
trait LogTreeSyntax[Nothing]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class DescribedComputationT[F[_], A](run: F[DescribedComputation[A]])

Represents a computation of type F[DescribedCompution[A]].

Represents a computation of type F[DescribedCompution[A]].


val x: Option[DescribedComputation[Int]] = Some(1 ~> "1")
val y: Option[DescribedComputation[Int]] = Some(2 ~> "1")
val z: Option[DescribedComputation[Int]] = (for {
 one <- DescribedComputationT(x)
 two <- DescribedComputationT(y)
 res <- DescribedComputationT(Some((one + two) ~> ("1 + 2 =" + _))
} yield res).run
object NothingShow extends Show[Nothing]

Inherited classlikes

Syntax for allowing annotations to be added to log tree nodes.

Syntax for allowing annotations to be added to log tree nodes.

The best way to see how this syntax works is to take a look at the annotations example on GitHub.

Here is a short example:

import scalaz.syntax.show._

val syntax = new LogTreeSyntax[String] {}
import syntax._

val result = 1 ~> "One" ~~ Set("Annotating with a string", "And another")
// Will print: \/-(1) - note that the 'right' means ''success''

// Will print:
// One - [Annotating with a string, And another]
Inherited from
class BooleanSyntax(b: Boolean)

Syntax for treating booleans as indicators of success or failure in a computation.

Syntax for treating booleans as indicators of success or failure in a computation.

The simplest usage is something like: myBoolean ~>? "Is my boolean true?". The 'value' and log tree of the returned treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation will indicate success or failure depending on the value of myBoolean.

Inherited from
class BranchLabelingSyntax(description: String)

Syntax for labeling or creating new branches in a log tree given a description.

Syntax for labeling or creating new branches in a log tree given a description.

Inherited from
class EitherSyntax[V](either: Either[String, V])

Syntax for treating scalaz.\/ as signifiers of success or failure in a computation.

Syntax for treating scalaz.\/ as signifiers of success or failure in a computation.

The simplest usage is something like: myEither ~>? "Do I have the right?". The 'value' and log tree of the returned treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation will indicate success or failure depending on the value of myEither.

Inherited from
class FoldSyntax[V](values: Iterable[V])
Inherited from

Syntax for labeling root nodes of trees in DescribedComputions

Syntax for labeling root nodes of trees in DescribedComputions

Inherited from
class LeafSyntax[V](value: V)

Syntax for lifting values into DescribedComputations and creating leaf nodes in the log tree.

Syntax for lifting values into DescribedComputations and creating leaf nodes in the log tree.

Inherited from
class OptionSyntax[V](option: Option[V])

Syntax for treating Options as indicators of success or failure in a computation.

Syntax for treating Options as indicators of success or failure in a computation.

The simplest usage is something like: myOption ~>? "Do I have Some?". The 'value' and log tree of the returned treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation will indicate success or failure depending on the value of myOption.

Inherited from
class TraversableMonadSyntax[F[_], V](values: F[V])(`evidence$1`: Monad[F], `evidence$2`: Traverse[F])

Syntax for dealing with traversable monads

Syntax for dealing with traversable monads

Inherited from

Inherited types

type DescribedComputation[V] = EitherT[LogTreeWriter, String, V]
Inherited from
type LogTree = Tree[LogTreeLabel[Annotation]]
Inherited from
type LogTreeWriter[V] = Writer[LogTree, V]
Inherited from
type SerializableDescribedComputation[V] = (Either[String, V], SerializableTree[Annotation])
Inherited from

Value members

Inherited methods

def failure[V](description: String): DescribedComputation[V]

Create a treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation representing a failure using the given description for both the log tree label and as the content of the value, which will be a Left.

Create a treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation representing a failure using the given description for both the log tree label and as the content of the value, which will be a Left.

Inherited from
Inherited from
def success[V](value: V): DescribedComputation[V]

Create a treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation representing a success with the given value (lifted into a Right) and no description.

Create a treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation representing a success with the given value (lifted into a Right) and no description.

Inherited from
def success[V](value: V, description: String): DescribedComputation[V]

Create a treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation representing a success with the given value (lifted into a Right) and the given description in the log tree.

Create a treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation representing a success with the given value (lifted into a Right) and the given description in the log tree.

Inherited from
Inherited from


Inherited implicits

implicit val logTreeMonoid: Monoid[LogTree]
Inherited from
implicit def logTreeShow(annotationShow: Show[Nothing]): Show[LogTree]
Inherited from