



package filemanagement

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CallbackActor extends Actor with ActorLogging

    Actor that performs Callbacks

    Actor that performs Callbacks

    This allows us to rather easily control concurrency in the parent MonitorActor by simply spawning a certain number of actors in the routing pool.

    Should be created via companion method's props

  2. class CallbackRegistry extends RecursiveFileActions

    Immutable class for holding the callbacks for a given path

    Immutable class for holding the callbacks for a given path

    Should be instantiated via companion object above

  3. class FileSystemWatchMessageForwardingActor extends MonitorActor

    This is a simple actor that can be used directly to send a message whenever a dir is modified.

    This is a simple actor that can be used directly to send a message whenever a dir is modified.

    It sends the changed dir message whenever changes happen to the directory.

    Should be instantiated using the Props returned from the companion object's apply method

  4. class MonitorActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with RecursiveFileActions

    Actor for registering callbacks and delegating callback execution

    Actor for registering callbacks and delegating callback execution

    Should be instantiated with Props provided via companion object factory method

  5. trait RecursiveFileActions extends AnyRef

    Trait for allowing a block of code to be run recursively given a directory path

  6. class RxMonitor extends AnyRef

    RxScala-based class that exposes the Observable interface for file monitoring

    RxScala-based class that exposes the Observable interface for file monitoring

    Actually powered by an Actor underneath the covers because we do need to keep state (in particular the CallbackRegistry).

  7. class WatchServiceTask extends Runnable

    WatchService class that implements a Run method for passing into a thread

    WatchService class that implements a Run method for passing into a thread

    Largely inspired by Takes care of registering paths to be monitored as well as logic that takes care of properly shutting down and monitoring the watcher thread

Value Members

  1. object CallbackActor

    Companion object for CallbackActor to allow easy creation of props via apply method

  2. object CallbackRegistry

    Factory object for creating a CallbackRegistry based on a passed in FileEvent

  3. object EventTracker extends Serializable
  4. object FileSystemWatchMessageForwardingActor
  5. object Messages
  6. object MonitorActor

    Companion object for creating Monitor actor instances

  7. object RegistryTypes
  8. object RxMonitor

    Companion object for instantiating a RxMonitor instance

  9. object WatchServiceTask

    Companion object for factory method
