Or[CipherText]]]
def encryptInContext[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri, token: String, key: KeyName)(plaintext: PlainText, context: Context)(implicit evidence$3: Sync[F]): F[CipherText]

Function to encrypt data.

def keyDetails[F[_]](client: Client[F], vaultUri: Uri, token: String, key: KeyName)(implicit evidence$1: Sync[F]): F[KeyDetails]

Function to get the details and information of a transit Key, such as the cipher being used, and whether it supports convergent encryption.

Function to get the details and information of a transit Key, such as the cipher being used, and whether it supports convergent encryption.