Class Writers.DefaultEnumWriter

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultEnumWriter

        public DefaultEnumWriter()
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public void write​(Object obj,
                          boolean showType,
                          Writer output,
                          Map<String,​Object> args)
                   throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter
        When write() is called, it is expected that subclasses will write the appropriate JSON to the passed in Writer.
        Specified by:
        write in interface JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter
        obj - Object to be written in JSON format.
        showType - boolean indicating whether to show @type.
        output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
        args - Map of 'settings' arguments initially passed into the JsonWriter.
        IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.