


package common

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AvroSerializer extends AnyRef

    Serializer from org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord and vice versa.

  2. class CustomObjectInputStream extends ObjectInputStream

    Wrapper for java.io.ObjectInputStream with additional ClassLoader to load user defined classes from module

  3. class JsonSerializer extends AnyRef

    Class based on jackson for json serialization.

    Class based on jackson for json serialization. Most commonly used in REST to serialize/deserialize api entities

  4. class KafkaClient extends AnyRef

    Provides methods to CRUD kafka topics using kafka.admin.AdminUtils and kafka.utils.ZkUtils

  5. class LeaderLatch extends AnyRef

    Wrapper for org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.leader.LeaderLatch Used to: 1) start only one module (com.bwsw.sj.common.dal.model.instance.InstanceDomain) at the time 2) in com.bwsw.sj.common.utils.EngineLiterals.batchStreamingType engine to wait for all instance tasks until they finish (as a barrier)

  6. class ObjectSerializer extends AnyRef

    Class represents a serializer from object to byte array and vice versa

  7. trait SerializerInterface extends AnyRef

    Provides methods for serialization/deserialization objects

Value Members

  1. object ObjectSizeFetcher
