object MDCKeys

Common keys used in MDC contexts for loggers... allows us to be somewhat consistent through the entire app especially since in logs these get sorted, so we can prefix them universally

Common keys used in MDC contexts for loggers... allows us to be somewhat consistent through the entire app especially since in logs these get sorted, so we can prefix them universally


24 Jun 2020

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def testExec(test: TestOptions): Map[String, String]
def testExec(test: TestOptions, out: TestOutcome, duration: FiniteDuration): Map[String, String]
def testSetup(test: TestOptions): Map[String, String]
def testSetup(test: TestOptions, duration: FiniteDuration): Map[String, String]
def testSetup(test: TestOptions, o: TestOutcome, duration: FiniteDuration): Map[String, String]