Interface JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default JsonWriter getWriter​(Map<String,​Object> args)
      return the JsonWriter instance performing the overall work.
      default boolean hasPrimitiveForm()  
      default void write​(Object o, boolean showType, Writer output)
      When write() is called, it is expected that subclasses will write the appropriate JSON to the passed in Writer.
      default void write​(Object o, boolean showType, Writer output, Map<String,​Object> args)
      When write() is called, it is expected that subclasses will write the appropriate JSON to the passed in Writer.
      default void writePrimitiveForm​(Object o, Writer output)
      This method will be called to write the item in primitive form (if the response to hasPrimitiveForm() was true).
      default void writePrimitiveForm​(Object o, Writer output, Map args)
      This default implementation will call the more basic writePrimitiveForm that does not take arguments.
    • Method Detail

      • write

        default void write​(Object o,
                           boolean showType,
                           Writer output,
                           Map<String,​Object> args)
                    throws IOException
        When write() is called, it is expected that subclasses will write the appropriate JSON to the passed in Writer.
        o - Object to be written in JSON format.
        showType - boolean indicating whether to show @type.
        output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
        args - Map of 'settings' arguments initially passed into the JsonWriter.
        IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.
      • write

        default void write​(Object o,
                           boolean showType,
                           Writer output)
                    throws IOException
        When write() is called, it is expected that subclasses will write the appropriate JSON to the passed in Writer.
        o - Object to be written in JSON format.
        showType - boolean indicating whether to show @type.
        output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
        IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.
      • hasPrimitiveForm

        default boolean hasPrimitiveForm()
        boolean true if the class being written has a primitive (non-object) form. Default is false since most custom writers will not have a primitive form.
      • writePrimitiveForm

        default void writePrimitiveForm​(Object o,
                                        Writer output,
                                        Map args)
                                 throws IOException
        This default implementation will call the more basic writePrimitiveForm that does not take arguments. No need to override this method unless you need access to the args.
        o - Object to be written
        output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
        args - Map of 'settings' arguments initially passed into the JsonWriter.
        IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.
      • writePrimitiveForm

        default void writePrimitiveForm​(Object o,
                                        Writer output)
                                 throws IOException
        This method will be called to write the item in primitive form (if the response to hasPrimitiveForm() was true). Override this method if you have a primitive form and need to access the arguments that kicked off the JsonWriter.
        o - Object to be written
        output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
        IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.
      • getWriter

        default JsonWriter getWriter​(Map<String,​Object> args)
        return the JsonWriter instance performing the overall work. This can be used to do some of the safe writes and utf8 writes that JsonWriter provides.
        args - Map of settings initially passed to JsonWriter.
        JsonWriter instance performing the work.